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Posts posted by snowman859

  1. WOW, 33-6 isn't good enough and while yes CovCath didn't win the Region, CovCath still was 33-6 and that was this year!


    As I told another member in a PM, how do the Coaches in other parts of the Commonwealth know about your team, if your team doesn't post their stats in forms like BGP's?


    The papers don't cover HS sports like they used to, so how is a coach from Eastern/Western Ky to know who you are?


    Have you reached out to columnist like Mike Fields of the LH to get some coverage for your NKy team?


    Has your team updated their stats game by game on sites like the Cincinnati Enquirer?


    When you travel or play even local games, do you have a roster to give to the local press? Do you give them an up to date Schedule showing your wins and who they came against? Do you supply them with stats about your team showing them what your players have done? Have you sent these stats to the press in Louisville or Lexington?


    There are plenty of quality teams in NKy but have they gotten the word out around the Commonwealth about themselves?


    If your team doesn't do any of the above, then your team has only themselves to blame for not getting recognized state wide!


    The media if used properly, is a great tool but you have to do the leg work to get it done and many like yourself TT with your 21 post aren't helping your team get the word out about themselves!


    TOG you have a very good point!! And I understand you are the best for CCH. :thumb:

  2. From the closed Dixie/CCH game thread. Terrific Tom initially was mad at the rest of the state for not giving Ryle enough love. He then said this:



    There is much more talent in N. Ky besides just Cov. Cath? And a team cannot live on their laurels of the past no matter who it is. I give credit to coach Krumps for being able to create an institute of baseball at Cov. Cath, however, there are other great teams up here too and Cov. Cath fans ought to realize they are not the only ones that have the market on baseball or any other sport in Northern Kentucky even though the rest of the state may think you do. However, all this being said, it sometimes is nice to go in as the unknown team , whoever you are .


    I challenge tT to back up his statement especially the bolded.


    I read the game thread a few times and have obviously been on BGP for a few posts. I've never once felt any CCH fan was ignorant enough to say anything to support TT's cause.





    All I'm saying is that there are other teams up here (Holy Cross, Ryle,Dixie, Connor, Boone County , NCC and very soon Cooper) that don't get the recoginition that they should get and that includes many players now and from the past from every school up here besides Cov Cath. And yes including the team I root for! It seems as if the coaches in other cities like Lexington and Lousiville only know of CCH, especially in baseball because of the outstanding baseball mecca Krumps has built and there is nothing wrong with that what so ever and CCH fans should be very proud of what they have done over the years. However, that being said, CCH, my team or any other team cannot live on their laurels of the past successes without striving to do better themselves and realize there is great talent in other schools around here. Frankly, sometimes I don't feel that SOME CCH fans think as if there are any other very good teams around here because of all of their successes. That is all. Thanks and I am not by any means upset or mad. Besides, being a number one team for any team CCH included, can carry the extra pressure of a "bulls eye" on their back .

  3. What Catholic HS are you saying are the BIG Catholic HS? Only St. X and Trinity can be classified as big and both are in Louisville, the rest are small in number and that includes CovCath with an enrollment of about 500 boys!


    That number makes CovCath smaller than any County public HS in Boone, Kenton or Campbell Counties!


    Only big in name TOG respectfully so...

  4. ^ Agree with what you written, TT, but at the same time many of these NKY teams are partly responsible for this lack of respect. Until NKY makes a bit more consistent impact at the state tournament, it is an environment by and large dominated by the Louisivlle and Lexington-area schools. If you want these teams to "respect" you and the coaches to vote for you, then you need to get out and schedule - and beat - some of these teams. Playing the same NKY teams over and over and over won't get you many statewide ranking votes and, frankly, won't make you all that much better of a team either. Now, that being said, I have no idea why a school like Ryle - who played and beat quite a number of state-ranked teams this year - would not have gotten more attention. I guess some of the coaches downstate are simply stuck in their past voting ways and won't vote for any school not named Covington Catholic or Beechwood. So be it, ultimately the rankings mean little and NKY can get themselves the ultimate level of respect by capturing a couple of state championships.


