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  1. By the way FFBOBK, what is your hangup with me? I congradulate BGH and you start mouthing off?? Didnt my Pandas beat you good enough last year?


    Sounds like a nerve of reality was hit Schakrock. I thought I was stating a fact, not "mouthing off" as you stated. It seems you and BGH can take shots all day long, but as soon as you are questioned about if you are closer to the Stangs program rather than the Panda program you get a tad upset??


    You have been questioned about your true idenity/relatonship with the Panda program. Several from the Panda program stated their infield and questionsed your relationship with the program then at that point you went out to pasture with BGH. Most of us find it funny. As for your FFBOBK comment.... STRIKE 1, not who you think it is. Kid in the program yes, but not the 1st base coach you are referring to.


    As for the Mustangs, it is great that they have a field now that is closer to school, it will make travel much safer for all and a place for them to call home. If you were a true Panda, you would know that the coach has requested that only positive posts be made via internet chat rooms or social media, so if you are a true Panda you are jepordazing your childs status on the team. If you look at posts made by Panda supporters they only report on games and don't make comments such "didnt my Pandas beat you good enough last year?" Too much respect for other teams and players for that, but more in line with BGH... just an observation and opinion and that is what this site if for.


    So whichever progam is nearest and dearest to your heart, good luck on either your new pitcher or on your new field.


    Have a great 2013 season!!


    At this point CASE CLOSED!! Enjoy your relationship with both the Panda program and support of BGH and the Lady Mustangs.

  2. Why would I help with the pitchers mound?? I would rather stand by first base and cheerlead like you.


    I would think that you would want your daughter to get a good hop when fielding that ground ball.... oh yeah what position did she play again? And as for the cheerleading part.... its a nicer angle to see the pitchers from behind the plate. Standing by first base would have me escorted out of the field. That is limited to coaches, umpires and players. I would rather stand behind the plate to watch the pitchers like you do. It is easier to see over people from that angle.

  3. I agree totally with BlueKrush! All you have to do is go through this sight and read everyones articles, I dont believe theres anyone on here coming on and saying.... Our team is horrible and we got killed!!! This is a sight for peoples thoughts and opinions and comments and everyone is entitled to speak there mind but i dont believe anyone is gonna come on here and brag about there losses???? :sssh:



    I will agree to an extent, but if you take a look at Mustangs posts you will see he describes the good and bad for the BBHS sports programs. I think the problem that most have are the context of his posts. Most refer to how bad a team was beat by a BBHS team and using words such as "Crushed" by a high school administrator is something I see as disrespectful not only to the other team, but also to the players and coaches from that team/school.

  4. They do! Jack seems like a bitter man. I'm sorry. Bluegrass preps is an optional site to comment. We call the losses and wins in to the newspaper and if you have a bad taste sorry. Your the one getting worked up not me. I'm a positive person. I have been at every football game but one and that was when I was at the volleyball state tournament. I comment positively on the positive things that happen at BBHS. The Brossart Athletic Community is a very positive and successful place to be. We chose not to dwell on the bad things. Go Mustangs!


    What you may feel is being positive, others look at it as being "ONE WAY". I guess this is saying a lot about your football program?? Also, I seem to remember the days of BBHS taking their share of lumps, it is just a shame that BGP wasnt around then. It seems that you have NO problem in using words such as, CRUSHED when beating an opponent by a lagre number. You contiue to ask for respect for people that post on this site, but to get respect, you must earn respect and as a Administrative figure at BBHS making continual disrespectful comments about other teams regarding the scores......well enough said!!


    When other have to post about the BBHS Mustang football team I dont usually see them as using such words as CRUSHED! Do us all a favor, ACT LIKE YOU HAVE BEEN THERE BEFORE!!

  5. Im full of knowledge from more than 1 region. I also am familiar with the camels FFBK:banana:


    [B]At least 8 years of familiarity I would say[/b], but in regards to which infield position at ND I am still at a loss?? You must have kept your idenity a secret this summer when we were all standing around talking?? You may want to petition to move to the 10th, I am sure that Coach S at ND could give BGH a run for his money with your daughter in the field and Haley on the mound.

  6. No, I would move Brossart to 5. Now I cant wait to shut out the lady bears AGAIN!!



    It seems that Sham has a lot of knowledge about the 10th region while is daughter is a infielder with Notre Dame which is in the 9th? I had a chance to get to know the parents on the Notre Dame team during the summer and I cant place which position you daughter plays. Maybe BGH can help us out with that?

