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Posts posted by Thoroughbird

  1. Hart also made a real nice defensive play at 3rd base in the 6th - he went to his right to snag the ball and fired on to first for the out. Real nice play - but what was he wearing on his head? He looked like some kind of skunk on a bad day.....or were my eyes playing tricks on me?


    Pepe Le Pew....it was definitely a skunk

  2. I caught the last 4 innings of the CC / Conner game and the CovCath boys did not look good in the field today. Talked with an CCH assistant after the game and he said Krumps tried everything to get the kids moving---they just didn't have it tonight. Big turning point in the game was when Krumps made a double switch and changed shortstops. No need to mention names--but the replacement was involved in two plays that should have been easy outs---both resulted in a botched play (and of course, the runner ultimately scored).


    Conner played their typical, aggressive style---tonight it worked for them.

  3. Final score.

    Sullivan pitched for NewCath, Laumann for Boone Co. NewCath scored all of their runs in 2nd, 3rd inning off Laumann. Lauman pitched 4 innings, replaced by #12 (don't know his name)--but he did a good job of keeping NewCath off balance the rest of the way home.


    NewCath had 4-0 lead going through 4 innings until Boone put up 2 runs following a controversial call at 1B. With two outs in 5th, a high chopper was hit to Hightchew at SS. He had to rush the throw which was dug by Schmits at 1B. Ump called runner safe. Boone scored twice after that play. They added a run in 6th to cut lead 4-3. Doyle was brought in to finish in the seventh facing top of batting order. Tying run reached base but couldn't score. Hightchew made two spectular plays for 1st, 3rd out of the inning. Laumann drove a ball to deep right for 2nd out. Looked like it was going to be a NewCath route, but it turned out to be a great game.

  4. Over the top comment. Even if Bertke is pulled after the 5th, Beechwood still didn't score enough to win. In baseball, as in most sports, it never comes down to one play, decision, etc. As marley stated above, it takes a whole team to win or lose and hindsight is 20/20. For those who know Beechwood and want to question keeping Bertke in, I want to hear your pitching plan for the rest of the tournament. Who comes in for Bertke in the 6th? Who pitches Wednesday? Who pitches Friday? Yeah, yeah, yeah ... I know ... you have to win the first game to keep playing ... blah, blah, blah ... but you have to have a plan for the tournament too.


    I don't think the comment was over the top---in fact, I think it's right on the money. In a one-and-done format, you play for today's game...not tomorrow's. It's ridiculous to think that Myerhoff was worrying about who'd pitch in semi's if they pulled Bertke--if they didn't win the game, there are no semi's. The heat was surely affecting players on both sides--so it's conceivable that the guy who's workign the most (pitcher) would be affected the most--by the heat. And I think that point that is being made is this: worrying about a plan for the rest of the tournament should not have been a consideration when the team was fighting to survive. Of course, I'll give you this much---no way for Coach M (or anyone else) to know that NCC would get to Josh in the 6th like they did. But once they started knocking the ball around the park, IMO, he should have been pulled.

  5. I think Boone wins 8-2. Laumann will be tough to score on.


    One thing for sure is that NewCath's draw will require them to play solid ball in they are going to live to see another day. I hope you're wrong on the score, but regardless of the outcome--you're right about Jackson...he's a player. Does anyone know if he's ever really been tested by an opponent who hits as well as NewCath?

  6. IMO, the Boone / NCC game will come down to NewCath's pitching. Laumann's been solid all year, and NewCath's offense has been pretty consistent--they'll get their hits. What remains to be seen is how well Boone will do at the plate against NewCath's pitching. Not sure who NCC is going to throw---both Schmits and Sullivan have had great outings...but they've also laid an egg once or twice. It will come down to control---If either of them can keep Boone off balance by controlling their off-speed pitches, then NCC will do well. However, if either Schmits or Sullivan get behind in the count and are forced to thrown FB's, then Boone Co can put on a hitting clinic. These teams played last weekend, but it wasn't really indicative of both teams at full strenght. NewCath just came off a big win at Harrison Co, which ended late---most of the kids probably didn't get home until well after midnight the night before the Boone game. And on top of that--it was NCC's Sr. day---and NCC pitched a Sr. who is last on the depth chart. Also, there were others in the field who normally wouldn't be there. Sounds like a bunch of excuses---maybe so. But I think Boone is smart enough to know that NCC will be a different team Wednesday compared to the one that Boone smoked last weekend.

  7. I was at the game---IMO, the difference in this game was decided in the coaches box. NewCath pulled Cain after 5 innings and Bertke was left in to finish. Heat was definitely a factor. It seemed like Bertke had better stuff and much better control of his off-speed pitches, and BW had the momentum through 4 innings. Neither team was really able to put together a string of hits against either starting pitcher, and the early runs were all manufactured or by error (BW's first two runs came on NewCath passed-balls/wild pitches). When Cain got out of the 5th, many on the NewCath side were surprised to see him lifted--even though it was the right thing to do. And they were just as surprised when Bertke was sent out to start the 6th. In the end, NewCath's bats came alive and took advantage of a pitcher who's tank was on "Empty". I felt bad for Josh---Myerhoff's decision cost BW their chance to play on Wednesday. I agree with an earlier post---it's unfair to the rest of the team to say that he (Bertke) earned the right to finish. Josh would be the first person to say "pull me" if it wasn't in the best interest of the team, or if it didn't give them a better chance to win. As for the game overall: it was a great one to watch, and it was a scorcher---NewCath's AD was taking/recording heat index measurements throughout the game. Wednesday's Boone / NewCath match up should be a good contest. New Cath will probably bring Schmits or Sullivan, and I expect Laumann will go for the Rebels. Both teams hit well and play good "D".

