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Posts posted by laker55

  1. As I said above, I would have had Russell County in the top 10 and that team you listed is the one I would have swapped them out with. I would wager the reason they're not is that the blow-out loss followed a crisis week for the program where they lost their two best players days before the game and the 32-27 loss was to a consensus top 10 team regardless of class.


    I won't put words in your mouth, only ask you a question - if the 46-3 loss had been to say, Trinity, would that make any difference in how you considered it? It would for me, which is why the pure drop the names and look at the numbers approach doesn't work for me.

    You are absolutely RIGHT that' drop the names' doesn't work but your argument where one looks at losses to ranked teams as a plus doesn't work either. As my argument from the very start there are different rules based on the name of the school. It is not a mistake to rank a less known team with a superior record {IMO} over a better known team that is not doing as well this year.
  2. As I said above, I would have had Russell County in the top 10 and that team you listed is the one I would have swapped them out with. I would wager the reason they're not is that the blow-out loss followed a crisis week for the program where they lost their two best players days before the game and the 32-27 loss was to a consensus top 10 team regardless of class.


    I won't put words in your mouth, only ask you a question - if the 46-3 loss had been to say, Trinity, would that make any difference in how you considered it? It would for me, which is why the pure drop the names and look at the numbers approach doesn't work for me.

    Think what you are saying.....Namecips said "beat a quality team"[ which neither of these teams have done ] "and your team will be ranked" And He also said "lose and you wont be ranked" [which both these teams have done]. His qualifications , that are quotes, don't fit for these ranked teams. Name recognition.
  3. It's pretty simple, beat a quality team (like Rockcastle) and your team will be ranked. Lose and your team won't be ranked.


    Still waiting for you to answer my question where you think they belong in the current rankings.

    Let,s go again.....team with blow-out loss 20-0, and victories over 1-4, 3-2, 0-6, 2-3. and 2-4......now once again a GOOD BLOW-OUT LOSS...combined I guess with beating "a quality team" of 3-2 or maybe 2-3 definitely puts this team in! Come on guys, once again "im not saying Russell County is better but based on the NUMBERS AND RECORDS ,Russsell should have been there. Name recognition is more important to you.
  4. It's pretty simple, beat a quality team (like Rockcastle) and your team will be ranked. Lose and your team won't be ranked.


    Still waiting for you to answer my question where you think they belong in the current rankings.

    Okay NamecipS. I don'tlike to knock teams so I will leavethe name out......blow-out loss 46-3. loss 32-27......victories over teams that are 2-4, 1-5. 3-2, 0-6. I see no statement wins, a blow-out loss and a 4-2 record.......numbers don't add up but a better name recognition. How else will you justify this one.COMPARE TO 6-0, ALL WINS OVER TEAMS 2-4, 3-3, 1-4, 3-3, 2-3, 2-3. Send this to any of your polling friends with names hidden and see where they would put each team.
  5. No, you just oozed sarcasm in your post. I apologize if I took it worse than you intended, but I will tell you your post did not hit me right.


    I think you are missing the fundamental philosophy of these rankings and why I am telling you that records and simple win / loss comparisons won't cut it. When you say "I personally don't know if Russell is better or not than these other teams but based on numbers and record they deserve to be in poll.", you're running counter to what these rankings are all about. The belief is that the a team ranked lower would not be picked to beat anyone above them, and that a team ranked higher would be picked to beat anyone below them. Obviously, this is not always correct which is why there is movement in the rankings, and why you see movement in any set of rankings. But these teams are not just ranked because they've accumulated a certain criteria - the pollsters believe those are the true ten best teams and rate them accordingly.


    The best example I can give you is 3A in 2009. Louisville Central started the year 1-5 but were rated #1 the entire time. The rankings never wavered. I'd hazard a guess that by your criteria they wouldn't be ranked at all. They finished the year 8-6, losing to eventual champion Paducah Tilghman in the semifinals by 3. Tilghman came absolutely out of nowhere to accomplish that, but Central was probably the second best team (or best team if you go by the best team doesn't always win).


    I can't lay it out any better than that. For the pollsters to rank Russell County, they have to believe Russell County is better than at least one of those teams. Them being 6-0 is certainly going to have weight and give them consideration, but the record or records of opponents isn't everything. Sometimes it can be as simple as potential or a team with a big win, etc.


    Also, for the record, I'm certainly not telling you not to discuss the rankings or debate why Russell County should be included, just that the argument you've put forth is not going to hold weight here.

