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Posts posted by Mr.Rhino

  1. Mount Saint Joe - a DIII catholic college in cincy. Think cincy version of Thomas Moore (sp.).


    They have been miserable in football recently.


    Miserable in football recently?? Really?? Over the last ten years they are 72 and 34, including 4 HCAC league championships and 5 trips to the NCAA playoffs. Just last season they had a player from Louisville lead the Nation (All Divisions) in rushing. So could you elaborate on miserable?

  2. Don't know if anyone else noticed, the article on Holy Cross and Cooper was titled "Indians take on 5A Conner". I don't care what excuses the enquirer has but that paper would fail any English 101 college entry course. C'mon man at least proof read the article. Cooper fans should be upset and who could blame them. Get it right or don't print it.


    They also messed up the Simon Kenton/ Beechwood headline...stating that Beechwood is 2A and not 1A.

  3. This could be fool's gold. Siple did well at Indian Hill in Cincinnati, but they were in a mixed league. They were a bigger school in with smaller schools. IH was Ohio DIvision II (KY Class 5A), in a district/league with Ohio Division IV-V schools (KY Class 3A-2A). They were the biggest enrollment school. A couple decent playoff runs.But good luck. He might do well. I hope so.


    I feel you are sadly mistaken. Indian Hill was never a division two team in Ohio. The highest they have ever been in division 3. Yes they did have the biggest enrollment for the schools in thier league, but before Siple got there, Indian Hill stuggled to get players to come out for the team. Over time he built the program at IH into what it is today, Kevin is a good coach and will be successful with time at Grant or Bracken.

  4. I caught a few minutes of Brossarts practice last week. There were some new faces there. I don't know their names yet but it looks like some changes were made. It looks like on offense they had 3 running backs in the backfield, running what looked like a wishbone and on defense it looked like a 62 or a 44 look.

    Looks like some major changes were made....hopefully this helps, especially with Brossart playing in 2A this year.

  5. They were 11-4...the state rings actually say "6-4 to 11-4" on the side. I know 3 of the losses were Boone (with Shaun Alexander), Moeller, and New Cath. I think you may be right about Conner being the other. I know it wasn't Scott or Simon Kenton.


    If I remember correctly, Cov Cath beat Montgomery County in the playoffs that year, and the M.C. had some really cool "march" formation that they did when then came off and on the field before/after the game and at the half.

    That year CCH lost 3 of their first 4. The teams they lost to were Boone, Moeller, Beechwood, and Conner. The team they beat of the first four was Newport. After the Conner loss, they didn't lose the rest of the season. The Boone loss was a blowout, the Moeller and Conner losses were close, and the Beechwood loss wasn't that close. That team came together after the Conner loss and became pretty good down the stretch when it counted

  6. The holmes running backs 90-91-92 was James Hayes not Chris,Chris only played in one game it was the openning game vs. Campbell co. and he messed up he's knee (acl) and never played again the runningback that followed Hayes in the 93 season was James Able.Both backs were great backs.Fred Conrad,Aubry Lucky and Davis were the backs form 94-96. This was the McCarthey era when Holmes was at its best in football. These team also prodused two head Coaches Jeff marksberry at S.K. and Matt Reinhart at Brossart.

  7. I don't know what game you were watching, but there was no hurry up offense ran at all in the second half by the mustangs.

    Well running hurry up offense with five minutes to go in the game was not acceptable. Calling a time-out with three seconds before the game was over was a joke. Even the refs were looking like what in the world are they doing?
  8. The onside kick at the start of the 2nd half is fair game. The score wasnt out of hand and Brossart wanted to put them away. Going for 2 is a great idea to try to go for the running clock. That way the game gets over sooner. Beating Besty Lane was a good win because they are 6-3. Mister Cee, please come to the conversation with more facts to make your opinions count. If Brossart wanted to score 60 they would have. They stopped doing anything besides simple dives right and left to not run the score up. Im sorry you felt that the football decisions from the game were poor, but it is football and all teams play that way. As for the outburst at the end, the coach wanted to make sure his players were protected. The safety of the kids is always first. Football is a game of emotions and coach let his feelings be known that he wants his kids to be protected by the refs when teams are playing dirty.

    By the way I talked to a current Brossart coach last night. He said it was a joke the way the coach acted. Told the kids at half time with the score 30-6 that their goal was to score 60. Onside kick was ridiculous, going for 2 was ridiculous. APTR I don't need to make allegations there are a ton of people who are sick about the classless calls friday night. Coach Reinhart and his staff have won a few more games this year by beating Caverna, Betsy Lane etc. I'm sure they work as hard as most coaching staffs but there is a way to win with class and they obviously need to learn about that.
  9. Not to take anything away from the king but if one was to nit pick i would have video evidence to say that it was 2 t.d.'s on beechwood first team, and there was only ONE penalty on the so called "only TD drive helped by a couple of key penalties." But, what's that matter? They are head and shoulders above everyone in the district for sure! Congrats to another district sweep! Good luck in the next 6 weeks!


    Walton had one TD. Who had the other?

  10. I dont care what the Dayton players were saying or doing. You have to win with class.

    Eagle for Life Brossart is not a tough draw at all. No one on this side is crying either. It was totally classless.


    Like I said, Good Luck in 2A next year.


    What are you basing your opinion on? Besides Beechwood, who haven't they played with on their schedule to this point?

  11. Brossart had 455 yards of offense. 225 yards passing and 220 yards rushing. The play calling was fine. Walton won a very competitive game. Congrats to Walton. Brossart will still be a tough out in the playoffs as long as they handle their business. There were mistakes made that are correctable on both sides of the ball for both teams. Both teams have come a long way over the last couple years and I wish both programs luck in the future.

  12. The answer to your first question Futurecoach of a layoff due to illness affecting a team most at the beginning of the game is just plain wrong. If you have been sick, your lungs and energy levels are depleted the longer you attempt to go. That is a fact. Your point that Brossart came out playing great was a fact as well. However, your point of it not being close after the first quarter is completely wrong as well. It was tied 14 14 at the half. That is a fact. Anyone could see that the team that started the game was not the same team by the end of the game, which brings me back to being affected the longer the team tried to go. That is a fact. Since you are wanting to throw out facts, I decided to give you the real facts instead of baseless opinions. We are going to have to agree to disagree.

  13. Excuses are one thing, facts are another. Playing a game without 2 weeks of practice hurts momentum and chemistry, which happened to Brossart going into the Ludlow game. That isn't a poor excuse, it is a huge fact. I would like to see how well any other team would play given the same circumstances. One cannot deny that would have a huge effect on any team, not just Brossart. Ludlow was fortunate to play that game when they did and they were the better team that night. A win is a win, congrats to Ludlow for that. No way Ludlow wins by 21 points on any other week of the season. IMO, Ludlow wouldn't have beaten Brossart if the circumstances were different on any other week of last season. Im not disrespecting Ludlow, Im just stating my opinion. Ludlow had many good players last year. Rice was one of the best LB's in the area. One thing that I believe we can agree on is that these teams are going to play hard no matter the circumstances and thats all a football fan can ask for. May the best team win.

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