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Posts posted by JamTime

  1. Congrats to Louisville Holy Cross. Good team and very deserving.


    One could debate on what makes a better tournament of double elimination vs. pool play then single elimination, but that is not the point.


    The point is, the tournament was planned as pool play then single elimination, but changed to double elimination due to weather, and the reason given was fewer games and quicker tournament.


    With all due respect to those commenting on this thread and to those running the tournament, and maybe contrary to common belief, but with 16 teams and 4 fields, double elimination takes longer. It's not number of games that is significant, it's number of rounds of games. Look at the attached bracket and you'll see that double elimination would take 10 (or 11) rounds of games with 4 fields. Pool play then single elimination would only take 9 rounds of games (6 for pool play + 3 for single elimination with 8 teams).


    And that's before the consideration I mentioned previously, that pool play allows for long games and short games within the pool to balance each other out, where as double elimination makes it dramatically more likely for delays because it can effect all subsequent games in the bracket (as seen over the weekend).


    The pool play also can easily eliminate teams having to play 3 games in a row, as mentioned above.


    So, either the implication of the change wasn't understood, or there was some other reason (like being able to get down to a single elimination easily). If it's the former, then they shouldn't be running this tournament, because of lack of tournament knowledge. If it's the latter, then they are just deceitful and shouldn't be running this tournament.



  2. BiggDaddy, I think that's a poor excuse.


    1. Anyone running a tournament like this should have contingent plans ahead of time, knowing the likelihood of bad weather this time of year and in this local. Instead of making things up on the spot.

    2. I head from someone on the committee that a double elimination would have fewer games. Not significantly, and the time spent in teams waiting for outcomes grossly out weighs the number of games.

    In a pool play, you know exactly who you're playing and when (at least when the previous game is over). There's no waiting for other fields or other teams, it simply is if the game runs long you get pushed back a little, but at the end of the pool, it all washes out (some games go quick, some long). This is the reason games were running behind, not because games were taking long.

    Anyone who can't realize that immediately shouldn't be running this type of tournament.

    3. Tarping only one field was deceitful. At that point, they were not planning on continuing the double elimination tournament, and they should have said as much. Stopping the games earlier would have been the better option if they truly wanted to finish the tournament. But obviously that was not their intention. Anyone who acts in that manner should not be in charge of a tournament like this.


    I have no doubt that all teams would have been OK with a knowledge of a time limit on the game (of maybe 1:45) and then even bringing that lower if weather looked that bad, verses completely changing the tournament and nearly all teams playing only 2 games. There was plenty of time to complete the tournament the way it was originally set up even without a time limit, if it would have been handled properly. Those running the tournament should be ashamed and should apologize. If they are running it next year, they should have a better plan in place.

  3. No guesses? OK.

    It's St. Henry.

    They have beaten Highlands, New Cath, Dixie, Brossart, and Simon Kenton (granted SK pre-season) all on the road.

    Others played: Ludlow, Lloyd, CCA, Fayetteville-Perry, Beechwood, Dayton, and South Dearborn (IN).


    And that's not Four King Around.

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