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Black Panther

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Posts posted by Black Panther

  1. We can't wait for him to get down here in Greenup County!





    Don't get me wrong: Coach Copley is a good coach, with a very very strong work ethic. I'm not sure why he was let go, but do know first hand that these kids didn't have anything to do with his termination.


    I do know ..the talking to the kids.. that he has turned his back to them.


    Which is sad..because a lot of them did look up to him as a teacher and coach.

  2. So you're saying Coach Copley should be in the Pikeville weight room and on their school grounds, even though he's been hired by another school system?


    I don't think that is a logical approach.


    As long as he fulfilling his paid teaching contract, which includes at least one period of a body building class, YES, he should be on the school grounds.


    Or resign his postion as a "Teacher" and move on down 23.

  3. I don't know anything about this situation at Pikeville. But why should Coach Copley spend time helping a program that has sent him packing?


    Maybe the person who fired him should be down in the weight room working out the kids. This person is the one that is turning the back to the players.


    Coach Copley I am sure is a little dispointed in being let go. I know the kids didn't have anything to do with it, but all he would be doing is getting himself involved and caught up.



    The program: may have sent him packing, but the kids are the ones caught in the middle.

  4. That is a pretty silly statement. A coach that was fired, hired by another school system as coach, should, instead of preparing his new team, spend time working out his old team? Doesnt make sense to me.


    He was let go as coach, but is still employed as a teacher until the end of the school year.

  5. Are the players getting anything done while they wait for a new coach?


    A few of the boys are currently working out , but they need a head coach put into place so they can pull together as a team.

    Copley has turned his back on these boys, even though they had nothing to do with his dismissal. Copley has a lot of growing up to do. Good Luck Greenup County.

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