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  1. You might want to read Bylaw-11-14 in the KHSAA Handbook.. It states: the suspended coach may not participate in another contest at any level (Freshman, JV,Varsity) until being reinstated by a member of the Commission. The coach is also looking at a three game suspension which would prohibit you from being at games on any level.



    I guess that BGH felt he was above the law of the KSHAA and could reinstate himself? This is what I was trying to say in my eairler post, that he continues to try to push off some of the actions he is responsible for. Some have stated that he very true to his program and that may be correct, but actions such as being ejected from games, berating of officials, and has some had stated "questionable stats"..... well leaves some open questions. I feel that coaches, AD's and Administartors should be viewed as a type of role model. I guess those who know this person better than myself can attest to his actions and if he fits that role model status??

  2. I bet memyselfandi swallowed her cheetohs and fell off the gator when she got that call :eek: The AD has already reinstated him!



    If someone could verify this, but isnt the coach we are speaking of also the AD/Administartor??


    It is amazing that a person in such a position could be proud enough of his actions to have already reinstated himself. It would seem to me that school adminiatration ie: the principal, would take a look of the actions of the coach/AD/Adiminstrator and make the decision of reinstatement. It seems to me that being proud of such actions would be an embarassment to the school and an example would be made. What message is this sending to the other coaches in the program not to mention the student athlete and also the parents of the athletes? Being new to BGP I have seen a number of posts regarding this person and could someone explain why/how this person continues to operate in this role? Not only are school administrators supposed to be seen and not heard and to be considered an authority figure, it seems to me that this person does not show these characteristics. I realize that there are 2 sides to every story, but it seems that the majority of posts regarding BGH are usually disucssing is actions and very seldom compliment him.


    I may be way off base here, but maybe some could explain.

  3. Kind of surprised by the margin of victory on this one. Thought NCC was a little better than that.


    Agree. The ND coach from the past two years worked hard to develop some of these players and their current coach seems to be doing the same. They are doing very well and will continue to improve.


    Curious to hear more about the collision at the plate. What team was on defense and did either team's coach question the call or non call to the umpire? Just curious how big of a deal, if any, it really was.


    It was to my understanding that the collision at the plate was uncalled for and could have resulted in a serious injury. From what I have been told the NCC catcher was at least 2 to 3 feet behind the plate and the runner went into the catcher with 2 hands raised and lowered shoulder. Also, from the information passed on to me the player never touched the plate and the umpire was standing infront of the plate and never saw the collision. He did notice that the catcher was upended and laying on the ground after crowd made notice and went directly over to the catcher to see what had happened. Soo, if this is the way it went down I would say this would be a big deal due to the fact it was completly unprovoked. It is kind of like protecting the quarterback in football. If not ready for the hit it could result in serious injury.


    Again, I am getting all of this second hand. Maybe Lawnboy may be able to give some insight, because it sounds like Shamrock was not paying attention or may have been hanging out with Big Green Horse. Plus I don't see anyone saying it didn't happen, so something must have happened?


    Or maybe as you stated this was nothing major??????


    Hopefully we can get some insight from someone who may have been at the game.

  4. I told you my Pandas were underrated! We spanked them!! And nobody was out dancing!!



    I spoke with one of the parents from NCC while watching the CATS play last night. Sounds like NCC just didn't come ready to play. From what I was told there were 3 key errors in the first 2 innings that helped get the snowball rolling and then the Lady Breds just fell apart. I know that they are young and the growing pains of development can be rough at times, but Notre Dame does have a nice team and hits the ball well. It also sounds that Taylor Burkhart pitched well again, but the defense was just wasn't there last night. I also heard that Notre Dame made some nice plays in the outfield to stop a couple of scoring opportunities for NCC.


    Have to give the Pandas credit for developing their young talent and the growing pains they have gone thru the past few years are paying off.


    I was also told that there was a collision at home plate that should have never happened. No play involved at the plate and the runner had to go out of her way to make the contact. Wasn't there so maybe Shamrock can give us a more accurate account. I do know that the parents on both sides from what I have been told said it was not a "very nice play". The player for some reason was not ejected and continued to remain in the game. Again, Shamrock should be able to give a better description of the play.:notworthy:

  5. You would have to take Highlands but both teams have been a bit untested so far so it is too early to evaluate based on scores. Highlands offense seems to be on a roll though right now. I think Shamrock evaluated it well.



