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Posts posted by ColonelTime

  1. Ryle is the 2nd best public school job in NKy...


    I would rank it tied for fourth right now. The jobs that the current and past coaches have done make me see it this way:


    1. Highlands - Not an easy job for anyone but absolute community support, and incredible tradition. Maybe following Dale would be difficult with all the success he has had but if I were a coach I would love to take that job.


    2. Beechwood - Once again great support and I feel Class A is not as difficult as 6A, because Beechwood is one of the "Trinitys", and "Highlands" of Class A.


    3. Simon Kenton - the program has been built from the ashes and with open enrollment and not seeing a 4th high school in Kenton County any time soon I think it is a great job. Overcoming the monsters of Louisville is not an easy one.


    4. Boone, Campbell, Conner, Cooper, Dixie, and Ryle are all places that I think could be put at the level that could bump Simon Kenton in time.


    IMO all of these teams (at 3 and 4) should play Highlands, Cov. Cath, and even though it isn't popular Beechwood and NCC because those programs will prepare you for a State Championship calliber team. You might beat the 1A nad 2A teams but you will usually be tested. Then look to play teams from Louisville or Cincinnati.


    Good luck to Ryle and Bryson Warner.


    Just my two cents.

  2. CCH won it in 2001 when Yeagle was still coaching but they did not play Beechwood that year. Oh, by the way, Beechwood lost to Holmes that year also. You know, Holmes ... the school you said Beechwood should never lose to. If you are going back into the 90's, you are probably right about Beechwood beating some CCH title winners. But I am asking about the 6 or 7 years before Rash became coach.




    All I am trying to point out to everyone with these comparisons is a great many people, especially many Beechwood "old timers" have a selective memory. They are still thinking 1990's and completely block out the last 6 or 7 years of Yeagle's tenure. Times change. Football has changed a lot since the 1990's and the challenges are very different. I want everyone to have an accurate view, not a selective view.


    If by it you mean the 3A State Title someone should tell them and the KHSAA because neither recognize that year as a State Championship season for CCH.

  3. Following this logic, Mason County and Bourbon County should be at the very top of 3A. The 3A poll has Mason 7th. They did their part on the field too.


    I agree losing to a strong team does not always mean you are better, BUT the Louisville teams didn't just play better teams - they played teams eons better than those on the SK schedule.


    JMO, but your #2 ranked Pioneers would be 0 - 10 if they played Trinity's schedule and maybe 2 -8 if they played St X's schedule.


    What do you estimate Highlands record would be against Trinity or St.X's schedule?

  4. I believe that playing a tough schedule is a good thing but saying 6A schools should play Highlands if they want to win a State title is ridiculous the last time the big school state champion played Highlands in a REAL game was 1998. The path to a big school state title does not go through Ft.Thomas. Look at the one NKY 6A school that played Highlands consistently they couldn't compete with the Birds and it led to Ft.Thomas people questioning the direction of that schools program which at the time was headed by one of their own. I hope SK never schedules highlands to continue to read how offended GROWN MEN get by the fact that SK is proud of their programs accomplishments. It really is no different than Highlands not playing Trinity in a real game yet want to be considered the best team in the State.

  5. I don't want to rock the CCH boat, but my question is the same I raised last year and at the beginning of the season. CCH as you say has beaten HHS here and there which gives them respect. Does 3 times in 17 years really equal here and there? CCH has been treated with kid gloves on here for awhile and no other school besides HHS gets that kind if respect in NKY and I do t get it. CCH hasn't won anything in awhile, not even a district title, so why treat them like the untouchables they have become around here?


    I get what you are saying but in fairness 3 wins in 17 games is 1 more win than all other teams in NKY have against Highlands in that same span.

  6. Here is the crazy part the NCAA is upset he may have got paid for his signature yet Texas A&M offered a seat next to him for $20,000 dollars and they have more than his family. NCAA athletes are exploited. I don't have the fix but I hope they loose the O'Banion case and have to stop exploiting athletes. I don't understand the resentment people have towards him. If he wants to have a good time and ruined his future that is on him, some people act like he ruined their future.

  7. It's not Pete's personality that got him banned. It may not have helped, but he repeatedly broke the cardinal rule of baseball. Plain and simple.



    The question isn't weather he should be banned it is should he be in the HOF. He should it wasn't until after his banishment the baseball writers made the rule that players on the ineligible for baseball list were not eligible for the HOF. I believe he should have been banned for life but you can not erase his on field performance. He was never accused of fixing games if their was evidence of that he would have been prosecuted. There are people in the Hall who allegedly knew of games being fixed or were part of fixes.


    The fact there are writers in the Baseball HOF and the guy with the most hits in history isn't is a complete joke. They should let players vote on weather the writers get in since the writers vote in the players.

  8. Of course he belongs in the Hall of Fame people pretend like there is a morals clause to the Hall of Fame but those enshrined prove there isn't. (Ty Cobb, John Mcgraw, and Charles Comiskey to name a few)

    Pete Rose is a



    Self promoter

    A jerk

    Whatever you want to say but above all he belongs in the HOF because he has more hits than anyone in baseball history and gambling on baseball has nothing to do with that.


    For argument sake take Bonds you may say without PED's he wouldn't hit 762 HR or 73HR in a season.

    For Pete do you say without the gambling he wouldn't have had 4256 hits.


    Your accomplishments should get you in not your personality.

  9. Charlie will bring in whatever he can to secure wins and improve his resume.


    How is the guy who dismissed the 2 players Hellbird called trash coaching career going.


    Plain and simple morals without wins gets you fired, wins without morals gets you promoted or a bigger contract.


    He does not do double sessions, he does not do 7 on 7 showcases and other events, he does not encourage kids to get additional training outside of what he is implementing during his time with the kids, he does not discourage kids from playing other sports.


    I believe Dale is a minority here but he knows what he is doing and the parents and kids trust him.

    He will someday be a very wealthy man if he wants to write a few books about how to coach HS football :thumb:


    Has then always been his philosophy? What would happen in Ft Thomas if he went 2 years without a state title not doing these things if say hypothetically of course they lost to Cov Cath who was doing those things.


    Before you answer with nothing I witnessed in 2005 they lost a home playoff game and the fans i was around told anyone that would listen how stupid he was and he didn't know anything about offense.


    Winning gives you the luxury of doing things like you mentioned but let a coach at Dixie, Boone, Simon or any other school who doesn't win state titles and they would be called lazy.

  11. Nope, the old scoreboard is gone.


    My thinking is $100 raffle tickets to own that Legend, the school takes it down and I will deliver to anyone's curb within 50 miles of HHS.


    Also, a certificate of authenticity would be part of the deal.



    Stipulations (Can not be re-used for "good luck" at another HS and must not be sold to anyone on the other side of the Licking River) Just sayin...


    It would look real nice in someones "Mancave" or backyard.


    Proceeds go to Cancer research...


    I would buy a chance and if I won i would put the Birds on the loosing side of the board as that is the only way for me to get them there. Lol.

  12. Well that would be wrong because she was giving him preferential treatment....That isn't what happened here, so it has nothing to do with the issue at hand.


    You know this for a fact that she never used her position of authority to get him special treatment?


    Guru i hope they have a long marriage but I will never sorry for her getting negative attention like she tried to bring on a high school girl for her wrong doing. When she said these are rumors started by a jealous ex girlfriend she knew that wasn't true and deserves all the negative attention she gets because of that

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