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Posts posted by plantmanky

  1. Heres a thought, if school is canceled, they add the days to the end of the year and such right? School Districts have till what mid June to complete the school year. Does that mean that because school is canceled they change the dates of the district tournaments, regional tournaments, state tournaments? If NKY was hit with a light snow shower the morning of the State football Championships and the schools competing couldnt have school, would they play the game on another day? My point is is with athletics you have a set season. The tournaments and seasons end on a specific date. So if you miss that time, via practice or games, it is a major disadvantage to that school and its program. Dont get me wrong, common sense should be used. If the roads are crap at 6am for school and its closed, and the roads are still crap at 4pm for practice or games, then they should be canceled. On most days (unless a big snow storm) roads are fine in the after noon and practice and other activities are safe to travel too.

  2. Broadcasting games, you would be amazed what the mic hears. Parents like this should be removed. End of story. In doing the 8th region games in the past where the attendance isn't that great at some games, it really becomes a distraction. Not only for the players, but everyone else in the gym.


    I agree. Administration is supossed to be on site to help with logistics and police the crowd, and this type of stuff should not be tolerated. I know our administration doesnt put up with it, if they hear it your removed. A kids playing time should almost never be determinded by their parents actions. (There are a few exceptions I can think of.) Its ashame today that some of kids are better behaved than their parents.

  3. My sister had several classes with basketball players. She was in many with Jules Camara because they were in the same degree program. She always said he tried hard and came to class. She even did a group project with him, but he normally traveled around with a tutor.


    Funny story if any of you remember when he hurt his foot in 2002 and he was trying to get back on the court and my sister accidentally stepped on it in class one day :lol:! The class was irate at her! He gave her a hard time after that saying she set his rehab back several days. My Dad was ready to take her car away if she injured anymore basketball players. :sssh: I think Old Rambler demanded she be transferred to Louisville so she could injure their players. :thumb:


    Thats funny. Personal tutors are required by the NCAA for each team I believe. (I know the 3 schools I went to they were required.)

  4. Lets not just bash UK on this, it happens everywhere in some manner. I wasnt there so I dont know if she was "giving them the answers" or not, but I do know that it most athletes can get "Extra Help" if it is need. I know when I went to an ACC school, there were several athletes that had "Helpers" with exams and stuff.


    If she was flat given them the answers that is wrong, and shows her bad character, and the schools if they knowingly know it is going on.

  5. My team does not play in this league. We play and have played Lex Cath's middle school for a number of years. We trade tape and have a good relationship with them. We play LCA (yes I know they are not a Catholic school but are private). We have no issue playing Catholic schools. We scrimaged Cov Cath this year. Heck we would play them if we could. On the HS level I talk with guys from both Trinity's staff and St X. So to say I have an issue with Catholic schools is WAY off base.


    I have stated this a number of times and I am not sure if people are not reading it or what. A HS coach that has a feeder school in the league is/was working under the impression that the players on Cov Cath's team would not live in Boone Co. I do not care where they get their players.


    Lex Cath plays teams throughout the state and I am sure they have the same issues Cov Cath does. They seem to do ok. The NKYMSFL does not play by Fed rules. That honestly favors an offense in a number of ways. The teams out in the state want to play the best teams. I would think Cov Cath would want a chance to play Bell Co, Bowling Green, Lex Cath, Bluegrass (feeder school to John Harden), Shelby West, and other top programs. It is a different brand of football when you get more out into the state at the MS level.


    Barrel, I will totaly agree with you that the teams down south are a different breed of football to the NKY teams. Each have there own style if you will. I would love to see more games played between these teams. I know one issue for the NKY teams is that most of them do not have bus service for the players. Parents have to take them to and from games, which is fine when playing in the NKY area, most schools are pretty close to each other. When talking about traveling to the Lexington area to play a middle school football game, im not sure how well that will go over with both Administration and Parents in the NKY area.


    Also, (and please correct my if I am wrong) dont most of the teams down south play roughly 2 games a week (Tuesday & Thursday, or a weekday and a Saturday?) I think there is a belief up north that you have to simulate the High Schools to a T. One game a week is enough, 7 to 8 games a season is plenty.


    Congrats to Cov Cath 8th and NCC, both teams played very well this season and I believe the best teams won. I think this whole Cov Cath issue is a non issue IMO.

  6. If its the Northern Kentucky Middle School Football Leauge, than why cant kids from Boone Co play. If they let Walton kids play as a school team, then why cant the catholic school kids in Boone Co, play for Cov Cath (their catholic High School)? Seems like a double standard to me.

  7. The one time i went to eat there the girlfriend at the time and I didnt get a chance to try it. Granted it was Valentines day a few years ago but they said they were full with reservations for the day. (I totally understood this, but this was at 2pm on a Saturday and there was one other couple in the whole resturant.) The hostess was very nice and said we are not really taking walk ups, but let me ask the manager. Manager came out and so no walk ups, sorry, turn around and left. I tried nicely to let him know that we would be quick and spend some money, but he wanted no part of it. After he walked away, the hostess even said they had no other reservations untill 245 that afternoon.


    Dont get me wrong I understand it was going to be a busy day and all, but there was only one other couple in the whole place. Was there really going to be a mad rush from 2-3pm.


    Have never even attempted to go back and never will. Just the way I am about bad service at resturants.

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