    Well, BGH no update to your predicition?? I guess an NCC loss would have prompted a response, but kind of like a BBHS loss, when a NCC win happens no report or respoonse to be given?

  6. You can start with the right score It was 8-3. It is hard to hit a pitcher that wild who wlaks 8 and hits three batters. Can't judge anything on that game. Brossart is also missing their cleanup hitter who is their top rbi person.


    Well if the pitcher is wild, then DON'T SWING!! sounds very simple to me. 8-3 equals a 5-0 win so what is the problem. I will bet that when the stats are out BBHS will be leading the state in ALL categories. Runs scored, On base %, hit by pitch, most sunflower seeds spit...... Just take the win be happy and play tomorrow don't make excuses because another team may be building their program or as BGH put it BBHS has reloaded, maybe the are rebuilding also. It happens to every program. Can't always be the Yankees :D

  7. McDonald or no McDonald, NCC has plenty of balance. Having said that, if CovCath can shoot the 3 the way they did against HC, they can win this game. I am going with NewCath in a close game:


    Newport Central Catholic 56

    Covington Catholic 52


    I would have to disgree with this statement. NCC looks to have had problems of late with scoring points or taking advantage of creating foul problems for teams by attacking the rim from the paint and going inside to their bigs. Trying a new concept of playing Schulte and the McDonald kid at the same time may prove to be a benefit. If I am not mistaken, Highlands had 6 team fouls with a minute or so to go in the game and NCC never got to the bonus until 1:30 left in the 2nd quarter. If you attack the rim and not settle for 3's well the game IMO would have been 10-15 point NCC win versus 5? If a team lives and dies by the 3 ball you have to take what you get.


    These two will be going to NewCath anyway so way cry foul about it.


    NewCath only wants those that want to attend NewCath.


    This issue goes back about 6 or 7 years ago when Brossart was taking 8th graders for athletics, a parent from St.Joe's called MEL WEBSTER and asked if their daughter could play softball, they were told YES, but then the parents told Mel that they wanted to make it clear that their daughter would be attending NEWCATH for high school and suddenly the answer was NO. So know kids in those "feeder" schools that are going to NewCath have no other choice but to play the system so to speak. Brossart and Mel have no one to blame but themselves for this. Currently there are 2 girls from St. Therese on the NewCath freshman team that will be attending Highlands for high school and they are more than welcomed to play, they weren't told NO.


    By the way, all the kids on the freshman team that are from St.Joe's and St. Phillips ALL have a "legacy" to NewCath, either a the parents or brothers or sisters are alum and were going to attend NewCath anyway.



    I guess the biggest question that seems very obvious to me is the following: Why would a PARENT want to send their child to a school to play a sport while in the 7th or 8th grade that doesnt plan on attending that school?? Is it really fair to the child, teammates, and the school they are playing for to do this? If a child wants to go to NCC or Brossart because of friends(which is usually the case), sports or lets not forget EDUCATION, then so be it. With the decline in the private schools due to the economy, why not just open it up to NO districting and keep the kids in the catholic school system??


    While this is all new to me it seems very simple, if i am a coach and another coach does a better job of presenting their program to a player and parent and I lose that player, then shame on me!! I should have done a better job on presenting my program or honestly if a player does not want to play for me then I really dont want that player or parent.


    Mustang speaks of a golfer that attends NCC and played golf an 8th grader, I applaude his parents for doing the correct thing, "don't send a student athlete to a school when there is NO chance of that student athlete attending that school. Over the past 2 years I do know of a golfer and volleyball player that was very open of letting people know that their child would not be attending Brossart, but the AD allowed those players to play a Varsity sport. If I am a high school parent with a child in playing that sport and have an 8th grader playing above my child and I know that player is not going to attend the school that I sending my child and paying tuition, well I would have to question the integrity of the AD to allow this to happen??


    Again, I am new to all of this, but it sounds like some at BBHS call foul and worry more about what the other school/schools are doing rather than just try to do a better job of making a better presentation. Maybe some administrative moves would be a good start???


    Why not have Mr. Clines devise a contract for the student athletes that if they play at certain high school as an 8th grader they are committed to that school for the next 4 years after that and if they choose not to attend that high school then they lose their freshmen year to play in a sport?? Most likely there may be a legal issue for this not to happen, but sounds like a good solution to this mess and would stop all of the jelaous banter/debating..... well lets just call it like it is "crying".

