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Posts posted by ChipT01

  1. Last years group had to replace 19 starters, and they did step up even turning around a lopsided loss to Dixie; Highlands was a better team last season that CCH could not handle in the playoffs especially without their heart and soul on defense- Joe Bruggeman.


    This year's group sits around and waits for a spark- vs. NCC they were struggling and Van Sant made a play- the whole team got inspired and they made a great come back. In their other losses they have waited and no one has stepped up.


    Those of you who want to blame it on the coaches really and I mean really don't have a clue; there are no Sam Flynns, Joe Castenadas, Brandon Brown, Pete Suttons (Van Sant could be), Josh Blesers, or Nate Kaders on this years or last years team- needless to say no Mike Woolfs, Timmy Woolfs, Jeremy Maddens, Paul Hladons, etc, etc, etc.


    You sound like disgruntled players who didnt get their playing time or parents who think their son is the greatest...


    I have seen 3 coaches at CCH in my years and Brossart's system is as sound as Coach Ray's, is it as flashy as Rodenberg's- no because he doesn't have the aforementioned talent-do they have some talent-yes but they need to get tougher!!!!!!


    You need to back off a little bit. I am not blaming anyone and I am not disgruntled. I just made the oberservation that the QB spot is somewhat week without Ice and at times inconsistent when he is healthy. Also, there doesn't appear to be any consistent effort to develop a solid backup at this time. Maybe that will change with the Frosh and Jr High teams. It appears coach Brossart is doing a fine job in that regard. This is a discussion forum and I am putting my thoughts out there. Also, inferring that the seniors are tanking this season is no different than others blaming the coaches...just the flip side of the argument. Ultimately, you need to remember that these are kids playing under a lot of pressure. The coaches on the other hand are adults and it is their job to connect with the kids and get them to play to their potential. I am not saying I could do it better...just trying to figure it out.

  2. You are dead wrong; the staff has tried every combination possible at numerous positions trying to get more production; the team wilts when it gets hit in the mouth; the seniors need to step up!!


    I hope I am dead wrong. I will be the first to admit it if I am, but "the seniors need to step up!!" is exactly what was said last year. Anyway, I meant no disrespect to the coaches, just putting the thought out there for discussion.

  3. I like CovCath by about 28 with Young having his breakout day. He needs to see some defenses that aren't as tough as Beechwood or Elder to really get in the flow with this offense. If Isler doesn't play for another 2-3 weeks I see Young handling this team almost just as well as long as he gets snaps under some less pressure to boost his confidence and feel with the team.


    I have to disagree on this. I think Young is great kid and he hasn't given up on playing and I certainly don't wont to get down on the young man. He throws a nice ball, but he just doesn't have the arm or the size to compete at this level. Also, he has a tendency to get picked. Last year, he took most of the snaps in the JV games, but never really seemed to develop. He had many games in which he threw numerous interceptions.


    IMO, instead of having Van Sant line up at QB he should be used in the backfield with Deters in an I or split set. Use their huge line to create space and let the defense try to defend Van Sant on the run or pass. They should also give Erpenbeck the call at QB and just let him play. He has a strong arm, has good size, runs well and is accurate. Last year when he did get a chance to play JV, he was able to move the team and made good decisions. Without being disrespectful, I understand that coaching at CCH is difficult, but the CovCath coaching staff has no idea how to develop QB's. This year the QB coach is a former lineman.


    I have, in past post, suggested that the coaches should be given a break, but this makes no sense to me. To have Van Sant taking snaps when he has not played the position in high school seems more like a gimick than a solution to the problem, especially when there are much better alternatives.


    There a many talented players on that team that just seemed to be overlooked...I could be wrong but it sure seems that way.

  4. So what your trying to say is if Teipel or one of their star players gets injured it's not possible? That is just ignorant.


