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Posts posted by Hoopmania

  1. Outside of the KY teams, looks like there are only 2-3 teams in each age group that are competitive Nationally... This tournament has not really attracted the Top Tier teams on a consistent basis I would expect every year. I predict a KY team will play in and possibly win both the 16U and 17U age groups.




    TOURNAMENT INFO | Knoxvegas Heat


    The quality of all non shoe company teams tourneys are unfortunately starting to dwindle. There are only around 5-6 top tier teams in the top age groups for this tourney. That is pretty consistent with the tourneys from last weekend in the south/southeast as well. But I have to believe that Easter has something to do with it this year.


    I am looking forward to seeing the KY teams this weekend.

  2. 1. The EYBL does allow reclassified Seniors to play on the Circuit ie... Brad Calipari... Nike is just more strict on their rules of who is eligible to play when they reclassify. Adidas/Under Armour just let anyone who wants to reclassify play.

    2. All Unsigned Seniors must be listed as such in the coaches programs during Live Events so College Coaches can easily identify those players.


    3. GoHardITP, they do have Unsigned Senior tournaments as well as camps and Showcases all the time; just not around here.


    4. As for tournaments that are not Live events, "AAU" events, or don't have a governing body, anything goes....


    For Nike, you are allowed to be a reclassed senior, but you have to have been in that program the past year.

  3. Hopefully it slows down the reclassing of kids for sports. I don't foresee most of the showcase teams making many changes to their rosters though outside of not playing in nationals. I imagine most of the grade exception kids leave to play on the higher level teams that will play based on their grade now instead of playing their age. The guy who wrote that article runs arguably the top league for middle schoolers in the country and he will still allow the elite teams to play in his league based on grade. At the end of the day though, AAU will benefit from this and so will the shoe company teams IMO.

  4. You mentioned running up the score on bad teams.... Should the same consideration not be given for teams who lose to bad teams? Two of the teams that made it lost to the worst teams teams in the pool and the Travelers did not.... With that being said, there were no "Bad" teams at Peach Jam.


    This is not just based on this tourney. This is the universal rule with tie breakers not just Peach Jam. This pool had a VERY unique situation. There are bad teams in other tourneys which is why I used the parenthesis.

  5. The way Nike did the tie breaker is the correct way to work the point differential tie breaker. You do not include the non teams in tie breakers. It prevents rewarding running up the scores on "bad" teams. The Travelers had a great season on the circuit and hopefully they continue it this week at the super showcase. They have a chance to make a deep run in this tourney, but its a loaded field. I am looking forward to watching them again this week.

  6. McLemore? If they're already drafting over him, it's not a good sign on what they spent to get him last season.


    While that might be true, it doesn't mean that picking Stauskas is bad. I think you corrected yourself later int he post by saying if they get rid of one its a good pick, but the reality is that they need to upgrade that position no matter who is already on the roster. Ben McLemore is the bust, not Stauskas. Stauskas was a good pick and had they not picked him, Charlotte most certainly was going to with the 9th pick.


    I am not sure about anyone thinking his "swagger issues" or "throwing a shoe into the stands"would be a problem, but he is the furthest player possible from being a locker room issue or cancer. He riles up away team fans and that's about it.


    While Vonleh would have been a safe pick as well, picking Stauskas at 8 definitely wasn't a stretch IMO. I think every team from 8-13 would have selected him.

  7. That's weird that St Louis Eagles hold a tournament while they didn't even play in it. 16u was in Chicago, and the EYBL team was in Sacramento. Just doesn't make sense to me. Did they at least have a B team in it?


    The Nike teams had to go to the Nike Qualifiers 16U and EYBL Session 1 17U to try to earn an invite to the Peach Jam in July. If the Eagles tourney was not a qualifier, they are not allowed to attend.

  8. The following KY teams will all be in action at the Eddie Ford Spring Classic in Louisville:

    17U: HLB, KY Elite, Charlotte Court Heat,


    16U: 606 Tropics, Charlotte Court, HLB, NKY Select, Kentuckiana Bulls


    15U: NKY Select, Louisville Lightning, MATTS Mustangs, NKY Elite, Louisville Bulls, Lexington Future, HLB


    14U: Louisville Bulls


    Good luck to all the KY teams.


    Is this schedule out yet?

  9. I should also ask the following.


    Have you ever been punched in a sporting event? Have you ever been slammed down like Bo was ?


    To be honest, I would imagine the player getting taken down would expect some type of retaliation from opposing players by playing that way. From both videos, it looks like he is trying to get the reaction he got in the first video.

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