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Posts posted by itsagame

  1. See therein lies part of the issue. A good official should be able to ignore that part of the crowd banter during the game. Most MS offcials (at least in Basketball) can not, which creates many of the issues.


    Why should the officials be expected to ignore unacceptable behavior? Eject one or two of them from the gym and the rest will refrain from getting ignorant for fear of being ejected from their child's game and the game will be more enjoyable for the reasonable people. Unfortunately, not enough middle school officials have the courage to do it.

  2. Doesn't look like she is standing on the fence to me; looks like she is in mid-air making a great catch. Yes, the fence gave way but she does not appear to have touched the ground prior to making the catch.


    If the fielder makes a catch and flips over a stationary fence, it does not matter where her body is when she catches the ball as long as she makes the catch before touching the ground; it is still a catch. She is not out-of-play until she touches dead ball territory.


    I say that this sweet picture proves that it was a catch and a great one at that.

  3. District teams cannot match up until championship game because the district champs are positioned in the opposite quad as the runner up. If champ is in the top 4 teams in the bracket then the runner up is positioned in the bottom 4 teams in the bracket and vice versa.

  4. I heard the pitcher who was pitching refused to hit a batter on purpose so he changed pitchers and she drilled the next 3 batters. I was not there; just heard it. I didn't hear anything about the umpires stopping the game. Final score reported on KHSAA scoreboard was 16-1 so game must not have been stopped. From what I heard, umpires did nothing except eject a Scott Co parent? There is no place in the game for that coach; ought to be fired immediately and/or suspended indefinitely by KHSAA if this chain of events are true.

  5. I have seen two pitchers take line drives off of the mask in the last two seasons. Both pitchers remained in the game instead of going to the hospital. Had they not been wearing a mask, both would have definitely had serious injuries. One's first words were "this thing just saved my life". I rue the day that I have to witness an ambulance come get one of these precious young ladies off of the field because they were not wearing face protectors.

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