  9. I guess all of you will need to explain the recruiting thing, but it seems to me according to BGH they don't go looking outside their own feeder schools? I will have to questsion a girl someone told me about that played softball at the varsity level at a neighborhood public school rival, but I guess that does not count because it is a public school and if I am not mistaken didn't a girl from Holy Cross play basketball for Brossart this year while her twin sister stayed at Holy Cross??


    I guess being new to this area and BGP, my education on this subject just isnt up to speed.

  10. :cool:They don't bother me. I know who they are so with me it's always just "consider the source." I think they go over the line though when they make fun of the kid or the accomplishment. Varsity is at a different level than jv and freshmen however it means a lot to the coaches and players regardless of the level of play. It is usually someone bitter, someone having issues or someone fired in the past so they try to be "big" by posting here as their only way of trying to be important. When i post.... I post positive game info on our games. If I choose to post only on wins thats my choice. It is America, a free country. This is not a job or I don't work for BGP. I post positive game reports. Losses to me are not positive. Good luck to everyone is post season.


    Looks like BGH is still grinding an ax with the first bold comment and as for the second bold comment.....info on games usually consists of good and bad results. Kind of like the stats to the KHSAA or Enquirer. Good and bad results along with more accurate stats??

  11. It was a very interesting night at Seither Center with a little bit of everything going on. In the end the Lady 'Stangs of Bishop Brossart held off a pesky Bracken County squad for their 22nd win against only six losses. It came on a night of several upsets around the 9th and 10th Region. In the end Bishop Brossart wins 58-48, their second win of the season over the Lady Bears.

    The Lady 'Stangs have now won their most games since the 2002-2003 season when they won 29. They are 4-0 in the District and now 9-2 in the 10th Region.

    The Lady 'Stangs couldn't buy a basket the first part of the game and found themselves down a stunning 21-10 at one point but they started to put it all together right before the half and battled to a 25-25 tie at intermission.

    In the second half they started playing for keeps, especially in the fourth quarter where they thawed the Lady Polar Bears by the tune of 25-14, aided by a Bracken technical foul. The Brossart bench as always was a big lift as the Lady 'Stangs had a 17-4 advantage over the Lady Bears off the bench. They also had a big edge in second chance points 18 to 6 and points off turnovers 19-13. They forced Bracken into 18 turnovers and recorded 15 steals off defense.

    Perhaps the biggest area of Brossart dominance though was on the boards as Brossart dominated the Lady Bears 47-28 with an espcially big edge in offensive rebounds 26-10.

    While sophomore Sarah Futscher was enjoying her typical double-double of 10 points and 10 rebounds, a trio of other players had perhaps their best games of the season. Junior Maria Greis had 13 points hitting 5 of 10 from the floor. She also had 6 rebounds. Junior guard Rachel Hartig also scored 12 hitting 4 of 8 from the floor, 4 of 4 from the line, grabbing 5 rebounds, and collecting 6 steals while playing solid defense. Sophomore Cori Ziegler scored 9 points, had 3 rebounds and 3 assists for the victorious Lady 'Stangs. Brossart played without sophomores Madison Eisenman and Morgan Verst, along with junior Micaela Smith who are nursing minor injuries and will return soon.

    The team gets a well deserved break til Wednesday when they take on Highlands for the NKAC Division II Championship. A win by Coach Feldmann's club would secure at least a tie for the crown.

    Tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 at Pendleton County the freshmen 37th District Champions take on Montgomery Co. in an attempt to defend their 10th Region freshmen championship of a year ago.

    The junior varsity game tonight saw the Lady 'Stangs victorious again beating Bracken County 31-26. Sophomore Alex Roberts and Junior Maddi Kues each had 8 points while Megan Dierig chipped in 5 for the club. :popcorn:


    Rachel Hartig Pic




    Can anyone say "BANDWAGON"???????????????????

  12. Big Horse doesnt do private messages. The horse believe everything should be out in the pasture. Like I have said many times before. I don't work for Bluegrass Preps and I dont HAVE to do or post anything I don't wish. Mama always said don't say anything if it is not good. So why post after a loss. A loss is never good ya know. Hats off to Montgomery for a nice win after the game WAS TIED at the half. Remember the District and Region are at Campbell County Middle School. If Brossart plays them again in the finals the Lady 'Stangs will be playing their fifth game at the Middle School in a row while Montgomery will be making three 2 and a half hour bus trips that week up here.


