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Option V

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Posts posted by Option V

  1. I look for big things to come in the next two years; I feel the Sophomore class is loaded with talent, which should make for a competitive and fun district.

    Raceland's - Josh Reed and Joey Miller

    East carter's - Seth Greenhill and Brett Carra

    Ashland's - Sam Hunter

    Russell's - Sean Murphy and Brian Conley

    Boyd County's - Trey Salisbury and Cory Smith

    Rowan's - Brett Tackett


    Just to name a few, in no particular order. Just throwing some of the up and coming talent out there - for discussion.

  2. Congrats Rams.




    I think this team is finding their Identity, and realizing that they may not be the offensive juggernaut (like last year’s team) but they are quickly becoming a Defensive team. Nothing wrong with a little pad poppin and a few snot bubbles on a Friday night.

  3. NCLB has zero bearing on athletics, and it shouldn't.



    But the school is the directing force, the head of the snake so to speak in athletics... So you are telling me that if a student athlete’s school is not living up to standards, they would have to sit a year if moving to a new district because of the stimulation in NCLB... Sounds odd to me. Ya would think logic would prevail and academics would come before athletics, and a student athlete would not be punished for trying to improve his/her academic surroundings. (my morning rant):isurrender:

  4. All this talk about transferring has be wondering... According to NCLB act a parent can move his or her child if the schools overall tests score do not improve (paraphrasing) Say if a school district fails to perform or improve performance in test scores and the parents elect to move his or her child that has played in a(or a bunch of) varsity game(s) do transfer rules still apply? Or are they null and void?

  5. I agree. A coach might be able to mix up formations and play calls with the best of them, but it's probably difficult to get a group of high school athletes to execute "multi-dimensional" game plans from week to week. It's kind of like being the jack of all trades and master of none.


    Russell's coach Ivan McGlone is who immediately came to mind when I saw the thread title, but as others have posted, that's not necessarily a bad thing. The proof is in the results. Keep it simple! :thumb:


    Lombardi said it best--> "KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid..." :notworthy:

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