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Posts posted by Fence\Rider

  1. Those are all coaches of individual sports!! Totally different dynamic coaching a

    team sport and a individual sport. Parents can not complain about playing time

    in an individual sport . PT and their child's place within the sport or event comes

    down to a time in track, score in golf, one on one competition in practice such as in wrestling and tennis. In a team sport, lots of intangibles and the subjective opinion of a coach. End result lots of parental opinions of where their child should be playing and how much they should be used

    on a team. Not to mention the X's and O's that everyone knows better. Time will tell how long these new TEAM sport coaches last at Ryle. If they are parent-friendly,are easy going , and are willing to listen to the parents then they might last if they like coaching like that.


    ILTBB - sounds like you have had a bad experience with Ryle athletics and probably need to take a step back, your relentlessly negative. I have been associated with the program for many years and have had some personal experience with the program, plus surrounded by many parents I trust 100% insinuating that change was needed. As for the top three coaches released: Mullins – good guy one on one, as a coach couldn’t develop or understand the decent players focused more on those less fortunate resulting in destruction of a team environment. Olivero – great coach although let her power get in the way causing potential legal harm. Warner – great heart, although surrounded himself with less than desirable coaches, and couldn’t change from the coaching mentality that was prevalent 20 years ago. You will never see everyone on the same page, but remember, CHANGE IS GOOD…give it a chance. 

  2. So let me get this straight. Coach is gone because parents may or may not be lunatics with unrealistic expectations after little Johnny dominated the Possum Creek crew, C Division of 3rd grade AAU.

    Now the three amigos may transfer because the parents may or may not have liked in no particular order, the coach, the administration or the other parents with unrealistic expectations. So, they are willing to dole out 10k+ in tuition, drive their kids a half hour each way to school, all so Ronny, Bobby, Ricky and Mike can better themselves on The Hill and extend their playing careers where? TMC, Mt St Joe?


    Spot on Kyyank... although you forgot after TMC, Mt St Joe it's on to the NBA! Seriously many parents figure it out after its to late; it really is about grades, part time employment, then athletics. If the kid is really good they will find you!!!

  3. I agree, Mullins would not be a good fit at Walton. I'm pretty sure they know who their choice is going to be but they still have to get some other things worked out before making it official.


    Not sure I agree, I was think it would be a great fit for Mullins... Out of sight out of mind.

  4. I see discussion all the time in threads about basketball players being held back. I am not really sure why people are so emotional about this. My viewpoint is this. The only thing gained by holding a player back is another good year on his high school career. If anyone holds a player back because they think it will get the player a scholarship, they are disillusioned. Either you have the talent, size and athleticism to play at the next level or not. Playing an extra year in high school is not going to change any of those factors.


    So why are so many people fixated on this and does anyone think it really will help a player get a scholarship?


    IMO it is the "parent illusion". The majority of parents think their kid is a great athlete; with the huge increase in AAU, speed and agility training and other programs we get caught up in thinking there just may be a chance that the kid might go DI, D2 etc. With that said holding them back is another tool for the illusion to come true...

  5. Since my long trip to the basement I have gone from 273 down to 216 ½ back to 229 down to my current weight as of last week 221 ½.


    I still have 21 ½ pounds to go before I hit the first big goal.


    Nice job! Keep it up you can do it...:thumb:

  6. Just an outsiders view on the topic but I think your best option at QB next year is your starting point guard this year. I'd guess that the basketball staff may have some reservations (as they should with Zeke) but if I were the FB coach, I'd be recruiting Brandon Hatton.


    Not a chance, it will be Zeke Pikes from here on out.

  7. Hatton is coming into his own and I expect him to be one of the leading scorers in the Region next year as a Freshman. He is built like a Jr/Sr right now and has a great shot. I think right now he is taking what they are giving him. Next year look for him to take what they try not to give him.


    Don't disagree he is a pretty solid player. One question, how old is this kid, it seems like everytime I hear people talk about him he is an 8th grader and I have been hearing this for at least two years?

  8. I have an idea!


    Send the parent a copy of this thread if he/she isn't a member of BGP's or even if she/he are. Maybe just maybe seeing in the form of the printed word via a E-mail or being handed these comments, just might be enough for them to get the idea what their child thinks, or even what the other parents/fans/coaches think.


    Guru/mods, if this is against the rules, then I am sorry for suggesting this but if it can help just one kid by someone showing this thread to a offending parent and it helps out their kid, then I am all for breaking a rule!


    I hope you understand that my heart is in the right place, as I only want to try to help out a kid!


    Great idea!!!:thumb:

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