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Posts posted by NKYSportsFreak

  1. I think it was a phenominal run and should be one of ch 19's plays of the week. I've been touting Hoge even before the season started, so am a huge fan. We just all know how it made it to SC and no other plays have from here.


    Well, I watched the top 10, and there was not a better play from any of the other nine chosen. Are you suggesting that they purposely pulled all the other "Best Plays" just to make this one look better? :idunno:


    I don't care if it was Merril Hoge, Meryl, Streep, Merril, Robert Merril, Johnny Hoge, or Yosemite Sam's kid, that was an INCREDILBE play!

  2. People don't hate Carson because he left, people hate Carson because he held up the team, and ultimately the fans! Carson was under contract and he QUIT on all of us! Yes, there is sitting out for more money, that can even be appreciated. But I lost all respect for Carson for signing a contract and then saying "I will not play for You!".


    Screw Carson! Bring back Kimo von Oelhoffen!


    So should you hate every team in the nfl then? Because it takes two to sign a contract. Teams cut players that signed a contract. Which if anything is worst because that can effect the livelihood of that player. You get a house and all that expecting to be there for at least the whole contract and then a team can break that contract and release you. So why is it a horrible thing that a player tries to break a contract when the teams do it all the time?


    Maybe Carson was the smart one. Based off how it went down, he left because Marvin came back. So he knew the Bengals may never get to where they want with him.


    Hooray for Carson!

  3. I saw a group of of NBA players standing in a circle looking at a picture of other NBA players once. One of them pointed at Rondo and called him a cuss word. The others all agreed.


    As long as none of those NBA players were Celtics, then bring on the name calling! I have no problem being called a name by the other team! It's when your own players call you names that it's a problem!


    I'm positive many opponents called Larry Bird & Karl Malone cuss-words! I'd hate to play against those guys as well, but I would have picked them first if I was choosing a team.....

  4. ^ OG, it definitely would have had an impact. I also think having Leon Hall would have stuffed the slot receiver better than we did, which would also have had an impact on the Brown's number of runs they racked up. BUT - The Browns would have opened up the middle of the field with Bengal killer Cameron, and true Field General, center Mack would have helped make the right blocking schemes.


    As much as I would like to give my Bengals an excuse of "Injuries", I just can't do it! Every team in the NFL is missing key individuals, so you just can't make that as an excuse of ineptitude and preparedness, both of which hit the Bengals in spades on Thursday!

  5. I watch the videos every week of the players motivating each other right before they take the field and it is embarrassing. It is about a junior level youth football rah rah session. Dalton is always right there but doesn't speak from what I can tell.


    In short, I agree we have a leadership issue.


    Everybody gives Ray Lewis props for being such a pregame motivator! Hunh, all Ray did was scream unintelligible syllables that no one else on his team could understand! Now that was comical! But, it would be better than nothing!

  6. Hill is right, the Brown's are NOT that good! I was at the game last night, and I watched the DVR'd game this afternoon! No, the Browns are not that good, the Bengals were THAT bad!


    Sorry, the Browns had NOTHING to do with Andy missing wide open receivers early in the game! The Browns had NOTHING to do with the Bengals safeties letting receivers run straight down the field without making a single move and be wide open! The Brown's had NOTHING to do with three Linebackers on the Bengals that I am shocked that even played High School football! No, the Browns were not that good, the Bengals were THAT BAD!

  7. I've said many times that I am off my wife's bandwagon, but I always seem to come back....


    Yes, I hate Marvin's Rah, Rah attitude. I have this teams consistent LACK of discipline! I hate this team's inability to find consistency!


    I walked across the suspension bridge last night as frustrated as I have ever been! I know they will lose in New Orleans, but - YES, I will be right in front of the television cussing just as loudly as I did last night.


    Kook-aid, well, if I was worried about the Kool-aid, I would have given up 20 years ago. To now say I will give up the ghost makes me look pretty foolish for giving up the ghost 20 years earlier. But, I've stuck with my wife for well over 20 years, and I will stick with her for well over 20 more - during that time, I will still wear Orange and black and cuss them both! And my guess is, so will everyone else!

  8. People don't hate Carson because he left, people hate Carson because he held up the team, and ultimately the fans! Carson was under contract and he QUIT on all of us! Yes, there is sitting out for more money, that can even be appreciated. But I lost all respect for Carson for signing a contract and then saying "I will not play for You!".


    Screw Carson! Bring back Kimo von Oelhoffen!

  9. This year, every prime-time game has been a BLOWOUT. With the way Night-game prime-time match-ups have gone, it fits this game could be a blowout as well. So, I look at which teams has the best advantage in winning by a blowout. The Bengals have averaged over 32 points per game in their undefeated home streak. I could easily see this game turning into a 20+ win for the Bengals!


    I'll be there, so I for one and hoping for a blowout by the Bengals.

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