    Well then, lay it all out there Mr. Ed? answer Lawnboy's question!!

  13. The Diocese recognizes students by parishes so quite a few in feeder schools to Brossart register at St. Therese so they can play in the 8th grade at NCC. Everyone knows this. However they are still attending schools that are direct feeder schools to BBHS:eek:

    That doesn't happen at BBHS. You must be in the Bishop Brossrat feeder schools. Hope that it explains it Chris as you already know


    Nope, you just take from your "public school neighbor". It is amazing that this continues to be a complaint year after year with some at BBHS. Kids will go where they feel the most comfortable and their friends go, or maybe their parents become embarrassed by some of the public antics of certain administartors??


    All I can say is that I am happy my child is not involved in this type of situtation.

  14. You would be correct on both calls. Majority of their league games are played at NKU.


    As usual Lawnboy 13 you are correct. I have heard that the league has eliminated slow pitch and is now all fast pitch with different divisions using fast pitch rules but for each division the rules will be modified for each age group. I have talked to a couple of the league directors and their ideas are very progressive as compared to the past and they did say that they would be adding a high school division. I know that they usually have a meeting for the coaches in late Jan. or early Feb. so I would assume more information is to come.

  15. Clearly, there is no leader on the Mustangs' team. Last night's team looked like the same one I saw at the beginning of this year; too many passes and not enought shooting. Someone needs to step up. Fardo? Eubel? Jake Jennings? Who is going to take control of this offense?

    I never get tired of watching a certain NCC player who puts on a show whenever a foul is called on him. Think you've never fouled someone before? Quit the theatrics and play on.

    Also found it odd that the refs did not make the NCC player leave the court after he went down with an injury and play was stopped for it while Brossart had possession. Shouldn't he have had to take a seat for a series? And finally, Lawnboy, I'm surprised you didn't like that cheer since you long for the days when no girls roamed the hill. I agree though; Mel or Dick should have put a stop to that asap. One question: How in the world did you know who the golf coach at BBHS was? I'm impressed.



    Well lets call it common sense. You have a kid go down, Brossart was in their slow down offense no advantage or disadvantage was gained. The refs started to waive on the NCC coach and the player wavied off the coach and stayed in the game. Lets give that player some credit for playing through it. Ankel braces, knee braces and took a pretty good shot, so if he has the courage to play through it, well I compliment the player and officials involved. I also, feel very strongly if it were a Brossart player the same thing would have been done.


    If a team struggles to score 30 points, well I really don't think this made much of a difference. So to answer your question, I think many would agree that this was a judgement call and the right call was made to allow the player to stay in the game due to the fact the coach never fully entered the court.

  16. Brossart will be good again they have basically 7-8 starters back and a good bench. Pitchers will be very solid with Shackelford and Reilly along with four 8th graders. Holmes was 9-21 and Holy Cross 3-20 last season sometimes when you struggle your kids get overlooked unfortunately


    Does she have a relative that plays at Campbell? I know that there Campbell had a girl name Schackelford that threw for them last season in some varsity games.

  17. NCC just going through the motions right now. Still hungover from not being in All A. They'll snap out of it come tournament time or by an embarrassing loss.



    After watching the last 5 or 6 games, I would like to know the amount of 3 point attmepts versus 2 point FG attempts? The percentages of both? It seems to me that they are happy just to come down and fire up ill-advised shots rather than look to attack the basket a little more. This could be accomplished by either attacking the front of the rim off the dribble or maybe just once in a while try to use the size that they have between the 3 post players and look inside out. Just an observation


    Also, when playing a Trame coached team, teams better be ready to face some aggressive play. He has always been able to get the most out of his players and it was very obvious last night which team has more chemistry at this point of the season. Again, just an observation.

  18. McDonald???


    McDonald was not at the gym tonight. The word at the game was he has been sick for the past few days. I spoke with a few people at the game and they said he was feeling very bad before, during and after the Cov. Cath game. Between McDonald and Schulte being sick the past week or so not a bad 3 games for the Breds. Once everyone is healthy look for them to have a say in run for the 9th Region crown.


