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Posts posted by athos83


    I have seen several who as high school sophomores showed potential to become UK caliber players. Deron Feldhouse was not the most dominate high school sophomore anyone has ever seen, but he developed into one of the "Unforgettables" at UK.



    I have seen this kid play several times and while you say there are few sophomores who show D1 potential you do see certain characteristics the this young man does not have in order to play SEC level D1 ball. That characteristic - speed (closely followed by general athleticisim). He may be able to shoot but will struggle getting up and down the court and working to get the ball while going against athletes that are just as big and faster than he is.

  2. The number of baseball scholarships may outnumber the others but what you have not accounted for is the type of scholarship. Football and basketball are for the most part full rides. A baseball scholarship is typically a partial scholarship (maybe tuition or room and board). Schools are large as Kentucky only have around 10 scholarships to be divided in some manner between 30 or so players. So while the number may be higher the "quality" of scholarship is lower.


    None the less the kids are playing and getting part of their education for free.

  3. Yes, I think it was necessary. Only stating what everyone else sees and talks about. I think there is very little wonder why the Greenup situation is looked down on so much. Pretty much everyone knows why. Not confused.


    I have always wished those boys the best of luck, they have had a rough two seasons in a row now.


    You have me really confused was the palyer in question part of last years problem?

  4. I agree. Seems to me that after SEVERAL bad outcomes with this approach, the administration would try something different! Hire the best man for the job, without parent input, and support him! Seems to me like Smith and Sutton have bailed the program out twice in the last two years and one of them should be given the chance to start from the beginning of the season and see how they can do.


    I also have a question for athos83, you said Smith was there and set the punishment for the player, does that mean Leach resigned BEFORE the punishment was determined? If that is the case, then seems to me there was no support from the administration and that very well could have been a HUGE factor into Leach deciding to resign.. The punishment should have been determined BEFORE a new coach was appointed.


    From what I have been told Leach quit and admitted he had made a mistake on the dismissal from the team. So pretty much he was gone and even though he was gone put the player back on the team. I guess as acting head coach Smith set the punishment.


    The support form the admin comments need to be dropped just like this thread. Let Smith and Sutton do there job (which isn't too bad). Leach is gone, so give it up people.

  5. Still having a lot of trouble believing Leach left for personal reasons. He may have had/be having some personal issues, but the "big blowup" had a HUGE impact on his leaving. IMO Too much passion for the sport to just give it up half way through the season and stay on as a teacher, if it was all personal.

    I'd say the backing, or lack of backing, by the Admin. played a big part in it.

    A ONE QUARTER suspension for cursing out a coach is NOT much support. I'm not saying what Leach said/did is OK, but how can the Admin. justify such a insignificant suspension for this kind of situation? What is that telling the rest of the players about RESPECT for the coaching staff?


    I think Smith and Sutton are doing a great job with taking over the team, twice in the last two years, and either one would be a great hire as the head coach.


    Best of luck to Greenup County!



    Sorry you can't believe it but he did speak with the admin at GC about leaving 3 weeks prior to the "blow up". Now as for the "cussing out a coach" comment, I have been told by those there, that after Leach told the player he was gone (thrown off the team) one word was murmred as he walked to the locker room.


    As for the one quarter suspension, I believe this was Smith's call as he was there and set the punishment to fit the crime.


    Now the passion for the sport comment is comical. A passionate coach works the side lines, gets excited on good or bad plays and I did not see that at all out of Leach. I truly believe other things are on his mind and these things moved to the fore front (as they should).

  6. I have no axe to grind with anybody in Greenup.


    One lemon in the coaching spot every now and then is understandable. Three or four in a row starts to look less like a problem with the coach and more a sign of problems elsewhere.


    Maybe you can convince me that GCHS is just on a string of bad luck. But Hicks, Sutton, Hampton and Leach are all decent coaches and good men. Looking in from the outside, it's really hard to believe the trouble is just with the coaches.


    Bad luck, no way. I will say it is basically the admin. In my opinion, and this is strictly my opinion, here we go;


    Hick's was run off by the admin

    Hampton was hired outside of the correct procedure and when people got wind of this he took himself out

    Leach was hired and took himself out due to some personal issues

    Sutton never really had the job as it was on an interim basis


    Again, my opinion doesn't mean much but I think if Hicks were there today GC would have a much, much better record.

  7. Leach left over a week ago.


    Whoever they get needs a five year contract, with a no interference clause to prevent parents and administrators from micro-managing him to the point of insanity, quitting... or both.


    Somewhat of an unfair statement given Leach had spoken to the admin about leaving (on his own) 3 weeks prior to the big blowup. This has already been discussed on other threads. Reasons were never disclosed (as they should not be) other than they were personal.

  8. Interstesting statement but somewhat off base (pardon the pun). In the games, both high school and Post, that I attended, this kid is one of the greatest assets to any team. Put him in the outfield, at SS, at 3rd, even a few innings on the mound and he does and exceptional job. So if he excels at any position and does his job at the plate (which he also does) how many are better?[/QU

    I did not mean to step on anyones toes, all I meant to say is that he is no better than anyone else, like Logan and Hienemen and so on. Hieneman can play 1st and pitch, he can also hit. Logan is a great catcher and can hit the ball. Craft may be able to play more positions, but does not stand out at any one position like the others do, like Logan at catching and Hieneman does at pitching.


    Well, we'll have to disagree on that one as I like, KCTSU (or whatever), would have to say he is a standout in the SS position.

  9. Craft is a good baseball player, but he is like everone else. There are several other players on that team that is alot better than Craft.


    Interstesting statement but somewhat off base (pardon the pun). In the games, both high school and Post, that I attended, this kid is one of the greatest assets to any team. Put him in the outfield, at SS, at 3rd, even a few innings on the mound and he does and exceptional job. So if he excels at any position and does his job at the plate (which he also does) how many are better?

  10. IMO Coach Leach would stiil be there if he would have booted ANYONE else off the team other than this kid. If you make this kids family mad at GC then you don't stick around because they don't think they run the school they do run the school. This kids dad almost cost them their district football championship going crazy on a ref during the game and geeting the team in which he had no part off penalized. GC will continue to reap what it sows!!

    This only shows the ignorance that is abuntant on pages such as this. To begin with this family far from runs this school. To my knowledge this is the only child that has ever really particpated in a varsity sport (cheerleading excluded). As for the costing the game and going crazy. If you call putting his hands up in a TD sign, saying he broke the plane and pointing it out then yes that is crazy. If however you had seen it for your own eyes (as I did) then that was basically it and "going crazy on a ref" is way, way off base. As for the penalty, could you please show me a rule that states that a fan can cause a penalty on a team without some form of warning (in football). Basketball, yeah seen it a hundred times but football, never and there was no warning given. If this is going to be the case and if a fan on a given side of a field denotes them being part of the team then I can see plenty of opportunity for Russell fans to go the the Raceland side of the field and yell at the refs inorder to penalize them or vice versa.

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