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Posts posted by WVFrank

  1. I understand the Moss family is moving to West Virginia which doesn't leave Thad many options. I am told there is an outside chance he could stay at Boone but it looks as if he will have to move with his family to WV.


    Anyone have more detail?


    Can anyone confirm or deny this?


    Yes, it is true. My daughter needs help with a lot of things and has a better chance in WV. Hate that Thad can't continue at BC but it has to be done.


    WVFrank, where are you , and how are you doing? I hope your health is better!


    Hanging on. Weaker all the time.

  2. Just did a little research and found a number of 6A teams (not so many in NKY) with frosh players listed on their rosters. And a few of those are playing enough minutes to be showing up in the stats. So perhaps Moss playing isn't totally unusual. Perhaps these other schools also have cases where a younger player is the best option for them at a particular position.


    And that raises a reversal of the question being asked in this thread. Would all this discussion about Thad be going on if his name (and relationship) wasn't what it is? I would guess that it wouldn't. Food for thought.

  3. I hope all goes well my friend. My sister is in hospice also and it's tough. I was curious, with your name and all, if you were a relative of Thad? Like I said earlier, he's a great kid and will be a handful on the gridiron in years to come. Not taking anything away from him, but my question was, was it his name more than his current ability that has him starting on Varsity. That is all I was asking.


    Again I wish you all the luck and you are in my prayers.


    Thanks, all prayers appreciated! I'm Thad's grandfather and wishing I could be there (live in WV).


    I truly think he's playing because he's good enough and that the name has nothing to do with it. As I said earlier, occasionally that youngster comes along that can get it done and fits a need, thus plays where he might not normally.

  4. I never said that. only watched Sid last year for the first time, she was awesome!!!!! I never claimed she played up because of her name. I only talk about Thad (which i really like and as I said earlier could have all the talent in the world as he grows older) because i've known Thad for 6 years and have actually went to tourney's with him several years when he and my boy played pee wee. He's a good athlete, good kid, I just didn't think he was as good right now as sopme on here are claiming him to be when they talk about all the talent on Boone's team and have him in the same category with Casey Boston etc. He's good, don't take it the wrong way, but he's not as great as some stated, especially after seeing him drop 3 straight passes right in his hands against Cooper earlier this year before his first catch. He has a ton of promise and could be unstoppable in a year or two, he's just not there just yet is all I was saying.


    So no need to get upset, I didn't say he is horrible or anything like that, i just posed a reasonable question to why a 6A school would need to have a freshman playing right now at the Varsity level unless he was one of the best players on the team, which he is not....yet. It's a reasonable question, no need to take offense to it.


    Fair enough. Gotta excuse me having a bit of an edge since I'm at home in hospice care, defiantly cheating the grim reaper and trying to whip him. This message board is a way to keep myself involved since I can't be there to see Thad play.

  5. He is a freshman so he will get better. Regardless of how good he is, the fact that he is playing varsity end should be embarrassing for Boone County. He can hold his own on varsity and is getting playing time because he has the body that can do it. A 6A school like Boone County should have an upperclassman with a couple years in the weight room out there playing end. Having to dip down to the freshman level is a bad sign.


    I hear what you are saying but there are occasionally young players who are good enough to play up. And I agree FB is a tough one to do that because of the strength and maturity difference that comes from being in a program for a while. Sometimes it just works out that a young player fits in where there may not be a better suited/gifted/prepared upperclassman. I do know some Boone County supporters on here who watched Moss play up to the 9th grade team last year who thought he was good enough to play varsity, and I also know the BC coaches felt that way prior to the season.

  6. You hit the nail on the head.


    But with that said, how much of a factor is his playing time due to his name rather than an upperclassman being better? You know as well as I know that many times at this level there are players who may be better at a certain position never get to play at that position due to the lack of their own coaches knowledge about the player.


    I wonder how much of his playing time is contributed to his name and how much is contributed to his actual talent at this age.


    What a surprise that you would "wonder", based on what you've had to say so far! Where were you when his sister played up? It was pretty obvious she played because of her name rather than her talent. Right!!! :rolleyes:

  7. First off i'm not selling any kool aide, and we probably know eachother...my son plays baseball for cooper also. I didn't say Moss couldnt be a great player, i said he isn't there yet. His hands aren't what i think people claim them to be, he can get there but his body is more of a lineman than a reciever right now but you are right he can get there he's got plenty of time.


    The baseball field is really nice, you are right, except the outfiled needs some work. The football field is horrible but it is because they simply didn't have the money when the school was built to put much into the fields. The baseball field is basically maintained by parentsw and Coach Bieger, the school itself doesn't put much into the fields so whatever is done is usually by the parents and coaches themselves.


    I still think if you doubt Moss' hands you've missed a lot of his play. They are as good as anyone's around and better than most. That might not show right now with the issues (freshman plaing varsity, not in the best shape, home, etc.) he's facing but it will over time.


    I agree with your assessment about body type, at least to this degree,..............more like a tight end than a receiver. That body is evolving rapidly from what was a lineman's body but is certainly at the TE/DE stage now. He will never look like Randy but his uncle Eric was one fine HS TE at 6-5, 270#. Thad could get to that size but even at his current size will continue to develop and improve. He has really good feet as well as hands and may also develop at DE.


    I suspect some people do tire of a freshman being mentioned ahead of players who have been around longer but that's not his fault. He just wants to play and be judged on what he does. Tough to be the child of a name athlete but I expect Thad to handle it as well as his sister did.

  8. i agree that Boone has a lot of talent, Casey Boston is a beast, unfortunatley he broke his ankle in yesterday's game in 3 places and is out for the year. he is such a great talent too, i would of been using him as their tailback myself, but that's just me. As far as Moss, I think too many on here are giving his name the credit and I think he may be one of the most overrated players discussed on here. He isn't very good, his hands are not good at all ( i've known him for years and my son has played with him for years. ) in the cooper game alone he had 3 drops right in his hands before he made his first catch. He's never been known for good hands, but his size is perfect for a blocking TE. Boone unfortunatley is stuck in the same offense they ran for decades and you are right, they really need to adapt to the players they have instead of forcing the players to run the same style they have always run no matter what type of players they have.


    Now that is funny! He has great hands and anyone who says differently, even if they have "known him for years", hasn't paid much attention to detail.


    Don't know about him dropping passes right in his hands at Cooper game because I wasn't there but I have followed his career closely, have thrown the ball to him myself, have watched him play both FB and BB, and his hands are exceptional. He is not in shape right now because of paperwork eliminating equal practice with others and is a young 14-year old playing up to HS. Watch and see what he does if he stays in NKY.

  9. Agree, Moss has great hands and a big body. I look for the Rebels to use him more this season. I would also like to see Boone give Moss a shot on the DL. At times last year he was almost unstoppable as a DL. Special athlete for sure!


    I expect he will see some time next game at DE. Not in top shape due to missed practice while getting paperwork cleared. Also will see more plays at TE. Initially was in on just certain plays but showed he could block and that earned him more time.

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