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Posts posted by BigBack#25

  1. Mike: Easy, no one is forming a lynch mob and seeking to string you up. The thread appeared and the question was asked if you would be eligible for post-seaon play? My respnse was to that question - nothing more, nothing less.


    I'm looking forward to the Silver Grove // Calvary showdown in the district on Monday night on the grand stage of the Campbell County Middle School. Tri-State Internet sports is broadcasting it. Therefore I was happy when I discovered that, although in violation, the Big Trains would not be asked to not participate in this season's post season play.


    I do think they will cut your regular season schedule back next season, but that will be manageable. Whatever course of action has been taken in the past with other teams who have gone over, will be taken here. The KHSAA will not set a precedent of a hand slap for one program and a suspension for another. My point is that they have to remain consistent, whether the violation is by Trinity or the Trains.


    I think we all have the utmost respect and admiration for the job you do under difficult circumstances. Your freshmen group is fun to watch play, and if you listen to our broadcasts of your games you know that Anthony "Tenacious" Turcious is one of my favorite players. You have obviously made an honest mistake. As the sarcastic post by B-Ball-Fan points out, it is not the fact that you have an overwhelming ball club that was the incentive for going over, simply a misunderstanding of the rules.


    Good luck tomorrow against the Cougars!


    I wasn't blaming anyone on here for anything. I just wanted everyone, from fans, supporters, school & state administration, that i was to blame. It is my fault.

  2. The Trains coach is on BGP, right? He can update us.



    Per KHSAA we are over the 30 game limit. We are at 32. The reason for this error is on me and not the Athletic Director. I hope this is not a fireable offense. I looked into BYlaw 33 and it seems not to be. But if in your eyes, if you think it is right, then I shall accept the punishment. The reason for the error is that I believed that the Bourbon Co. forfeit should not count against us and I thought that the All "A" counted as one. This is my mistake! I would hate to be suspended for the Calvary district game, but would rather receive that as punishment rather than being fired.




    God Bless


    Mike Walls

    Silver Grove Varsity Basketball H.C.

    Dayton Varsity Assistant Football Coach

  3. I agree with Faust and Brannen towards the top of the list. I also believe Booher to be at the top as well probably at the very top.

    I don't think he's getting as much love from other posters just because he hasn't been around as long as other coaches. (In NKY).

    However, his resume may be the best in NKY.


    I think one coach that doesn't get enough credit is Tom Dilts at Dayton, while he doesn't have regional titles or district titles on his resume his team always plays tough and seem to play well every year. Add to that many of the issues he may have to deal with in addition to coaching.



    Dilts should have a conference title two years ago!! Great guy but "new" game has passed him bye. great person and a ton of character!!

  4. 1. Booher- state championship

    2. Code- force in All A and gets most out of least

    3. Faust

    4. Carr- 3 straight district championships in a tough one

    5. Brannen- a force in the region year after year

    6. Steiner- should have won the region with Hester & Hurd

    7. McQuery- i personally think he should have atleast 2 regional titles

    8 Sullivan

    9. Hart- best small team coach, give him talent and would have some banners

    10. Ruthsatz- jury still out


    best staff: Holmes. Listerman brought with him: winning, toughness, and state experience

  5. Congrats to Newport and Coach Snapp . Newport is going to be a tough out. Snapp is passionate and his kids play very hard for him. Lloyd is impressive and well coached. Williamson is very fundamental and Berea plays like their coach coaches: tough and fundamental. I was impressed with every team and Coach Hicks. As a Dayton alum Lycos hard to say good things about Bellevue but it was well ran and a classy event.

  6. Listen, I truly believe he was caught up in the moment. I do not want the guy to be crucified. We all have made mistakes and only one person judges us and that is Christ. They were the favorite to win the tourney. They lost a very close game in o.t. to Lloyd in which they led for 30 minutes. His kids play hard for him. His best player is hurt and then lost to John McGregor in a game that came down to the last possesion. I spoke to my players in great length about making mistakes and not thinking before you react. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and over react myself. It is a learning moment. My kids accept his apology and understand the situation. May he learn and grow from his mistake.

  7. Bourbon Co.'s Head Coach verbally threatened the Silver Grove players and coach. He used profanity directed right to the Silver Grove players. Told them to get out of his "f" ing locker room and that they were going to get their a** beat after they lost to Bellevue. He then asked me, the head Coach, if i wanted to go outside so he could warm my head up because I said he shouldn't talk to kids, especeially my freshmen and sophmores like that. i will notify KHSAA of his actions. he showed little class the entire tournament refusing to shake hands after the games and storming in the locker room. However his kids and parents who made the drive were class acts.

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