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Posts posted by TKE_

  1. I would love to see the Rocks knock off Cinn X but the D will not stop the power run game X has nor the play-action pass. T does not have the O at this point of the season they had last year hence we will not score as many points. Cov and Beaty will have a very good game plan to break down the 3-3-5 D of X but it will not be enough. Repeat of 2003, X24 T-17.



    I agree, but faith has the rocks in this one again like last year...this is the can't miss game of the year for Rock fans...

  2. I'm hearing really good things about Male, particularly involving vastly improved line play on both sides of the ball. If true, Male will surprise those folks that want to place then down below the top 5. I think last year was an aberration and Male will be back in the top 3/ legit contender for the state title discussion before the end of the year.



    I can't tell you how much I hope you're right, but I ain't hearin' the same stuff...

  3. I love my Crimsons but Manual will have a lot of reloading to do. Maybe they end up near the top, but I'm expecting a bit of a drop from last season.




    Along your same lines...I don't get the respect being given to MALE...I think this will be a loooooong season for us.

  4. This about T's catcher...my brother was a catcher for PRP during their run on titles in the mid 90's and I very much trust his judgement on catching mechanics. He mentioned that T's catcher was very instinctual...blocked, framed, and came out of the box very well. He had a good arm, but was a tad on the small side.


    I don't know about his hitting abilities or his class, but if he's coming back next year it's a good thing. He gains strength and age...he's only going to get better.

  5. Jimmy Ref......To be perfectly honest I do not see Trinity being better next year.I watched several Freshman and JV games..don't see a lot to be excited for in foreseeable future.Average talent at best.



    Oh, I disagree...T had some very good sophomores playing varsity this year and maybe that is why Frosh and JV weren't that great.


    Better next year? Maybe not, but I do think they will be just as formidable.

  6. Tricky business saving a pitcher for a game that you may never get to play.....:thumb:




    I think T did the right thing, no way they (IMHO) beat X with a 'finesse' pitcher and even with Littrell it would have been a real challenge. Littrell is a very promising talent, but he is young. T put out a good pitcher last night in Hohmann and I think I would have done the same.

  7. ...I think it was his father that went bonkers in the last inning...I never saw what he (the dad) was mad about...he called the Trinity base runner a 'punk.' Anyways, that and the incident at second took little away from a great game.

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