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Posts posted by whataboutthis

  1. This thread is just an attempt to bash Dixie and Tom Spritzky after they win because talking about the game wouldn't accomplish that. I expect more fromthe founder of this website but I guess I am wrong to do so. If your source is so solid tell who they are, stinkyboy II manned up and said who his source was.

  2. How is it a bash? It is the truth.. Go cry somewhere else!! I also think it is a joke that all of the bigger schools in NKY won't play HHS except for Ryle..


    It is a bash because anyone who has ever read you post can see the intent of the title of the thread you bash Tom Spritzky for everything he does, it is clear you feel he wronged you in some way and have it out for him. Not crying just pointing out your extreme negativity towards Dixie and as a Dixie supporter I get sick of hearing people who simply hate the programs or coaches and bash them for everything they do. You can support your program without bashing others. If the truth hurts I am sorry!!!!!

  3. I wonder if this call would have been made if Dixies point after attempt would have been sucessful against Highlands Freshman the other night and ended up a win for the Colonels ? When was the call made?Thursday at 8 a.m.?


    Do you really think that this decision was made based on the result of the freshman game.:rolleyes:


    Raiderbird you really have it out for Dixie don't you? There are probably 1 or 2 schools in NKY who would play Highlands voluntarly and you call Dixie out, who have played Highlands probably as many if not more times than anyone. Why not call out the Highlands alum who avoids them at all cost be it changing jobs or classification to do so. You make a point to bash Dixie whenever you get the chance. What gives can't you support the program you have adopted without bashing on someone elses?

  4. I am not arguing his record he is great football coach I am just saying if you want to get your 2's work and you have a team that can crush everyone you are in control of when they enter the game. The clueless line was more meant that he probably hasn't been the team loosing in these games very often if ever.

  5. Easy there. That's a basketball game he's talking about getting beaten that badly in. Pendleton may lose to Highlands that badly in football, but I promise they would never lose this badly in basketball. :D


    I just think the whole comment is idiotic his reasoning is weak in my opinon. He could always play his number 2's before it got to a 45 point spread couldn't he? I really doubt anyone on the bad end of a blow out enjoys it as much as Dale did in his example from the article. Just shows how clueless the "haves" can be.

  6. If I recall properly, when Will Bardo started at corner his junior year and was the backup QB, he got limited experience in mop up duty at the QB spot. He did just fine his senior year at the QB spot prior to getting hurt. Dale is playing for this year and wants to keep McCoy healthy. If he's going to pull the starting O line when the Birds get up big (and he should) there is zero, absolutely zero reason to put McCoy out there with the back up O line. Hope that helps answer your question Whackem.

    I have 2 questions for no reason other than curiosity

    Is Will Bardo the QB that got hurt in the St. X game if not what was that kids name?

    Were there 2 Bardo's and 2 Cecil's that played QB for the Birds in the last 10 or so years?

  7. These questions are impossible to answer. It depends on how well the team gelled, what type of offense/defense and who the coach was. If Spritzky(sp) is the HC, then Highlands wins no doubt in my mind. This "All-Star" team may have more talent than Highlands, but I'll take good coaching, fundamentals, and community support any day.


    Funny thing is Spritzky is one of two active head coaches in NKY who actually has beaten Highlands.

  8. Stinkyboy II who is I the entire coaching staff at Dixie?

    There is no reason why they are so bad year after year! they have the same type of kids as HHS but for some reason the staff doesn't get out of them what they they should. It all starts at the top. Do you really think Dale would let PT behave the way Pike does?? NO is that answer. Lets face it we have talk many times about this and time after time you keep saying this might be the year. I hope they can right the ship Elliot is out now for the rest of the year and SK isn't what they used to be. So no telling what can happen.


    How has Pike behaved you must pay closer attention to his behavior than I do.

  9. Most overated player from NKY in a long while in my opinion. Attitude doesn't help whatsoever, droppin the football continually in front of the refs instead of just handing it to them. I think he calls plays in from the sideline at Auburn.


    I bet you can't wait to see if he doesn't make it at Auburn so you can say I told you so. Even if he is the back-up at Auburn getting a free education what is wrong with that? I am sure it is a lot closer than you will ever be to the playing field for a BCS school. I don't understand why people go out of their way to say negative things about High School KIDS

  10. Who says you can't respect your opponent AND believe you're going to beat the snot out of them?


    Most coaches who say what you like them to say don't believe half the stuff they're saying. It's just coachspeak . It might as well be in Chinese as far as I'm concerned.

    I would like to meet the coach that believes their team won't have to play well and limit turnovers to win. That my friend is not a very smart coach. Teach your players to respect their opponent so that the result is what you know it can be, or open yourself up to a let down and a dog fight with a lesser opponent. You can not tell me you haven't watched a game where one team looks like they expected to show up and win and the other team puts up a fight or possibly even wins the game. Now imagine the Coach promoted that attitude. Still think it is a good idea?

  11. Would you have rather had him say "they're well-coached tough kids we're going to have to play well and limit turnovers yada yada yada?"


    We need coaches who speak their mind.


    Yes I would rather hear coaches speak when you know you are going to be quoted. In a conversation with a friend say what you want but not if they are going to run and tell a website owner. I think it sends a bad message to 15-18 year olds on how to act with Class. Coaches are role models at this level like it or not you act with class and respect your opponent.


    We do not need coaches to speak their minds this website might like that but we need coaches that are going to teach our kids how to be better football players and men. I don't know very many people who say I like that guy because he is a pompous jerk. I will take a humble coach who teaches kids to respect their opponent and take nothing for granted.


    That is just my personal preferance.

  12. If someone were doing that from Highlands the Highlands Minister of Information would "handle" it. LOL

    I have to disagree if someone from Highlands was to say that this next group is better, faster smarter, better looking than the previous great Highlands team and were going to win every game they would not call him arrogant they would call him head coach. Difference is Highlands backs it up SK isn't right now

  13. Never said i hope he fails. I actually said he could play many different positions at that level. But yes, age does make a difference. Not trying to bash the kid.

    You said he is a year and a half older than most seniors how old do you think he is? Talent matters a whole lot more than age being an 18 year old senior will not automatically get you 40+ offers do you think? You also mention NFL bloodlines helped him there was an article in the paper about kids who's dad played for the bengals and coach them why haven't their NFL bloodlines got them 40+ offers? His ability and size is what is getting him offers not his last name or age.

  14. This is somewhat surprising considering last year's Dixie Frosh and JV teams were not good at all. Cov Cath I thought had some solid Frosh and JV teams and seem to be re-loading on talent. Who were the key contributors for Dixie?

    While Dixie's freshman were awful last year the JV team was not that bad. You probably just saw them against the best JV team in NKY and they got destroyed there no doubt. They had a record of 6 and 3 only loosing to Highlands, Conner and Boone.

  15. Rooting for someone to fail be it on an athletic or academic scholarship just so you can say see I told you I was right is the most immature behavior I have ever seen or heard of in my life. I am a Dixie fan so I obviously hope Pike suceeds at the next level and I also hope Towles, Bir, and Barker along with anyone else receiving the opportunity does. Some people on here really need to read what they are posting and say would I want this said about me or my child before hitting the post button.


    Most people who bring up his age probably don't actually know it and besides there are many people that could play HS football at 19-20 and still wouldn't get a sniff at D1. I trust that auburn knows what they want after evaluating him more than I do joebluegrasspreps

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