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Posts posted by smatting

  1. Glaser has lost some respect from me as well. Where are all those 2nd stringers he tried to get in every game?


    X's 4th running back was carrying the ball on the last drive, and their 2nd WR are in.


    It's just a sign of Glaser's respect for how explosive Manual is. There were still over 10 minutes in the game. Now it's basically all subs in.


    BTW, I agree. The announcers are pretty ridiculous.

  2. Like Tony Driver, who was brought in from Glasgow, KY to live with his guardian on the Male staff? Such things are simply coincidences, I'm sure. In no sense could that be considered "recruiting."




    It's true Male and Manual do pull from different parts of Louisville but no where else. Male is only allowed, sense it has become a TRADITONAL school, to only take kids who have graduated from the three TRADITONAL middle schools Johnson, TMS, and Barret no where else it is a total luck of the draw. And many parents through out Jefferson co. try to get their children into the traditional schoold system because it is more disciplined environment with consciquences that sometimes lead to exspelling of students who refuse to comform to the system. As far as Manual goes (manual people feel free to correct me) it is to my understanding every student who applies must go under academic review by the school administration who rule whether the students grades are adequit enough for them to attend there, making Manual a school for the academic elite. So you tell me where there is any signs of wrong doing in those practices.
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