  8. I think NCC can get to the finals with Cain and Sullivan/Schmitts. The NCC bats will get them there.


    My prediction is NCC/CovCath final and NCC takes it.


    If NewCath gets to CovCath, it should make for good drama, as NewCath blew a late 6-2 lead to lose to the Colonels during week 1. So they've got an axe to grind--avenging a late inning meltdown. And realize that NewCath lost late-inning leads in two games during week one--and took losses in both games (Ryle and CovCath). NewCath had to watch Ryle, CovCath and BW atop the polls the entire season--they've got something to prove.

  9. IMO, NewCath's chances hinge on whether or not Cain is able to find the plate--if he does, BW will need to have a real good outing from their pitcher, as NewCath has a big-time potent offense and the defense is better than most. Assuming Bertke will go, it should make for a great game. If Cain has trouble finding the zone early, NewCath's chances will depend solely on whether or not Coach Schulkens can muster up the courage to pull his ace. And if you look back on most of NewCath's losses, with very few exceptions, you can point to a pitcher who has been left in the game far too long. If NewCath pitchers get in trouble, it will be interesting to see Schulkens will pull the trigger or stay the course and risk taking down the entire ship. Whoever wins this one will surely see Boone---and it's doubtful that either Laumann or Teegarden will be on the hill for game one. If Stanley is able to repeat his performance over NCC last Saturday, I'd say Boone is in the drivers seat, as they'll have two the top pitchers available for semi's / final game. Should NewCath beat BW, it will be either Sullivan or Schmits against Boone / St. Henry winner.

  10. Especially since there are ALL A tournaments there should be seeding. Small schools have their chance to compete against their own.


    You make a great point---no reason for not seeding when the "A" schools have their own tournament.

  11. I believe that you can overcome Spring Break. That is a crutch used by people to say why Highlands has fallen off. The truth of the matter is that this year's team doesn't have Eric Glaser, Kyle Pfetzer pitching w/ either Matt Mason or Chris Hamblen catching. Marc Spears isn't leading off and leading the region in steals. All of their best baseball players aren't playing baseball. Missing a week of games in the middle of the season is not a deal breaker. If memory serves me correctly, they did the same thing in '96 and '97. The issue is talent that chooses to play, and be dedicated to, baseball. It is coming up. This year's group of Frosh and 8th graders will hopefully right the ship for the Birds.


    Guys like Glaser and Hamblen are unique in their athletic ability---those guys come along every now and then....for any team. Guys like that can carry a team well into a regional tournament. I can't imagine that any program can expect to have that caliber of player very often, so I question if its fair to point at them to support an argument of whether or not the "talented" players choose to play or not. Even if HHS did not have to deal with the Spring Break issue, your not going to have an Eric Glaser-type player on your roster year in and year out.

  12. I think HC has the better team this year--and Fuller is definitely as good as any 9th region pitcher. But Krumps always seems to find ways to get his guys in scoring position and he is the master of the small ball. If I was a gambling man, I think I'd do my best to walk away from the table with money in my pocket.


    Krumps wins by one on this signature bunt w/ runner on 2B: throw goes to 1B while runner scores from 2B---vintage Krumpelbeck.

  13. I love JB's commitment to the program and the younger kids coming out. Jpa pretty much summed it up in his post.


    I certainly won't disagree with statements that football is the primary sport at Highlands and has made some kids decide to forgoe baseball. It is what it is and will never change. I just am amazed at how well JB has sparked the interest at a younger age and has washed his hands with the Spring Breakers. That my friends shows he is committed to building a program over time and not trying to have a great win/loss record yearly.


    No matter how much interest coach Baioni can generate in Jr High and Frosh level---14 & 15 yr olds cannot physically compete with 17-18 yr olds. And as long as there is a Spring Break at HHS, 'Birds baseball will never have the opportunity to be as good as it could be because most of the upperclassman--17 & 18 yr old athletes--are going to choose beaches over baseball tournaments in TN. I feel sorry for Coach Baioni--and I'm glad that he's sticking to his guns over the issue of Spring Break. Unfortunately, neither he nor anyone else will deprive Cake Nation of their Spring Break. And don't get me wrong--I've been a part of the 41075 zip code migration to FL for many years---it's a great time. But if you have a baseball guy in the family, they'll be sorely disappointed come Jr/Sr year when their pals ditch the baseball program in order to go south in April.

  14. Schmits pitched for NewCath. 6 innings, 2 H, 1 BB. Nice outing. Kept Harrison Co off balance for most of the evening. NewCath played well, but HC obviously didn't have their "A" game last night. Not the typical outing you'd expect from Harrison Co. But kudos to Schmits and the NewCath guys. Lot's of run support provided by big hits from Nick Woltermann, Jake Cain, Andy Miller et al. Hightchew had a nice bunt for a hit--entire lineup contributed tonight.

  15. A lot of teams have their "senior day" games scheduled this week---so I imagine that the scores will not necessarily be indicative of the teams performance. And having played against Krumps and having watched my son play CCH for the past several years---you can throw the records out once tournament time comes. It's too bad that HC anc CCH have to play each other in the first round of Districts. They could both contend for a 9th region crown. Considering that one of these teams has to pack it in early this year, I hope that their are no other surprises come Regional tournament time. I'd hate so see another quality team take an early exit

  16. Which ever team survives the 9th Region Tournament should be well-prepared for a run to Lexington. NewCath played some games at PRP last weekend and their coach commented that they (NCC) may be the most complete team (offensively and defensively) that they had seen all year. If that's the case, then I can't help but think that there are 8-9 other teams in NKY who would have impressed this guys equally as much. Make me think how valuable it would be to have a local invitational tournament that hosts top teams from around the state. NKY Invitational Tournament--who's with me?

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