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Posts posted by IceIceBaby

  1. I lived through Isidore when it ravaged the Yucatan Peninsula in 2002. I was in Merida, and everyone from the coast was evacuated to the city. I remember seeing the buses coming in. Hurricanes are extremely eerie. First they shut off the cities power grids. You can see the ceiling fan start to slow until it comes to a stop. That is a horrible feeling b/c you know that something bad is on its way. I will never forget the ferocity, the yellow skies of the eye, and how long the storm stayed over the city. I couldn't imagine a 200 mile an hour storm.


    Neither could I. Without a doubt we'd have evacuated for something that strong. You're right, such an incredibly eerie feeling when the city shuts the grid down and the eye comes over. You think it's over but...nope.

  2. No doubt the pay is low but are the organizations really making all that much off of minor league players? Doesn't seem like the revenue stream is all that much.


    Likely depends on the organization and how their affiliates operate. Some are independently owned but some the major league team owns. Regardless, someone is making money off them. You'd be surprised. My brother's team regularly had over 8k people attend the games and tickets aren't cheap and neither are concessions. Many teams are in areas where there isn't a major league team close (rookie leagues in Montana, many minor league teams in NC, SC, Alabama, etc). They can drive hours to a major league game once in a while or go daily to these games.

  3. On a very serious note I hope everyone is preparing/evacuating. I have relatives that have lived through several of our worst ones (remember Hugo?) and it is hard to understand for those of us confined to the Midwest.


    I'm from Charleston, SC...more often than not we rode out every hurricane and tropical storm. It's hard for people to fathom but I only remember evacuating one time. These storms are fierce and it can be so eery when the eye comes over.

  4. I think her feelings for him are real and her fear and the reality of him almost being gone is causing her to make rash decisions about going through with the divorce. I don't think she is doing any of this for attention. Surprising because I think her family are all attention starved and will stoop low to get it but I don't think this is the product of that for her. Could be wrong but..


    I did read something on Facebook where someone posted "Nothing will bring you back from near death quicker than knowing your ex is the one making your medical decisions" lol

  5. There are exceptions for the high draft picks, but most of the minor league players I know make about enough to pay for room and board, not much more.


    My brother went in the 8th round. His bonus was pretty solid so he isn't hurting but much of that was invested so he lives off of his paycheck from milb. During the season guys will live 4 to 5 per apartment so that it's only 300 or so per player. The lower round picks and/or free agents basically get a plane ticket and that's it...some don't even get that.


    My brother will go in to work at 12 and leave around 11 after the game. Sometimes they'll do camps or appearances beforehand and get...nothing. He makes FAR below minimum wage given the hours put in versus the paycheck. Thankfully he's been in AA and AAA so his checks have improved a bit but it's ridiculous how little those men are paid given how much money is made off of them.

  6. JMO, but that falls on the parents. If a kid looks up to an athlete as a role model, that's poor parenting IMO.


    And emulating a batting stance is a far cry from viewing them as a role model.


    There is nothing wrong with a child viewing an athlete as a role model. There are plenty of men who play pro sports who ARE role models. I know them personally.


    That being said, Adam Jones is not one of them.

  7. Local Zach Isler got the save for the Birmingham Barons versus the Wahoos tonight on star 64/American sports network.


    Been watching the series. Duran has a lot upside but needs to get strike outs under control. Winker is going to battle for a spot very soon. He's almost ready. Schuster, a lefty sidearm, looks like a really good get in the trade from June. I'm also a fan of Meijas-Brean. Have been since his rookie season when I saw him in Billings.

  8. I just checked their demographics...and wow...UC is 8.3% black, 3.0% Asian, and 2.7% Hispanic. They don't list "caucasian" or "other", but I'd have to assume the remaining 86% of the school's student demographic is caucasian. That does make Tensing's ticket percentages stand out quite a bit.


    They don't patrol just campus. And I'd imagine that the demographics significantly change within the 3 mile radius outside of campus lines.

  9. Can you explain why his statistics were so much different than the department as a whole?



    Sure, if I'm able to see every write up for all of them I could probably give you a better idea. But as you know, I can't. but even if there was a valid reason for it, it wouldn't really change anyone's opinion. We could all sit here and twist things to fit what we want it to fit. I'm not going to apologize for not automatically qualifying this as a race driven cold blooded murder. Just as I don't think the Memphis cop killing was race driven. I think that man would have killed any cop in his way.

  10. Race was no factor in his brain because you say so? Well that settles it... :ohbrother:


    No. That is not what was said. What was said is that I think people are reaching for this to be race driven to fit the narrative. sorry I'm not surprised that more black people are arrested or pulled over in that area. To me, that would seem to make sense given the population and demographics.

  11. Tensing's records are being investigated. He has written 81% of his tickets this year to blacks.


    As a whole the UC force wrote 61% of their tickets to blacks.


    I would think a very high number written to black people would be understandable given the area he patrols. People want so badly for this to fit the race narrative. Instead it was just negligent and panic. Not cold blooded murder and not race driven. Could he have been more susceptible to panic or the reaction due to inherent bias? Maybe. But given the environment police are in right now I think they all have some degree of that going right now. It's a popular theme to disrespect cops and even to threaten them.

  12. The officer asked "what the bottle on the floor was", he didn't just grab it for no reason.


    But to your point, there was nothing in his actions that seemed suspicious to me at all.


    I get that he asked for it. Because he saw it. But you don't think it would make you suspicious or nervous if someone were reaching all over, fidgety, searching through a glove compartment, patting pants, reaching to the side? It would. And instead of handling that the proper way, this guy was immature and not fit to be in the role he was in and it will cost him years of his life and it cost DuBose all of his.

  13. Trying to see things from all angles here..if a man is rooting around his car and acting fidgety and pulls a bottle of alcohol off the floor, white or black, you wouldn't be a wee bit nervous about what he may have? Be honest with yourself. You would be.


    NOTE: he had no right to take this man's life. I feel like I need to put a disclaimer because I'm not defending that action.

  14. I have watched more and I do see where he fell down and I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that DuBose was trying to pull off and the officer panicked. Pulled gun too quickly. Ultimately I think you'll see him go down on manslaughter. It's such a sad situation. A man, who regardless of his past and history, had a family who loved him and now they are in pain and his life is over and a 25 year old man will spend some, if not all, of his most productive years in prison. It's just tragic.

  15. What I'm saying is I don't think the officer though "I'm going to murder this guy," at any point prior to the moment he pulled his gun and shot. I think he panicked, is an immature cop, shouldn't have been in that position and was incredibly negligent and not fit to handle that situation at all.

  16. 100% deserves to be charged. Cincinnati has handled it well.


    If I'm being honest, I don't sense the officer being aggressive or condescending at all. It just escalates so quickly. He pulls on the door, DuBose starts to pull off and bam. way too quick. Very unnecessary. I dont see an intent to murder though...just very stupid, immature, senseless panic. 100% negligent and criminal. But I don't feel as though Tensing was intent on murder. Regardless, there was zero need for a man to die. Cincinnati is handling itself well...so far.

  17. I'd say the first true impact for me was Princess Diana.


    Truly the only thing that has ever rocked me to my core was 9/11. My dad worked at the Pentagon and was there when it happened. I didn't even know until around 3pm or 4pm that afternoon that anything had happened but I remember seeing teachers and adults crying in the offices when they thought we couldn't see. I distinctly remember standing on the sidewalk and it was a beautiful day and thinking things would never be the same. Crazy feeling. Still watch the footage every year on 9/11.

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