    I totally agree Coop! I think you are right about taking a team a couple of state championships before they are recognized in the top levels. Even Harrison County with all of its state baseball championships over the years, I still don't think they really get as much credit in the "so called polls" as they probably should in comparison to the big Catholic schools. It seems in this region, people, coaches tend to hang on to past experiences and names more so than what is going on now with those up and coming sports programs from the newer schools. And again, at the end of the day, all polls are are bragging rites anyway.

  5. You are talking about the All "A" Classic but in the realm of the KHSAA that is not quite true. NCC is in the All "A" Classic by virtue of being one of the 125 smallest enrollment in the Commonwealth but in the KHSAA way of looking at it, they are a 2A size school.


    BTW there is no such division in Baseball and Basketball, per the KHSAA.



    It is amazing to me how Northern Kentucky never gets any recognition for their athletes and teams except Cov. Cath. Again,especially in baseball, when Ryle beats 7 out of the top 25 teams at one point this season and was not even listed in the top 25 poll at that time? That includes beating Bryan Station twice (once with their ace Ryne Combs, the kid that is going to UK, on their field , the same team that just beat state ranked #1 Lexington Catholic in their regional semifinals, and various other teams throughout the season that were in the top 10 to top 25 when they played them. I agree Cov. Cath should have been in the top 10 across the state rankings at times, however, what about Holy Cross, Ryle, even Connor beat Cov Cath this season, along with Dixie beating Cov. Cath twice, and Ryle beat them once, Boone County even beat a top 10 team this year. I frankly don't understand the KHSAA and the coaches across the state that do not have a clue of what talent there is up here in Northern Kentucky. There is much more talent in N. Ky besides just Cov. Cath? And a team cannot live on their laurels of the past no matter who it is. I give credit to coach Krumps for being able to create an institute of baseball at Cov. Cath, however, there are other great teams up here too and Cov. Cath fans ought to realize they are not the only ones that have the market on baseball or any other sport in Northern Kentucky even though the rest of the state may think you do. However, all this being said, it sometimes is nice to go in as the unknown team , whoever you are:D .

  6. For those that weren't there in person, Downs is the real deal. I felt that Ryle was a pretty safe prediction over Holy Cross in this game simply due to him pitching. He doesn't not give up many hits and when he does, there aren't extra baserunners that come around to score because he put them on via walks. He has outstanding control for a high school pitcher, especially one the throws as hard as he does and mixes in all three pitches. I believe just tied the record for wins in a season by a Ryle pitcher with 10. BTW, HC's pitcher Fuller threw very well himself. Ryle strung together a couple hits in the 4th to plate 3 runs, but other than that, he pretty much had Ryle's number.


    I am very proud of Mark Downs . His composure on the mound has a huge plus side and after his future years at UC, we could very easily see him move on to the next level. I'm sure college ball will but an extra 20 lbs on his frame and the velocity of his fast ball will be at a higher level. Already, his pitch selection is outstanding and ability to keep the ball down in the zone is very good. And the scouts love the lefties.

  7. Not going to take anything away from Ryle, Congrats! But, if watch this pitch on IHIGH it should have been ball 4. This view is from right behind the plate also.


    It wasn't any different than any of the other pitches that were in question tonight. Balls that should have been balls that were called strikes and strikes that should have been called balls were called strikes it was consistently the same for both sides. The zone was pretty squezzzed at times. But pitch in question was a strike in the zone as it was called all night. I have yet to see a high school game in Ky where a strike is where the ball crosses the plate not where the catcher catches it.

  8. Probably is correct, as the Freedom plays at home on Friday. Not to say a game couldn't be played there earlier in the day, but just guessing they'd schedule it for Thursday to avoid any potential conflict, as well as give them a safety net in the event of bad weather.


    I'm not sure if this right or not, at the Ryle/Cooper game last night, in talking with someone who was going to have a meeting in the next day or so about the seeding in 9th region tournament, he said the games are going to played Monday, Tuesday and Championship game is Thursday night this year. Apparently, the crowds are potentially larger on Thursday nights than Friday nights is the reasoning?