    I am not sure what your point is, but I assume you mean that losing a key player like Teipel would make it possbile for HC to pull off the win. That is doubtful, they have too many weapons. As good as Teipel is, this team would only suffer a slight adverse effect in his absence. They just have too many weapons. How many teams do you know has a player that can play an entire game at O Tackle and D End and then the next week move out to Tight End and be productive?

  5. You have a point, I have been guilty. :lol: I wouldn't call it bashing though, I have real respect for Lloyd and it's fans....I just love to argue with them. I see this game being closer than people are saying. But I do think Beechwood has the edge. 28-14 Beechwood....right now.


    Have you seen Beechwood this year. I am an old River Rat from Ludlow. In my day, we played and practiced all year just for the Beechwood game. No love lost there, but I have to say, this is one of the best teams Beechwood has ever had and they are one of the top teams in NKY. Their big guys are great athletes and their skill players are super. I think they may be a better team than NCC. I hope HC comes ready to play, because if they don't, it will be all over except for the cryin' in the first half.


    hc25dad...say hi to the wife for me and I hope #25 gets better soon.

  6. Holy Cross's schedule is tougher than Lloyd's. Trust me the Holy Cross players will be ready for this game. They're tired of losing close games to much bigger schools and will be more than ready to step on the field on Friday night.


    What do you consider close? They have not been closer than 2 TD's in any of their loses. That is a pretty big margin in high school football. Ryle was able to score 34 with a Soph QB and a Freshman RB. I agree HC should be able to beat Lloyd, but don't think this is going to be a walk in the park like last year. Lloyd was dealing with some pretty serious coaching issues last year. I think they will suprise you.

  7. Now why would you do that mid season? Marcel is throwing on target. Just sometimes doesn't get that lucky catch he needs every now and then to keep him going. Plus I don't beleive Andy Roenker has a negative rushing yard all year.


    I said it before the season, I said it two weeks ago, I will say it again. Move Roenker to QB and Walker to RB/WR/TE. Spread the field, use the shotgun, let Roenker run the ball, pass the ball. Get the ball into Walker's hands as much as possible. One thing is for sure...1 & 4 is not were you expected to be. This is the perfect time to do it. You have Llyod next, forget about Beechwood, and Newport in a couple of weeks. There is still time to turn this season around and build for next year. If not, things won't be any better next year.

  8. There has been much debate over whether Dave Brossart is the right fit for CovCath. After two embarrassing losses to rival Highlands the last two games, a losing season last year, and what's looking to be a similar season this year many think it's time for him to go.


    These discussions usually thread jack threads intended to discuss the CovCath games so I figured it deserved it's own thread so have at it.


    Maybe the fans need to chill out and realize that they may not be the right fit for Coach Brossart. Sometimes we over estimate our kids abilities and we take this game to serious. I know I have been quilty of such. Let's back off and let the kids be kids and enjoy the highschool years. It is only a game.

  9. I have a ? why does Covington Catholic alredy have two games on major networks. On a down year and after not so great of a season last year.


    This televised game isn't just about CovCath, it's about the rivalry. Year in and year out, this is one of the top games in Northern Ky. These are two programs with a great tradition and people want to see them play. Unfortunately, the last couple of years the talent level for CovCath is not what it has been in the past. Tonight, Beechwood had the better athletes and they were fun to watch. I hope all of the injured kids get back on the field quickly.

  10. Academics have and will continue to be the number one focus of CovCath! It has always been that way and it will continue to always be that way.


    As you grow older you will understand that the fun you had playing games was just that, fun but the education you received at CovCath will pay off many, many times throughout your life!


    You hit the nail on the head....

  11. Alright, enough trashing. I want to change my prediction.


    Yeah, NCC has seen the likes of Van Sant, Deters & Ryle...but they haven't seen the likes of Walker, Norris & Roenker. They also haven't seen the surprises that coach Koz has in store for them.

    Holy Cross will shock the world!


