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Posts posted by RuSerious

  1. Famous athletes and other public figures are fair game for criticism. You may not like it, but that's how it is. It's the price you pay for fame and the good things that accompany it. You probably didn't cover it in your high school or college classes, unless you took a class on media law.


    And like Scribe said, nobody's really even being all that critical about him. We're just curious because of how tight-lipped everyone in the Reds organization has been about it. He's arguably the best player on the team, and he's missed more than two weeks with mystery malady. As fans, we want to know when he'll be back and helping the Reds win.


    In the end, it still does not make it right or give us that right, bottom line!

  2. There are a lot of way for me to answer that question that I can't put out there at this time. I think it certainly played a part, but it was only a fraction in the equation. Cyp had made the critical connections, and it paid off IMO...


    I for one wishes you would give more instead of saying I can't put something out there or the rules of this site prohibit me form saying something. I need proof and that is certainly not it.


    Seems a lot of what has been written here is all opinion anyway!

  3. I don't see where anyone is bashing Votto. They are saying there is likely more to the situation than what the Reds are saying.


    Similar to when Mark Prior played for the Cubs and no one was buying his achilles injury the team was trying to sell. Everyone knew it was a problem with his arm.


    Is anyone buying ear infection as the sole cause?


    You made my point, thanks, it is all speculation. I personally do not think the condition of a man's health is something to speculate about.


    So are you now privy to inside info in the Cubs organization? LOL! :lol:

  4. I would think that we could have our own opinions on whether the fight will be a good one or not, could be a classic or could be a dud.


    There have been many UFC fights that should have been great, but just were not. Fights that the "so-called" UFC experts thought would be UFC classics that were nothing in the end or did not come close to living up to the hype!


    So, in all honesty, this could go either way and I think/hope everyone understands that!

  5. Congrats, but that still doesn't mean everyone has to agree with you and your opinions on this situation.


    Thanks for the pat on the back, was not really looking for that. :dancingpa


    However, I could care less if anyone agrees w/me to be totally honest. That is not why I debate or post on certain issues. Seems to me in the end, I was justified and so was Tommy Glavine. Some will call it a PR move and maybe it was, but sometimes I like to believe their is just good in people. This being one of those times! :thumb:

  6. Smith doesn't have anything to do with this.

    It's the athletic department.


    So do you really think Coach Smith has not put a call in on behalf of this young man? Tubby is highly thought of down there, I would most certainly think he has!

  7. Here we go, always the constant coming back and forth. Some things just cannot be let go. Now, I am guilty of what I despise! You surely did not back anything up with "And that is a fact", so I guess in the end you were right or maybe not. I think it really doesn't matter in the end.


    I feel if someone takes the time to really read these posts the idea would be understood. I agree, fact was probably a poor choice of wording there.


    However, the definition of Fact: A fact is a pragmatic truth, a statement that can, at least in theory, be checked and either confirmed or denied. Facts are often contrasted with opinions and beliefs, statements which are held to be true, but are not amenable to pragmatic confirmation or denial.


    So in the end, the consequences and the very real effects of what the Braves did by releasing Tom Glavine, agree w/the move or not, are very vital components of the true meaning of truth!!!!!!


    I find that very hard to argue with, flat out excellent point. Right on! :thumb:

  8. Several of his friends and associates were on Larry King tonight. They all said that there is no way he would have killed himself. A couple of them suggested foul play might have been involved. The family states that everything that is being said right now is based on rumor and speculation.


    And this site and this thread adds to that rumor mill!

  9. He said his release was “totally financially-driven, whether it’s they didn’t want to pay me the million dollars that I would have been due to go out there and pitch and pitch one pitch, one inning, one game and get hurt - and I’m very understanding that that’s a possibility.”


    Glavine said that the more likely scenario involved Wednesday’s trade that brought Pittsburgh outfielder Nate McLouth to the Braves.


    “In order for them to pull this deal off, they had to get some money somewhere, and they got the money from releasing me,” he said.


    This says it all, a dirty way to do a guy that poured his heart and soul out on that field for your organization!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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