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Covington Catholic 4 Simon Kenton 3 (JV)

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CovCath 4 Simon Kenton 3 (JV)


I don't do the book for the JV so this is all I have, Will Heppler, with the W and Noah Galvin earns a save.


The highlight of the day, even better that the weather and watching a game at CovCath, was a eating one of Marys Burgers. None better anywhere! :thumb:

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CovCath 4 Simon Kenton 3 (JV)


I don't do the book for the JV so this is all I have, Will Heppler, with the W and Noah Galvin earns a save.


The highlight of the day, even better that the weather and watching a game at CovCath, was a eating one of Marys Burgers. None better anywhere! :thumb:


Good work by Heppler and Galvin, 16U Ky Colonels.

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