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  1. I learned a wealth of knowledge from watching Coach Mabrey, Kihnely and Baxter. A truly iconic coach surrounded by an iconic staff. Congratulations on an incredible career!!
  2. You have to keep it at Rupp for now. The atmosphere was excellent, and these Young Ladies deserve the chance to get out there on the floor and take in the experience at Rupp. I saw a few minor complaints about some student sections being small, but that's a general growing trend in all of KHSAA sports across the board due to a new era and generation of kids with more "options" on how to spend their time and money. If anything, I think playing at Rupp made more students WANT to go so they could take in the atmosphere. Nothing in the State has the nostalgia and appeal of Rupp, and that certainly makes a difference. Second largest crowd in the history of the event is a pretty strong sign for the future. Let's hope this becomes a TRADITION for our student-athletes, and let's hope the adults involved in the decision making make the right choice and keep it going strong!
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