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Posts posted by Westwood1

  1. A very out of character post for you Goldie! Do you have a personal issue with Biggs?

    You certainly aren't looking at the big picture on Buddy.


    Buddy was a very good coach when he got to Ashland and having gone through what he did this season can only give him a new perspective on coaching

  2. Scoring 40 doesn't make you a high level prospect but I was just saying...he is that kind of offensive player. Hagen Tyler is absolutely a D1 player. He would be a really good player in the OVC.


    It's all about a players fit to the program he chooses. Some throw around D1 and D2 like its the only level out there. I womder how many have really been around Mid South Conference Basketball, if you have then you would see the amount of quote "D1" players there are in that league. There are coaches in the Mid South that could out coach a lot of guys we all watch on TV coaching "D1"and there have been years in the past that you could take the Mid South all conference team and win the OVC. I hope the young finds the school, the coach and the program that fits him the best regardless of the level and has a great amount of success because he's a heckulva player

  3. The way I look at it, Kidwell, teaching at Russell and coaching at Greenup would be difficult to do, not to mention they are in the same district. I know he has thick skin, but I know for fact that coaching at one high school and teaching at another wares on a person. I'm just thinking about all the crap that that he will have to deal with during the school day.


    Merle knows the game and can coach and as far as being at Russell and coaching at Greenup then that's Russell's problem. They're the ones who chose to go a different direction.You cant tell a teacher that when they leave school everyday they cant go work at Wal Mart in the evening. As far as thick skin goes you cant coach for as long as Merle has and not have thick skin. Good for you Merle

  4. Once Hagen Tyler realizes (mentally) what he is capable of (physically), he will be an unstoppable force on the basketball court. He has the potential to score 1,500 points or more at the next level. He is the kind of player who can drop 40 on any given night.

    Hey he is a really nice player and was outstanding for Boyle throughout his career and he does have potential to get better but to say he's an unstoppable force at the next level is a little more emotion than realism. He will be a good college basketball player wherever he plays but to say he can drop 40 on any given night let's be fair to the young man. I wish him a great college career

  5. They do not

    This is a staple of Indiana High School Basketball, used to be the to 4o workout

    not sure where the selection process fits in but the players talents are showcased

    IBCA and IHSAA work together with this workout.

    In KY to my knowledge the KHSAA has never helped or it's been quite some time if they have


    Hoosier Basketball Magazine selects for Top 60 Workout


    Recruiting Insider

    Kyle Neddenriep, kyle.neddenriep@indystar.com 2:52 p.m. EDT April 2, 2015


    Hoosier Basketball Magazine has selected its participants for the 28th annual Top 60 Senior Boys Workout.


    Two sessions of the Top 60 will be held on April 12 at Marian University, in conjunction with the IBCA and IHSAA. Boys primarily from Northern and Southern Indiana will participate in a session at 1:30 p.m., followed by a session of mostly Central Indiana players at 3:30 p.m. Brownsburg coach Steve Lynch will direct both sessions.


    Both sessions are open to the public for a cost of $7.

  6. I heard something about Dane Fife getting a job soon. I'm not sure if it was Bradley or not though.

    Newly hired Bradley A.D. Chris Reynolds is a former Indiana Hoosier product who played for Knight and has been in the Big Ten since his playing days were over most recently as Asst. A.D. at Northwestern this opening could also have a Big 10 flavor to it

  7. I love the old format, you could go up on Friday and see 4 good games and spend one night in a hotel, see two good games Saturday Morning and then the championship game Saturday night and drive home and not be out all that expense.


    Make no bones about this the championship games being moved to Sunday was done for money. Did something catastriphic suddenly happen years later to one of the 100's of athletes that played in a morning and night game on the Saturday of the Sweet 16? Does anybody remember the championship final between Clay and Ballard in 88' It didnt look like it hurt Farmer and Houston to have played earlier that day

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