    The All A Region should be a fun one. With NCC playing well and Holy Cross on a roll should be a interesting week of basketball.

  19. Won't miss a beat with the infielders and catcher, however replacing Danielle Hausfeld is not going to be easy by any stretch.


    With catching being a very key position, the loss of a Senior pitcher and catcher both could be a lot to overcome. I saw NCC play a couple of times this summer and they had a few girls that may have some promise at the pitching position, just not sure if the catching positon may not be a problem.

  20. So no need at all to have a big guy on the inside? :idunno: Team should be just be 5 shooting guards on the perimeter throwing up the shots. Hope they make every singe one, 'cuz there is nobody on the inside to rebound and pass it back out. :rolleyes:


    When did basketball become an individual sport? Sorry...that's a different thread for a different day...


    Couldn't have said it any better!! Last time that I looked there was NO "I" in team, but in the case of the quote of B-board there was "me" and possibly a broken arm for all the pats on back:lol:


    Anyway, back to the point at hand, good team play will produce good team results and who gets the credit? The TEAM!!

  21. I agree completely with your comment about teams not knowing how to use a post player and the game being a guards game. If the guards would only realize how much easier it is to get good looks by "Going inside out" they could live on the jump shot. It is SO much easier getting the ball inside and having the center kick it back out than trying to run picks to get shots. I seriously don't think some guards even look inside. They are so intent on running off screens that they are oblivious to the post player being open. It happens on a lot of teams, but having seen NCC a couple of times in the Lloyd tourney there are times it looks like some people don't want the ball to go inside. I know the kid is only a freshman and that might factor into "sharing the ball", but when you have a force like that you have to use him until the other team stops him. He will make freshman mistakes, and I'm sure he has, but in the 2 games I saw he looked pretty good.



    This statement couldn't be anymore true!! After watching the Boone game and see a more healthy Schulte, if used correctly these 2 young men can be a great asset to this team as the year continues and in years to follow. The season is still young and at times it takes some time for the players and coach to get on the same page. If you look at the box score from the Boone game, a little more balanced scoring. Boone is a good team and by "ALL" the players looking for each other no matter what grade you are in can only benefit the entire TEAM. The McDonald kid is going to continue to get better with each game and each touch of the ball, but the one asset that everyone overlooks is that he is a very good passer also, he is not afraid to share the ball.


    By watching the Boone game, it looks that Coach Brannen has helped the boys figure out that there are enough balls to go around and by playing together the can acheive success. Inside/out is a great start!! Remember, it is still early.

  22. All 3 Breds teams win in another tripleheader up on "the hill". Baby Breds won by 10. The JV won by 5 despite no Jake Schulte who left 2 minutes into the game sick as a dog and shooting a very pathetic 9 of 24 from the "charity stripe".


    The Varsity game was very fast past with NewCath holding a 19-11 1st quarter lead, a 31-26 halftime advantage, and a small 46-44 lead after three periods. Roger Bacon pressed the entire game and unlike the North College Hill game the Breds were having their difficulties with it. Because this was a VERY physical game with all the pressing and man to man play, fouls were the name of the game tonight as each team had multiple players in foul trouble early and often. Brady Hightchew saddled with 3 two minutes into the 2nd quarter as well as a player for Roger Bacon. Both teams in the double bonus a minute into the 4th. The varsity Breds faired a tad better than the jv from the foul line hitting 18 of 33. NewCath was lead in scoring by Michael Bueter (18?)and super Freshman Drew McDonald (16?). Boys and girls, the McDonald kid is the real deal. Jake Giesler in the house tonight watching the next Breds player to be 9th Region player of the year.


    To all BGP members, Merry Christmas.


    I would have to agree with your observation Drew McDonald!! The kid may be a freshman in grade/age, but he plays with the poise of a Senior!! The funny thing is I don't think he is done growing yet. He can not only play with his back to the basket, but I have seen him handle the ball in the open court. This kid will be the real deal and with the maturity he shows on and off the court his future is VERY bright!!!!!


    I also have been told that he has a nice golf game and is excellent in the classroom. What a great combonation for a student athlete!!


    Good luck to the BREDS, they are still finding themselves and when all the part of the puzzle come together and the chemistry is right..... LOOK OUT come tourney time!!

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