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Posts posted by Bluedog

  1. I agree with Jack of all trades, call of the game was when Frinfrock touched the rim and goal tending was call. I thought that was a good call. Definitely touched the rim. My understanding is the ball has to clear the net for this not to be called. Unfortunate because the Birds had the momentum. The game was ugly. Refs were bad in the second half and the game almost got totally out of hand. Birds got no calls at all. Very questionable call on the technical. I didn't see it clearly but I thought it would either go against Newport or go both ways. Never dreamed it would go against HHS. HHS missed several easy shots early and a couple late. Missed free throws down the stretch that killed them.


    When Newport was leading 6 - 0, Coach Snapp absolutely went ballistic on his son and another player. I made the comment to the person sitting next to me, "I wonder how bad he would have gone off if he were down 6 - 0." Listermann made a good move at the end of the first quarter by trapping Ethan. 2 costly fouls by HHS at the end of the game sending Snapp to the line sealedthe deal.

  2. Hergot was outstanding. Offensive line gave him plenty of time to throw. Hit every receiver perfectly in stride. If the guys catch the passes he completes every pass he throws in the first half except the one thrown with 5 seconds left in the first half. Nick Kendall went into beast mode in the second half. Totally different team than I saw six weeks ago.

  3. Very proud of the boys from Highlands. Didn'the turn out like they had hoped. They didn't quit. Weyer and Harris finish there high school sports careers. And Ball will help the Bluebirds baseball team. I am quite sure that all 3 have their best days ahead of them. Especially proud of Parker. He had a stress fracture in his foot and was in a boot for 4 weeks before the season started. Had stress fractures in both legs since the season started. Sprained his ankle and has been icing 3 times a day for the past month. Hasn't practiced since the 2nd week in January. Tough kid. I also believe there are better days ahead for the Bluebirds. Listermann will get this thing turned around.

  4. No need to wait until August for excellence in HHS boys' athletics. While the basketball team goes through a down stretch and put themselves behind the eight ball in the districts, the football team is not the only group excelling.


    Baseball regional runner up and preseason favorite this spring. Track defending state champions. State champion cross country runner. Regional golf champion. And the defending state champion football team.


    Keep hating camelman. We don't just wait around for August in Fort Thomas.


    Thanks for the explanation JDD.


    Come on Stinky II how could you forget bowling winning the Region!!!

  5. Made Kendall fall on a nasty crossover...and all Kendall could do was get up and smile for the next minute or so.


    Actually it was Harris that hit he ground. Harris and Bolden were both smiling at each other as Harris took the ball out of bounds. These kids have been playing against each other for 7 years. A lot of mutual respect there.

  6. I heard that Big Bo Hebel now leads the Region in Pancake Blocks. Someone said that Bo went after a loose ball last night and basically fell on a young fella. I wonder if that poor guy on the other end of that Jump Ball struggle is a little sore today? That's a whole lot of Beef coming down.

    The fella he fell on was Drew McDonald. I think Drew can take it. There is a lot of Drew also.

  7. Gotcha...

    We thought it was dual T cause loiked like schuh swung at hebel.

    *arm/elbow throw kind of thing, not punch swing


    I watch the replay this mo8and could not tell what happened, but was told by a couple of different player that Hebel hard a hard but fair foul, Schuh didn't like it and took a swing back at him. On the replay you could see Ball come over and give a little bump to Schuh which was well deserved. Schuh needs to be careful and remember this summer when he got thrown to the floor in an AAU game. And Bo Hebel is on big dude who shouldn't be messed with.

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