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Posts posted by Knownothing

  1. Does the Ky All-star team have a remote chance to win either game? On paper it appears to be lopsided in Indiana's favor. I believe Coach Breeden needs to coach both games like a real game and not an all-star game. Play the best 8 players only. Establish roles for each one of these kids. If they veer out of their role during the game then sit them. They are not children. It would be nice to beat Indiana one time.

  2. Why was he taking shots so deep? Take the higher % shots.


    I guess I did not articulate my point very well. 41% from 3 pt range is very good. The makeup of his team forced him to take shots from deep range. I was trying to say he has the ability to shoot off the dribble from deep while being guarded. Most high % 3 point shooters are stand still shooters who must be set up by their teammates.

  3. That's the X-philes latest complaint since Trinity has overtaken them in many sports.


    The truth is I know several non-catholic student-athletes that have been on X rosters in various sports over the past few years.


    They won't say what they really mean though non-catholic, BLACK athletes.


    The catholic faith is what you would call conservative. African americans aren't big on the conservative philosphy. I don't see too many african american catholic churches around. Trinity somehow finds those few outliers.

  4. St X simply could not overcome the bad karma strength and conditioning coach Mike Glaser brings to their bench. His complete hatred for Trinity is well known.

    He almost gave out as many instructions as the head coach. St X AD Alan Donhoff was trying to coax the St X adults into standing and cheering during the OT session! Hilarious! You simply will not see Mr. Saxton or Mr. Lampley walking the sideline raising their arms to encourage fan participation. The $5,000.00 cash bonus for winning the region will help cover the travel too and from Lexington, KY next week.


    That's funny about the $5,000. Just put in the endownment fund for those precious non-catholic school going athletes that find there way onto Trinity's roster every year.

  5. Very good analysis of the matchups. I agree with all your picks. That might not mean you picked all winners. You know what I mean. I believe Ballard is done for the year. This team has drove Renner nuts all season. Without Darby their bench gets pretty short. I'm picking Trinity only because they are at home and they will get 3 or 4 home court calls that will help them beat Male by a couple. Waggener is the worst matchup in the entire region for X. X's height is negated and obviously Waggener is more athletic. Eastern will beat Manual for the 3rd time.

  6. Is this Region really good or just really average?


    I saw top team Male recently beat Newport by 4, needed a half court heave to beat St. X by 3., and struggled to beat Eastern by 4.


    Trinity has lost to 11 Region teams Henry Clay, Central, and Dunbar.


    Ballard is not your typical Ballard year and St. X rounds out the top 4. After that the drop is pretty big.


    I have not seen any in person but based on some of the scores and results, I think this is a good, but not great region this year.




    Ballard is down,


    I have seen all 4 teams several times and they are each AVERAGE. This is not a great year for the 7th region. I would still say the 7th is not that far behind what the majority of people deem as the best region in the state.

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