  7. Dont forget that students are individuals and should be treated as such. Also, you should consider how parents are cooperating with the schools administration and if there are any pre-existing factors. These are things that the general public has no knowledge of. To say that everyone fits a certain punishment or fills a certain criteria is wrong. I beleive that we trust what is being done is in the best interest of the student. After all, isnt that a christian value?


    You are correct, students are individuals that are learning to become young adults. All it takes is ONE wrong choice by that student and the life of the parents, other people/students and the student in question could be changed for life or even cost a life. Without full disclosure of the rule violated it very hard to pass judgement, but the community is a small one and I am sure that not all rumors are true. Missing curfew is one thing and as most would not consider that a major offense, but if this is something much more than that..... well the parents, coach and administartion would be the first to know.


    It all comes down to this: as long as the parents can sleep at night and feel good about their decision of the discipline/punishment of their child that is where this needs to start, as long as the school administration can feel good about their decision in the discipline/punishment of the student athlete than that is something they must deal with.


    I am not saying that kids don't make mistakes and need to learn from those mistakes, but it seems that over the past 2-3 years past there were some of the same issues happen with suspensions to players for team violations at BBHS and my only question is this, it only takes making an example of one student/athlete to let the rest of the players in the program that certain things will just not be tolerated. As kids we all felt untouchable at times until somethig major happened to scare us not to take such chances again.


    Please remember this that NO PARENT wants to ever receive a knock at the door by the local law enforcement agency saying the following: Mr/Mrs ... we regret to inform you that your son/daughter has been in a accident....... we all know how the rest could go.


    While not knowing all of the information regarding the actions of this young man and his reason for suspension, if not addressed in the correct manner it could lead to worse actions and worse results in the future. Children are a very precious gift that god has given to parents and as parents we guide our children in the best direction possible to be well rounded christian value repected young adults, so we must respect that gift and protect as much as possible and if it means taking something away from them to understand and have them live a full and happy life then are sports really the main priority??

  8. He never left the team. He sat out his games and is now working on what he can do to help make the team better.


    I guess is seems there are different standards as to what the word suspension means and what infractions a player commits to become suspended or dismissed from a team. It seems BGH is the first to jump on neighboring schools when he hears of some student athlete committing sometype of infraction and to what his opinions are regarding that student athlete, it seems there may be somewhat of a double standard??


    I guess what we all need to remember is what the message that is sent to the younger players on the team or even the lower levels such as the feeder programs, when a student athlete breaks a rule and what the punishment should be depending on the serveraity of the infraction. To me it is all on the coaches plate and there should be a backing of the AD. If the coach decides not to discipline the player then at that time I feel the advice of the AD and other school administartors should be involved.

  9. I notice that BGH has commented on every 10th region thread except this one...hmmm


    I stand by my quote "NO CLASS". If you were at the game last night you would have seen that. We did give up a 11 run lead, but at least we showed class after the game. We will also wish Bracken and Mason the best of luck!!

  10. Varsity pitcher was injured playingwith her travel ball team. Pulled up freshman jv pitcher. We couldnt be more proud of her performance....only her second varsity start.


    That is what I was told, but didnt want to start any rumors. The people talking I didn't know, but they did not sound happy.


    There are 3 people to be held responsible in this case. 1) Did the high school coach allow or know she was playing and if so I assume that coach gave her blessing to play? 2) the parent of this child to allow her to play when her committment is to or should be to the high school team FIRST!! When others may have been cut or are not playing.... well it is letting the team down and cheating others, IMO. 3) the summer team coach that played her and did not make the first priority her school team. You may lose a tournament, but I would think you would gain the respect of others!!


    I wish the state would just step in and put this issue to rest.

  11. Sounds like a great game, and that's what you want a championship game to be. Congrats to the Mustangs, they seem to find a way to win, when it counts. And my daughter wants to give a shout out to Shackelford on her 20th win. It must have been nerve racking, pitching against your former teammates. Congrats to the Camels on their tourny performance as well. Good luck to both teams in the Regional games.


    Seemed to be a very well played game from what I could see. I think both coaches did a tremendous job of having their teams ready. I have watched Campbell all season and to see the improvement.... well the score of this game shoes the strides that have been made.


    As for Shamrock, this is from another thread, but I thought you would have had a post or two on that thread about the bat throwing incident?? Or did I happen to see you at our game?? Does the Shamrock refer to green for BGH's little buddy????? Is it possible you were trying to fool some of us???? WE Camels may play a bit slow, but not stupid.


    She pitched a great game and we all wish her the best of luck.

