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Posts posted by how-u-doin

  1. All this talk about who Greenup had on the field, but I have not heard much about Jett Troxler, who I know had lots of varsity time Friday. Also heard Austin Blakenship's name Friday which I'm sure there is a few more. But to say this game was lost by a dropped pass is beyond me.Greenup held the Rams 1st & 15 on 20 yard line,then on 4th down pass was blocked and pass interference was called so with penalty Rams had the ball on the 3 yard line.Boys that's 1st and goal and they tried 4 more times still did not score, so to say it was just a dropped pass Rams had 8 tries from the 20 yard line. Hats off to the Musketteers for a job very well done. Two sweet victories for some really hard working boys.

  2. WAY TO GO GREENUP:banana:. Congrats on the win!!!!!! It takes eleven players and ALL of you did a fantastic job. I don't believe I could be any prouder of you guys than I am right now. Like we had said from the beginning Greenup fans are behind the caoches and the boys. And things have and are changing at GCHS. A GREAT DAY TO BE A MUSKETTEER!!!!!![:dancingpa

  3. Loved the Respect shown for the moment of silence in Zach's memory very classy for Ashland to do this. A big Thank you, also can honestly say the officals did a great job,Ashland won and Congrats to them. Now Greenup needs to move on focuse on this weeks game. I think that the fans will still be there for the team and the coaches will fix what needs fixing.This team has alot more to show and we will see it in the next game.

  4. Did anyone see Greenup on channel 3 news this morning? As for what a coach can do in a short while we will see on the field. But if the boys were not pumped and believing they could pull this game off why should they even show up friday night.In the past few years I know they believed they were already beaten before they even played Ashland.NOW they believe they can win and are going with that attitude which can change the outcome of any game.And they have a whole community of Fans,Parents, and Coaches telling them they are WINNERS and it can be done. GO take care of business GC and may both teams be injury free.

  5. Proud of the boys for coming together, Coach Copley has done a great job getting them ready, very disciplined, in shape, mean and tough team he will have on the field Friday night.


    I agree 100%, nothing about this years team is the same as the ones from before. Confidence, Pride, and the Ability to execute are all qualitys the team now carry. I'm proud to be a MUSKETEER.

  6. Does the football team have anything planed to honor Zac? Me and my wife was talking the other day that we thought it would be nice if there were t-shirts with GCHS football on the front and Meanach 3 on the back. We dont have the funds to get this started but i think it would be really cool to see the whole greenup side filled with people wearing this t-shirts.:thumb:


    I do like this idea,I know that some of the football players have had decals made for their vehicles.Sunday would have been Zach's birthday and several of the boys of the team, friends and family will be gathering at the Meenach's house to have a cookout as well as go to the grave site. I think it starts at 4:00. Zach will never be forgotten, and our prayers are still with the family.IMOZ.

  7. On behalf of the players and coaches of Louisville Ballard High School, I feel I need to make a 'blanket statement' to Musketeer Nation to THANK YOU for the absolutely TREMENDOUS hospitality shown to us during our stay at the high school for football camp. (And what better place to do it than where I think EVERY Greenup Co. fan must congregate most hours of the day!)


    While many HS coaches only want to camp at a university with dorms and numerous practice fields and such, the practice facilities at Greenup were PERFECT, the accomodations were PERFECT, the moms serving the food were PERFECT, the dads/coaches/and school personnel there to make sure we had what we needed and CONSTANTLY asked if we were okay were PERFECT, and the food...well, I can't think of a word better than PERFECT or I would!


    And all this while the Head Coach had to be away starting on our first day with the birth of his child. (Just goes to show you how well he'd done his pre-planning and also how willing the people around him were willing to take up the slack in his absence.)


    Greenup Co. was already my 2nd favorite team just due to the intelligence they showed to hire PURE QUALITY in a head coach and defensive coordinator, now I've got MANY MORE reasons to be a Musketeer fan.


    As long as they keep me around at Ballard, there's only one place we'll go away to from now on.


    It's only a matter of time until you guys challenge the BEST in your class...but based on what I know of the work-ethic of the guy you've got in charge, that time will not be very long!


    Coupon -- THANK YOU for that little extra help you gave us the other night. Very grateful for you going out of your way to help me out in a tough situation.


    Football Moms -- THANK YOU for being 'second-moms' to a WHOLE BUNCH of guys...a few who probably were missing home quite a bit.


    Coach Frog -- THANK YOU for the inspiration and wisdom you were SO courageous to impart to our guys while there. It was heart-breaking for me when I read about what happened back in the spring. After I got to know you, your wife, and Dylan I've got to say it was really tough for me to understand how something like this could happen to such good people. However, getting to hear how you're able to get through it helps me know you guys are going to be alright. You are strong people--and you've got a whole other bunch of people know sending up prayers every day now for you and your family! And I have no doubt that your willingness to share your story will save a lot of other families a lot of heartache.


    We enjoyed the time we got to spend with you and your team.I have to say they were a GREAT group of young men,very polite and always said Thank You.I know that we are proud to have you come back next year and look forward to having another Greenup fan. Thank you so much for all the kind words and I wish you and the team a winning season injury free.

  8. There will be a parent meeting tonight at 5:30 for all parents, this is being held by Coach Copley. Following there will be a booster meeting, important information will be gone over at both meetings.All who can need to attend for the support of your Greenup County Football 2009 team. Lots of upcoming events and what the Coach expects will all be discussed.Hope to see everyone out.:dancingpa

  9. Tonights 7 on 7 has been moved to Johnson Central, Not sure what happened with East Carter. Copley Said he was pretty pleased with the boys after Fairview Tuesday night. Just a few things he saw that we need to work on. I thought the boys did really good and Crum did throw some nice passes.Both Waugh and Lyle looked good. I'm looking foward to seeing them in action on the field this season.

  10. May God send you peace in your time of need,We love you all very much and if you need anything just let us Know.This is a parents worst nightmare and I know God has his reasons . We also need to remember the team right now they were all really close just like a family and they are hurting too. We all need to stop and thank God, for what we have everyday because tommorrow is not promised. LOVE AND PRAYERS.

  11. Just saw the new weight room and it is really nice First class. The team is now using the equipment and as for the field I was told that they were going to place equipment at the field to begin work this coming Monday,I hope the weather holds out and this can be done for the team.

  12. Jeremy "The Beast" Bates has a MMA fight that friday of the game. Jeremy is letting the boys sell tickets to the fight for a fundraiser. Plus with the game on saturday you'll that much more of a turnout to the game.


    Is the fight going to be at the High School?

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