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Posts posted by VivaLasVegas

  1. And he's thrown 3. Apparently, on the last one, he just dropped it as he was running down the sideline, so none of the announcers knew what was going on.


    That tells me that when he was running up the sideline that someone from Dixie was too close to the white line and he had to move out of the way. Now, the team really deserves a penalty for that don't they? What a joke.

  2. Are you saying they should ignore it?


    I'm saying let the kids play the game. If there is a play that has a significant effect on the outcome of the game, then call it, but if not, don't just throw the flag to throw it. Take the sideline infraction penalities, I'm sure it is some sidejudge that really wants to be a part of the action.

  3. I am not aware of any CC Seniors quitting.


    For any football fan that has followed the Camels this season, you do realize that last night's starting D and O were made up of many JV players.


    The Camels experienced 2 consecutive disappointing losses back-to-back (SK and NCC). CC had a 7 point lead and the ball with less than 5 minutes in the NCC game and turned the ball over (fumble) on that possession. The emotional toll and disappointment of these losses lead to several key players missing a film session last week. Coach Styer disciplined these players by benching them for the first half of last night's game. While I admire Coach Styer's position, please remember that these are teenage boys that at times make unhealthy choices. They were wrong for letting their Team down.


    Dixie was spotted a 28-7 lead before the "1st Team" D or O ever saw the field.


    Dixie has a nice Team but don't be foolish enough to believe that your win last night was primarily the result of improved play or that they dominated a good 6A Team. That attitude will get you bounced early in the playoffs.


    I did admire Dixie's running game last night. They utilize several hard charging backs to effectively establish a solid ground attack.


    Congratulations to Dixie and Good Luck in the playoffs!



    I think playoff advise from a Campbell fan may fall on def ears.

  4. For Dixie's sake, I hope you are wrong. They definitely need to get some confidence back and get on some type of a roll before the playoffs. I think Dixie needs this game more than the Camels and as a result, will prevail.


    I hope you're correct, but I just don't see it with this team. Take last year for example, Dixie rolled Campbell and then got embarressed by CovCath. Maybe if they get hammered by Campbell, they'll be ready for the first round of the playoffs?

  5. This was their last game. Highlands beat two teams this year that Dixie couldn't handle. That's why their season is over and the Birds are playing on.


    You're not quite correct. Dixie will play Boone next week, and yes, Dixie did lose to 2 teams that Highlands beat, but I wouldn't be so quick to talk about it when Dixie did wipe the field with Highlands, and pretty much did whatever they wanted to them. The Holmes loss in week 1 definately is a major thorn in the side of Dixie's season, but since they can't win the championship, at least they can smile at the fact they absolutely demoralized Highlands.


    By the way, good luck against Beechwood.

  6. I have been going to Highlands games for a looooooong time and i don't recall Highlands ever working on a play like that. The last time we ran a halfback pass up that big was against Leslie County in 1995 in the state Semi-finals that i can remember. If you would of been at the 1st meeting between these 2 that year, you would of understood the reasoning. Lets just say Tim Couch did some things that game to deserve the payback. As they say, what comes around goes around.


    I haven't been to as many HHS games as you, however, I do remember HHS running a HB/WR, whatever you want to call it, pass against Dixie in 2003 when the game was clearly out of reach. I'm sure there are more, but that's the first one that comes to mind. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but they have been known to score when they can, regardless of the score.

  7. First off, everyone needs to keep the Highlands player that went out in the life squad in their thoughts. Whether you like HHS or not, no one likes to see that happen.


    As for the game, Dixie played intense and agressive football from the first whistle to the last, and really controlled the LOS. HHS did seem to get a little redundant on offense, but let's be honest, their Varsity doesn't have the deepest playbook in the world either, they are just VERY good at what they do. HHS has some very nice young players that will be great Varsity players for them in the years to come. In particular, hats off to #6 for HHS, he made a nice tiptoe up the sidelines on the long pass, and showed great speed on the Kickoff return.


    As I stated above, Dixie won this game on the line, and their offensive and defensive lines played very well.


    As for the reverse pass.........


    I would say that the game wasn't in question at that point, but maybe that was a statement that Dixie hasn't forgotten all the times that has happened to them over the years. And it should be noted that Dixie did get the ball back and ended the game by taking a knee.


    As for the "on-side" kick..........


    This was a poor attempt at a squib. No malacious intent there. At the end of the day they are freshman, and they do make mistakes.


    HHS played hard, but Dixie was better tonight. Better enjoy it while you can Dixie, because I can guarantee you that the next time you see them, they will be a different team.

  8. I don't remember exactly when but it was several years ago and you thought they won the dagone superbowl or something! I was very upset walking out having all those Dixie fans screaming all kinds of nasty things at us.


    And, NO Dixie team is ever better than Highlands, not even that team, that year. I will never say another team is better than HHS!:D



    That is a ridiculous statement. Didn't by winning the game they proved they were a better team?? Actually, Highlands probably made it closer than it should have been. The only NKY Dixie lost to that year was Boone, and was very good, but ran into Brian Brohm and Trinity in the second round of the playoffs. To say what you said is simply ridiculous.