  12. Let me say this it was a good game to watch minus the 1st and 7th inning. I was standing behind the plate and watched the girl catch the ball. The umpire though did a horrible job calling the batter out. He was not clear at all Brooke Dill had already crossed the plate before the umpire ever made a call it was extremely poor on his part. The coaches had to send her cause the ump never made a call.

    Even then I was a little disappointed with the behavior of the fans. It's a game played by the girls and the parents need to remember that. Bad calls happen in ever game at every level but some times it's the actions of the parents that are remembered more then the game it self.

    Good luck to NCC


    I would have to agree that some of the verbal comments made to the homeplate umpire were very abusive in a personal nature. Standing from the shelter area, it was hard to hear and it was very hard to see what had happened, but the actions of some of the parents were very uncalled for.


    I think the umpire made what he felt was the right call, no matter right or wrong it is a judgement call, but I must say he needs to be commended on ignoring the parents/fans and kept the game moving. While whenever NCC and Highlands play the game will always be intense due to the nature of being neighborhood rivals, but I must agree with ABC comments. Everyone likes to see their team be successful, but to verbally abuse a umpire such as was done last night was a bit much. I can honestly say that no umpire ever intends or wants to determine the outcome of the game or would ever become one-sided.... or lets just say it, cheat anyone.


    Both teams are young and I think when Highlands gets their pitchers healthy they willl be a force in the future.


    Good Luck to the Lady Breds!!

  13. I have no dog in the fight here, for lack of a better term, and I think Brossart has a really nice program as well. I agree it shouldn't matter who posts the scores. It is really nice to see them here on BGP because it seems like it is the only place to get updated scores and information these days. However, I think the difference here and the point that FFBK is making, is that while Lawnboy posts full reports on all of NCC games, win or lose, BGH posts only their wins and is very quick to point out when their main rivals lose, but never when they lose. This is nothing new though and that is his choice to do so. I really enjoy reading posts from both. Keep up the good work fellas. I wish others would post reports for many of the other teams and games.


    Porky, you couldnt have said it any better. I have NO ill feelings towards the girls program at Brossart or the HEAD coach. Tom is doing a great job and lets admit it, he has been coaching that team for many years. The statement I was trying to make is that you have to report the good with the bad.


    As for the statement that many dont have a high opinion of BGH, well has he not brought that upon himself? I feel many would may not have such a feeling if he would just tell the good with the bad from his own camp, avoid stirring the the pot with others, turn in the true stats from games and admit he encouraged a pitcher from a school I am involved with to attend Brossart after spending her educational life as a public school student and had pitched some varsity for last season for a neighboring school.


    To summarize, no problem with Coach Baynum or his team. I just question the ethics of his assistant coach??

  14. No detailed report from our "Big Green Friend"????? :deadhorse: Would love to know what happened in this one, especially after the big tourney win for the 'Stangs over the weekend. From what I was told BGH was gone before the 1st pitch.......did he see the writing on the wall or what?????? DETAILS PLEASE.


    I didnt see him either??? So, does this mean he is obeying the suspension that KHSAA imposed upon him?:taz:

  15. Are all those legit errors? Any even questionable? Sounds like NewCath is almost as bad defensively as Brossart is, according to all the errors these two teams make.


    From what I am hearing, YES there are legit!! Yes NCC is a young team, but it is a combination of both young and old making the mistakes. I have only seen NCC play a few times, but if you want my honest opinion this team needs to come together. At one game I sat and listened to parents doing nothing but complain about the players. Then upon leaving the game the parents then would complain to their children about other players as they left the game, not a good way to build team chemistry.


    My adivce is the following: Parents; be careful what you say and when you say it, especially around your children. Players; forget what you hear at the dinner table and just play the game and support your teammates!! Respect the game and your teammates and the game will become fun again. This could go on and on, but it is very simple.... when players are having fun, not worrying about whom they like or don't like this is a much easier game to play and the mistakes will lessen, but if the drama continues the troubles just will become larger. Parents, support your coaches... as the old saying goes "if you can't say anything good then why say anything at all".


    Maybe this approach may help with some of the error issues.

  16. So what exactly does this mean? Is he suspended for three games?



    Per the KHSAA web-site you are correct. It would not copy and paste correctly, but as it goes across the top it would be;


    Name, sport, level of sport, coach/player, school, date of infraction, opponent, number of days suspended, reason

  17. I bet memyselfandi swallowed her cheetohs and fell off the gator when she got that call :eek: The AD has already reinstated him!




    Webster, Mel Softball (Junior Varsity) C Bishop Brossart 04/14/12 Campbell County 3 Unsportsmanlike Conduct


    The KHSAA courts have spoken, per the KHSAA web-site.

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