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Posts posted by FootballisKing

  1. Now be easy on Angelina. She traded in Billy Bob for Brad and most women probably would agree that was a smart move. And politically she has seen the light.




    "She hates him," a source close to the actress said in the latest issue of Us Weekly magazine. "She's into education and rehabilitation and thinks Obama is all about welfare and handouts. She thinks Obama is really a socialist in disguise."


    Despite her displeasure with the leader of the Democrats, the 34-year-old actress is reportedly not a Republican like her father, actor Jon Voight.


    Jolie, who has been a U.N. Goodwill Ambassador since 2001, is said to think the President is all "smoke and mirrors."


    My Bad, I would like to issue an apology to AJ!


    Who cares what Danny Glover says, what Brad or Angelina gives or anything that Bette or Tom does/says? I certainly don't.


    I agree 100%! But it is just like Tiger, Mark McGuire, Barry Bonds, name ANY celebrity sports or otherwise, Americans belive that because they can act, shoot, run, hit or sine, they are athorities that should be believed in. It blows my mind. I own No Tiger stuff, never have, I don't buy shoes becasue MJ endorses them, I try to get my kids to look within themselves for heros, because the Bret Farves and Peyton Mannings of the world have done NOTHING to earn a hero's status in the eyes of anyone.


    Sorry I got off task. LATE!

  2. I thought his comment was not to donate throgh the Government. Saying that you already donate through them with your taxes. I don't see what is so wrong with that. While I don't agree with most of what he says, and do not listen to him, I don't understand the furor of this comment.


    I would be much more willing to donate to various needs around the world if my tax dolloars wer not already friviously dolled out around the world and not here at home.


    How many other governments will give aide and to what extent. Everyone wants America's help in times of need them they want to bomb us with acts of terrorism be it physical or verbal in other times.


    To each his own. No one, has ever said anything to make me want to donate or not, my money, I do that based on my desires and beliefs.


    Get over it and move on. No sense in name calling. If we can defend Reid, why not Rush?

  3. I don’t know if it’s my age or just overall weariness with the pressure to seriously contemplate every whacked out opinion and perspective just to appear polite… but I have almost no tolerance for the absurd and foolish these days. Everyone with a “feeling” or an “opinion” demands equal respect, regardless of the merits of their viewpoint. This is certainly not directed at you Hatz… I just felt the need to vent I guess… just because some kook "believes" the Bible, or any other holy book tells them something doesn't necessesarily make it so. ( I am aware you know this... still venting... bear with me...)


    The entire Bible… from beginning to end, spanning a period of about 1,600 years and written by about 40 men points entirely to one person… Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ is the focal point of the entire Bible… if He is referred to as “the Word made flesh” then it seems to me that His words... His teaching should take precedence over all else. There is likewise no question that the Qur’an is a collection of the words and teachings of Muhammad. If one seriously examines the words and teachings of Jesus Christ versus those of Muhammad, there is no doubt what each intended to convey…


    Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:43-48 - "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


    Muhammad in Qur'an (5:33) - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"


    Seems pretty clear cut to me… true Christianity teaches love not violence... forgiveness not vengeance. All claims that Islam is a religion of peace deny over 100 similar teachings directly by Muhammad. Islam is a religion of peace only to the extent that those granted peace accept and agree with the teachings of the Prophet.


    Again... I am not against Muslims, or Hindus, or Budhists, or Mormons or whatever... one of the most sacred things God has bestowed upon us is our will. We have the God given right to choose right or wrong. But if your faith leads you to declare jihad against me or my family... don't be expecting me to simply bow to your lunacy.


    WOW! I am framing this!


    Well said!

  4. I was not implying anything. Simply asking a question and you answered it. Can South reclaim respect in the County?


    I don't think that NO is scared to play anyone. I think that metality comes from the top down. I love the way that North has turned their program around. Coach Martin was the right man at the right time for that program.


    Go Mustangs!

  5. So was all the stuff said about Sarah Palin offensive to everyone? Whats the difference? Get over the emotions on your sleeve stuff and move forward. Why is it not offensive to degrade white folks but nothing close to what is said about white folks can even be thought of as acceptable for other peoples of color.


    It is just our society and it continues to spiral down!

  6. Really? Oldham has been trying to get them on their schedule for a while...


    I was more asking than telling. I thought that I had heard that this was going to happen, but not sure? I think it would complete the circle with everyone in the county playing each other to determine a TRUE, county champion.


    Could make it a lot of fun in the OC!

  7. There is NOTHING offensve or racist about the remark. The only reason some are trying to portray it that way is to keep the racist pot stirred up. Most of what is reported as being racist or offensive, I never find it to be. Just people wanting their 15 minutes by crying foul and making a public stink. I am a Redneck with a Redneck dilect. WHO CARES?