  9. I agree but what could the "different direction" be when stuck in the same district as Covcath, Highlands, and Dixie?


    You just are not going to beat both CovCath and Highlands in any given year. And Dixie has the edge in an open enrollment situation and you probably aren't going to beat them 95% of the years.


    So what coach, other than one maybe only looking for moderate success (win 6 or 7 games, lose in the first round of the playoffs a couple of years in a row) and then looking to move on, could they get?


    Unless Scott is going to grow to 6A status or drop to the 4A level, I just can't see any coach making that big of a difference.


    And again it isn't as if Scott has a terrible program. Imagine if the KHSAA doesn't allow teams to play up and they were in a district comprised of Dixie, Holmes, Grant Co., and Scott. That's a situation that a coach taking the program in a different direction could suceed.


    Did you really just say Scott doesn't have a terrible program? How many games have they won in the last 10 years?

  10. Dixie got out coached and out played tonight. Congrats to the blue Colonels on a solid win. You did what you had to do tonight to win.


    As for the red Colonels, I really don't know where to start. Let me first say congrats to all the seniors. You all had great careers, and you represented Dixie very well. You will be missed. For the game, Dixie was just flat most of the game. They didn't tackle or cover well at all. Offensively, they didn't execute, and they didn't adjust. Spritzky basically conceded to the point that CCH was going to take away Detmer with a corner, safety over top, and a linebacker inside. Not once did they move Detmer into the slot or move him in motion to try to get him the ball. You just can't allow a team to take away your biggest receiving threat. The middle of the field was wide open all night long, but yet they only went there about 3 times with success, the others were dropped or overthrown balls. In the 2nd, CCH was giving 12 to 15 yard cushions on the receivers, and it was typically 3 receivers bunched to one side with 2 DBs. All Bricking had to do was get the ball and throw. It was an easy 5 to 8 yards every time. There was no need to try to force it down field with that type of cushion. Take the yardage and move on. They did try that bubble screen to Brock quite a bit, but the development of that play takes forever. Or, run a quick slant, in, or out with one of the three receivers as the other 2 can rub off the DBs.


    They did move EJ to the slot, but CovCath moved their cover guy over to where ever he was. They did a good job of covering him, and if you try to force it to EJ, then you have Bricking throwing into double coverage. Dixie needed guys other than Detmer to make plays and that just didn't happen.

  11. Honestly, you sound like someone that has never recovered from a butt whipping. I remember my son's senior year, the Birds getting clobbered by X, somehow we've managed to move on. I suggest you try to do the same. Take a deep breath and let it go, it'll do your soul a lot of good. :thumb:


    Wow, creativity, I like that. I'll bet you patted yourself on the back for thinking up that insightful comment. Thanks for the advice.:thumb:

  12. Everything you said is exactly right except for the not being a true Highlands fan. I bleed Blue and White. I agree whole-heartedly about some past calls that the coach has made and questionable situations. I didn't play for this man and things were much different when I was there. We were led by fear and intimidation. We couldn't even unsnap our chinstraps until we got home and were in the locker room from a visitor game.


    I know that what went on when we played NewCath and Scotty went down and our then coach said something that was very inappropriate and hurtful about getting his body off the field. I was standing right behind him when he said it. It was awful. I know Scott and his wife and they are great people. I hated that things happened like that. Dale is a different, very compassionate man. I don't always agree with what he does, but he is human.


    The other reason that we find ourselves going onto other people's threads and talk about Highlands is we get bored. Sorry for infringing on YOUR page, but I paid my 15 bucks this year too. I take advantage of the opportunity to talk on as many threads as I choose. The one thing that makes this website so popular is our passion for sport, pride in our school, support of our kids, and love of the game.


    As far as running the score up, I will say it again only to sound like a broken record:


    1. Highlands has games that get out of hand in the first quarter. What should they do, stop trying? Take their starters out. This is the playoffs and the starters need as much time and reps in there as possible.

    2. When Highlands gets up and is in 2nd half, you will see some younger kids get into the game. That is a fact. Ask the JV kids how much time they get tonight against Scott. I bet they play the entire 2nd half.

    3. When those 2nd, 3rd, 4th(frosh) team kids get into the game, yes they may pass the ball and yes they may score, but who are you to tell a kid that has splinters in his pants from riding the bench all year and finally gets an opportunity to get into a game that he should just take it easy and don't bother trying his hardest.

    4. The last thing, if you don't want to have the score ran up on you, then stop us. This is the playoffs, not playnice. If you don't like getting beat, then win.

    So I am sorry that you feel that way, however, it does not go unnoticed. I agree and disagree.


    I see your point, believe me I do. But I believe the point behind this thread was why wouldn't a team in NKY want to schedule Highlands. It's one thing to schedule a team you think may beat you, but it is another to schedule a team that will embarrass you.


    And I understand the argument of "running your offense" when you are ahead, but that is quite difference from trick plays, which occurs quite frequently.

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