  9. I was very impressed with both Downs and Way last night. Ryle did have a chance in the bottom of the 10th after a single , the lack of bunting the runner over hurt Ryle again today. Unbelievable.....baseball sure is a humbling game. Good luck to both Conner and Boone in the Regionals. Ryle had a great year and the seniors will be missed.

  10. Good job Cooperstown!!!! I TOTALLY AGREE with your statements.There is a season for everyone and every player and Coach Roesel and Coach Demler, and Coach Collins are excellent coaches and do a great job at what they do and they will make the right decisions when those times come.NO ARGUEMENT I think the coaches a Ryle are some of the best coaches in N. KY and it is much easier to critize from the side lines ! Please, I am NOT trying to be AROGANT I apologize if I came across that way to everyone. By the way,I do not have the second coming in a player going to Ryle, your totally wrong I do not have a dog in this hunt. I am just asking questions as a fan of Ryle baseball .Cooperstown? If anyone would know the reasons and answers, ..... I thought you might know. Following all the teams at Ryle, from the freshmen level, the JV level and Varsity level, please educate me why there are so many different philosophies from different schools across N.K in respect of playing time for underclassmen and what is Ryles? I honestly do not know.

  11. I love Ryle and I love every single player on the team this year, years in the past, and years to come. IT is one of the best schools in NKY.I hope they win their district every year.. I am just stating the fact that there is going to be a huge log jam in the year(s) to come on the varsity level at Ryle if it is a coach's purpose (Ryle or anywhere else) to try to please those on the varsity team because of their class standing and experience on the varsity squad. If anything I am not putting down anyone I am stating the facts that there are others at the JV level at Ryle that could help the varsity Right Now if they chose to and see it necessary to do so. I was very happy with varsity's play this evening beating Dixie 7-2 at Freedom Field. One of the better games that the varsity has played all season. I also understand that each coach has his own philosphy in how he puts a system in place. However, I have also heard that it is every coaches' wish to put the best team on the field, and I am not so sure Ryle is doing that at times. Again, I am not cutting down anyone or mean to, but I am just stating the facts

  12. Cooperstown? Top J.V. players? Half of your top J.V. players are still playing again for the second year J.V. baseball for Ryle . Including your top hitter from last year's JV team and the current top hitter on Ryle's JV team. The freshmen last year had more homeruns than any sophomores did and the same guys are hitting them again this year. Including the guy who hit 3 homeruns in one day. Also the JV team has also had its share of rainouts and interruptions to interfere with their groove. Weak teams for varsity. How about Cooper (Freshman pitcher) Grant County ( 8th graders in the outfield) Simon Kenton several underclassman (Freshmen, sophomores on their team) I don't buy it.

  13. I totally agree with you with the varsity level being a different game all together, it is a faster game and you need to learn to hit the crisper curve ball . However, when I see a kid finishing up the season with the highest batting average on the JV team last year as a freshman, and is doing it again this year playing JV ball .I would think it would be time to present a larger challenge for him. I am of the mind that a player gets better when he faces a better competiton. However, just to say you sat on the bench with varsity players is not the answer. It is better for a kid to get plenty of playing time at the JV level instead of saying " I sat on the bench with the varsity team." Honestly, the best opportunities are with select summer teams where you travel the south and play those kids who actually throw 90 mph+ fast balls and are future D1 players and select draft picks. Clyde, I agree, there is a BIG difference, however, there is a time to give certain players those challenges, especially since he has already faced those in the summer time 2 years older than him. Frankly, when everyone uses BBCOR bats next year everyone may be batting .142.

  14. By the way, I think the varsity team has great potential at Ryle this year. I am just saying there is a lot of good things to look forward to for Ryle's future in the next couple of years watching the JV team play this year. If this year's varsity team needs help with more offense, they have plenty of players to pick from on their JV level.

  15. Congrats to Ryle's JV team that has set a new school record of 15-0 to start this season. This impressive group of players would be starting varsity at most any other school in the state. Ryle should be very excited about their baseball future.

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