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Posts posted by Basketballfan08

  1. Congrats to the Wildcats and Coach Simms. I am one who believes Coach Simms will get the Wildcats back on track. This is only his 2nd season as the Head Coach at PC and some think he should be winning like the 05 and 06 teams did. Those years spoiled some of the PC fans. Give him time and they will be back to winning seasons again. Maybe not like the teams of 05 and 06, but those are teams that are far and few between at PC.

    Districts starts a new season for all the teams in the State and PC is now 1-0 and headed to the Regionals. I am very proud of this team and especially proud of Coach Simms who I know has taken a lot of criticism this season. Keep your head up Coach I believe better days are coming.





    I am especially proud of the seniors that stuck it out when they had to play with the players they have never been with. GO PC:banana:

  2. I think that the coaches definitely need to step up and let each kid on the team know just how important they are and that he needs them all to make a winning team. One coach that I can think of but will not mention a name, he thinks he doesn't need the players that quit and he only needs the younger ones. He should have praised more and belittled less.


    On the other hand, once a kid starts a sport, I think the parent needs to let them know that quitting is not the thing to do, but stick it out and be there for your TEAM!! Because if the coach doesn't care before the kid quits, he sure isn't going to care after the kid leaves, so the parent needs to let that kid know to be there for his TEAM......

  3. And I specifically started my post by saying that the particular situation is not what I was commenting on.


    On the Pendleton team, love watching them play. They work hard, they have improved and they give a great effort. Give this team one player about 6'4" or 6'5" and this team is one of the top 6 teams in the region.


    But the old axiom applies, you can't coach height.


    The number one thing they have to improve on to improve as a team is to stop dribble penetration. Too many times they are letting the ball in the lane on dribble penetration. So the post has to rotate over and leaving opponent's post open to rebound. Lacking a dominate, tall rebounder, that makes an already difficult job for them even harder.


    Now they stop the dribble 15 feet from the basket and their post player is there to block out, maybe get some over the back calls and grab the rebound.

    Very observant and I so agree!!! That is my opinion! Didn't mean to upset UNC!!!

  4. Not commenting on this specific situation but commenting in general.


    Scoring isn't everything. If you average 10 points per game and the person you are guarding averages 16 points per game, you are hurting your team.


    If you are averaging 10 points per game and 5 turnovers per game and not playing defense, you are hurting your team.


    If you are averaging 10 points per game and 5 turnovers per game and not playing defense and not rebounding, you are killing your team.


    If in practice you are not running the offense, not playing defense, not hustling, not working hard, coach is not going to play you and you don't deserve to play.


    I do understand that, but as I hear and have watched 2 of Hardens game, he is a huge assest to the game and I think (from what I watched) he is there best ballhandler, considering who they have trying to get the ball down the court. I don't see this kid as being in that situation you are talking about, that is why I was talkin about this one situation. I do understand the game and see many turnovers, and the one game particular, the 42, well let's say, I would have said SEEE YAAA, and I wasn't the only one in my gym that was saying that.

  5. I disagree. I have found Chad Simms to be a fine coach and a good young Christian man. You may disagree with his substition patterns but he definitely doesn't treat his players as nobodies.


    The other thing I have found in my 18 years of coaching, players who don't want to play love to use the coach as the reason. I had a player once that did not want to play. But she played because of her dad. She ended up quitting. The next year, your best friend was in a conversation with the players and they were talking about how I had ran that player off.


    The best friend chuckled and said that wasn't close to the truth. She quit because she was tired of how her dad treated her after games. She was tired of being ripped on and the pressure from home. To this day, dad still things that it was my fault and blames me. That's okay, that's part of my job as coach. To protect the players.


    If you are a parent, players don't always tell you the full truth of the situation. As someone aboved mentioned, they don't want to let you down. They don't want you to see them as a quitter or someone who failed. So, the easy person to blame, is the coach. The coach is mean. The coach said this to me. The coach makes it not fun. Etc, etc, etc.


    I had a parent who stormed into my office one day. He had a daughter crying and wanted to know why I made a certain comment to her. My two assistant coaches were in the meeting with her (coaches protect yourself have an earwitness and an eyewitness to what you say and do) and before I could reply, one stepped up and said, "He never said anything like that. This is what he said." The parent asked me if that was true. I indicated it was and he wondered aloud why his daughter would say that.


    Later on, we found out but I don't think she ever told her parents, she played because her sister played. She didn't love it and could have done without it. But it was my fault.


    And to an extent I have fine with it. That happens when you are the coach. You are going to take the blame for things that the 14-15 year old is not going to give their parents the honest truth to.

    He is a very religious person and I respect that, but christianity has nothing to do with this. Ask anyone that comes to the Pendelton games and they wonder where the coaches head is. But yes, as a person, he is great, just not much of a coach. But I hear that you coach about the same way. Put your starters in for a couple minutes then bench them when they start making shots. Each for their own I reckon. Its just that the parents and kids put so much money and time in that they expect to see a good game and for it to be coached fairly. Not put in your young ones just to give them experience early on. When we played PC they played us hard and it seemed the coach was doing a fine job, but then come closer to the end he changed his style of coaching, look at what 42 kept doing and he just kept letting it happen. You don't just keep getting caught standing there with the ball in your hand, you put a good ball handler in and they would have won by 10 or more. Then they went to AIT and played FLA. Feeback and Hardin scored 30 pts together, then the next day he played all JV and just a couple of Varsity and lost by 40 what is up with that. Unless you know something we dont' then maybe you could fill us in.....:flame:
  6. What about coaches that treat kids like they are nobody. Tell them they are just there to fill a spot until the younger kids get better. What about self respect. Don't blame it all on the coaches. Simms is one of the worst. I heard from some of the players down there, when they came down here to play us devils that all he was waiting for was the younger boys to take him to state, well I have news for him, he won't be going to state anytime in the near future with his attitude. He does have some young talent, but he must be forgetting that most of the other players have younger talent too!!! During the Mason Co. game at the end he played most of his 8th and 9th graders and they still manhandled them. Go Devils.....

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