    I understand the poll...Boise st is ranked in national polls based on record and numbers but i really don't know how many SEC teams they could beat.....one must base ones vote on name recognition or numbers and records......i prefer numbers and records....but to each his own......as others in this thread i think Russell should be ranked as they are in most other polls. I also didnt deserve the verbal attacks that you lashed out putting words in my mouth....you dont know me so you shouldn't say what i may think or say......save that for when i do say something really really off wall
  6. For the record, I happen to believe Russell County belongs in the top 10. Unfortunately, that's not my call to make. But if you would like to argue they belong, saying that you wish they would drop the names and just go by the records is a poor argument to make. Give me a chance to make a schedule, and I can almost assure you I can give you an undefeated record. Others choose to test themselves with good games and you would have me believe they don't belong above another team based solely on Won/Loss? I suppose you think Russell County is better than Boyle County and CovCath despite who those teams have beaten and who they lost to.
    oNCE AGAIN NEVER SAID RUSSELL WAS A SUPERIOR TEAM TO ANY OF YOUR TOP TEN.....JUST BASED ON THE COMPARITIVE NUMBERS, THEY SHOULD BE IN POLL...IMO....Never once belittled you Dragonfire or made wild statements to try and make you look bad as you did me.
  7. Never once said to look at just wins and losses . Said to look at records and wins and losses.....please don't misquote. If theguru doesnt want logical critism backed with facts then he shouldn't say "agree or disagree". Stick with my earlier statement that the poll would be different to hand these guys the wins and loss record and the scores and records of the other teams played , in a blind study. Its called name bias. I agree its just a poll and we WILL know after friday night. I personally don't know if Russell is better or not than these other teams but based on numbers and record they deserve to be in poll.

  8. Yep your right, other teams in your poll have played teams with combined records of 11-22, 14-19. 16-19 and some have those GOOD QUALITY LOSSES. Some have 2 quality losses and of these losses some are blow-outs. Russell County with opponents 13-20 and no good quality losses dont fit with these fine records.......you are exactly right. Wish you had to make your decision just by looking at the records with the wins and losses without the schools name........might be a different story then......yep that would be a nice bet to take

  9. Disagree.


    Johnson Central gets beaten by Perry Central pretty handily and Rockcastle County shuts out that same Perry Central team. Without a doubt in my mind Rockcastle should be and deserves to be ranked higher than Johnson Central.


    Poor Russell County probably deserves to be ranked but will have to beat Rockcastle County this Friday to earn a spot in the poll.

    Yeah, guess theguru must have come to Lake Cumberland and not been treated to his fancy. Must have a terrible dislike for Russell County or its coaches. If Russell beats or has a good showing against Rockcastle, then do us a favor and don't jump on our band wagon at that time......we're not good enuff to impress you now, and dont want your respect at that time.
  10. Failed to mention that Western's 2-2 record also include the wins that are against teams that are 1-4 and 1-4......That makes a Western with 2 blow out losses and two narrow wins over two teams with a combined record of 2-8.......hmmmmm how many blind study teams would be in top 10 with that resume ???????????

  11. Wow! Glad to know quality loses even if blow-outs are better than less quality wins! Not saying that Russell County is better but they do deserve more respect. Madisonville has wins over teams that are 2-2, 2-2,0-5,and 0-4 combined with a loss.....hmmmm impressive!!! Franklin Simpson has wins over 2-3, 2-3,2-3 and a quality blow out loss of 28 pts....wow! equally impressive. Ashland with wins over teams 2-3,2-3,1-4 an Ohio team and a loss to a unknown WV team. Wow equally impressive! Johnson Central and Knox Central have records that we dont know about because they play out of state teams but each have that good quality loss. Now we come to Western......lets see now they beat a 1-4 team by 3, and beat a 1-4 team by 15, but they do have two quality blow out losses ......outstanding resume!!!!!! The only thing that could make Russell County's resume better would be a quality blow out loss!!!! Come on guys ,if the names were hidden with only the records and scores shown,,, all of you would pick Russell County over either all or most of these teams......hands down!

  12. All you guys continue to say that Russell County wants out of the 4th. I don't know where you are getting your info, but being close to this source I can tell you that this is a false notion. Travel to Wayne and other Eastern Time Zone locations are hard plus everyone forgets Russell has to go around Lake Cumberland to get to these areas and the roads are not very poor compared to the cumberland parkway. Russell would definitely vote to stay in the 4th if they had a vote in the matter

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