  8. to FBisKing: "What does that have to do with basketball?" -


    Punk/Thug is a comment about Cousin's character, not just basketball. IMO an elbow/fore arm shiver in the heat of competition does not necessarily make him a punk/thug. However Pitino's open affair followed by paying the "lady" off to have an abortion does put him in the category of punk/thug in my book. If we're comparing character..........


    So, you or no one else that want to play that card has ever made a mistake? Do you know first hand the ins and outs, (so to speak), of this incident? Was he the only one there? So are all of your divorced friends that had affairs of questionable character? Did he have this indescretion on the court during a game? I still try to understand why PERSONAL issues relate to the game itself?


    I certainly didn't see anything out there on the court that was comparable to an abortion.


    Did she have the abortion? There are millions of people that believe in freedom of choice, so are all of those folks of questionable character? What do you believe in that does not follow along with Political Correctness? Was there an abortion on the court, during the game? This has WHAT to do with the on court issues? Reaching?


    Saying these types of things proves to me that most of the people on these boards are angels and have never done anything except for live biblically and perfectly and therefore have every right to judge a situation that you really know nothing about.


    This thread was about the BLASTANT elbow/forearm thrown by cousins. His intent was to cause harm to Swopshire in the middle of an athletic contest.


    But keep throwing out all of the stuff that happens on ones personal time as it makes so much sense to get involved in their personal lives and judge. Was what he did felonious? OR....did she commit the felony?


    As far as the game goes... There was a lot of wrong done on BOTH sides, Technicals were given, Cousins tried to blatantly hurt Swopshire, THAT is the basis of what is being discussed.


    If you want to discuss the morality of abortion, there are other boards for that.



  9. Cheating on your wife in a public restaurant with witnesses sitting on the floor waiting for you to finish makes you a punk thug.

    What does this have to do with BASKETBALL? Fishing, I understand.


    Throwing an elbow in the heat of a game makes you a competitor who earned a technical.Or accidentally stepping on someones chest!


    The refs took FOREVER looking at the video to make sure they got it right.... and they did. The answer I would expect from that side!

    I just wish UK had shot it well so the spread could have been 25 or so. We need Dotson to hit those open 3's.

    So does the 9 measly points tell us that UL is better than advertised or the U OF K is not as good as advertised?


    I guess I am also a punk according to deuce because I get ticked off when I get a knee to the face also. Bottom line is this was a hot contest from the beginning. It all started when one of your genius former players wrote John Wall sucks on a t-shirt he autographed. No pre game handshakes from the UL guys is pretty classy also. Shoving in the tunnel and the Bledsoe/Delk jawing set up the incident with Cuz and Swop. Cuz takes a knee to the face, shoves a forearm at Swop, technicals all around, correct calls made, no fistfight, game goes on. You guys calling Cuz a punk and a thug have obviously never met the guy in person either. Just watch the video of him interviewing all the people on the streets of New York. You'll see the real big Cuz.

    Did you ever meet Laetner? Apparently not nor did any of you know Laetner? Difference is..... One happend to U of K and one was implemented by U OF K.

  10. Cousins always plays with a chip on his shoulder, so what do you expect in a huge rivalry game with all the pre-game chattering going on? You can label him a "punk", "thug", or whatever, but fact is he can flat out ball when he puts in his full effort. This UK team goes as far as he takes them.


    People just need to realize if a guy like Boogie is on your team then you love him, and if not, you can't stand the guy...




    In order for MOST teams to be successful, in this day and age, they MUST recruit kids with questionable moral character and temperment. Fact of life. The funny thing for me is that this is exactly what U OF K fans used to say they HATED about certain teams and now they have become what they hated for the sake of wins. No doubt that as a coach I would take every one of them. I WANT TO WIN! I am enjoying the hipocracy.


    U OF K BEAT OF OF L. U OF K was and is the better team. U OF L will be fine, life as we know it will not end with this loss.


    I am just having way to much fun with it!


    GO CARDS!!!!!



  11. I didn't know they had internet access in Moralvictoryland.


    Oh I am sorry, I forgot, I am supposed to give up on life after a team that I do not play for, never have played for, I do not coach nor have I ever coached, loses a GAME? My bad, hold on.......


    Man the CARDS are awful they should have never lost that game I will never be a fan of theirs as long as they keep losing... yadayadaya, I can't even go to work tomorrow because a bunch of guys that I don't know got beat by a bunch of guys I don't know, coached by guys I don't know, I AM SICK!


    Is that better?



  12. You must be drinking a ton over in Moralvictoryland.


    BTW, Louisville did not cover the spread.


    You would be mistaken in your assumption! I do not believe in moral victories. The CARDS lost, that does not make me happy. I WON, that makes me happy.


    cats fan making excuses for Christian Cousins makes me laugh!

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