    HC 42

    NCC 28


    I haven't trashed anyone. I haven't even mentioned the name of any HC players. I thought the idea of this forum was to talk football. Most of the trashing is being done by HC posters. Anyway, the fact still remains that although, there are good players throughout all the classes, there are schools that have built elite programs with many top notch players vs. those that have good programs with a few really good players. These players stand out in their respective programs, but when the two play, you see that those playing for the developing programs aren't as dominant as they otherwise appear. It is a reality check. This not to say that HC can't get to that level. Actually, it is the players everyone has mentioned that are be the building blocks for future success, but don't put so much pressure on the current players. They are just kids and high school is supposed to be fun. I had to learn the hard way, my son has come to hate playing football because of the pressure I and his coaches put on him, now he doesn't play at all. That is a hard pill to swallow. Anyway, I hope it is a good game...we'll see.

  12. Very good post!!! Lets hope that everyone can keep that perspective. :thumb:


    My 16 year old son explained that to me earlier this year when he decided to quit because it was no longer fun playing football. He was tired of the pressure from coaches and parents and the win at all cost attitude.


    When I asked him why, he said, "I just want to be a normal kid again". So, let's hope they play hard and come off the field healthy.

  13. HC is capable of beating this NCC team in my mind without a doubt, but they will run too much. I don't have a lot of faith in NCC's secondary to stop Walker to Ziegler, but I doubt you'll see HC utilize that.


    Let's take a look at this realistically, NCC has beaten two 6A schools, almost beat CovCath and Stomped Bellevue.


    HC, on the other hand, was beaten by a decent 5A school, beaten badly by a pretty good 5A school, and basically beat up on a pretty good JV team for their first win against Cooper.


    Also, historically, NCC gets better as the year goes on. They will most likely be playing for the State Title later this year.


    The thing to remember is that, NCC may be 2A in school size but they have the talent and coaching of a 4A or 5A school. Finally, they have faced some pretty good players this year. Vansant, Deters, Deglow and Isler, and the boys Ryle.


    Good Luck...

  14. No, not "as expected". What did HC do in their first 2 games to make anyone "expect" that they would blowout this team?


    I would say "pleasantly surprised". Don't get me wrong, HC needed this performance....they stepped up and played with passion and aggression all night long. Good win against an obviously undermatched "good JV caliber team". My heart goes out to Cooper, they are playing a brutal schedule for a first year team. I hope they can all stay healthy for the entire season.


    Now to HC...enjoy this win going into the bye week. You have 2 weeks to prepare for NC. You will need it. You have shown that you can play with passion, now you will have to show that you are not "afraid" to play the big boys.


    Coaches will also have to show that our offense has some imagination. We are still way too predictable. Somehow we have to find a way to get our QB to actually throw the ball when receivers are standing in the end zone waving their arms...wide open.


    Hopefully HC will be back at full strength...getting Roenker and Herald back. This will help tremendously.


    Have a great two weeks of practice HC, this is what it is all about...if you can't get fired up for this, you shouldn't be playing the game!:thumb:


    I said it before the season. Even though Roenker can do a lot of things, I think he could contribute most at the QB spot. He has the poise and discipline to make the plays and decisions. He could be used like a Tebow type QB. Plus you would have a top notch QB next year. Walker could play out of the backfield and wideout spots and contribute much more. NCC will take advantage of any mistakes and has the speed to neutralize the running ability of Walker. Not trying to slam anyone, just my observation.

  15. It seems everyone hates JC. May be the reason of them coming out of nowhere? They are no longer a district doormat? They have averaged 10 wins a season over the past 4 years? I would like to see any other public school (except for Highlands of course) to even match those stats.


    From the Nothern Ky perspective: I was down there for the 2006 Playoff Game. I thought the team played well and the fans were great too. Very nice people. You may find a little lack of respect for JC. I do think you will find that us Northerners have a high opinion of our programs, so we may come off a little smug up here. But lets face it, 10 wins in Northern KY is tougher than in the southeastern part of the state. So, take it for what it is worth. I don't think people hate JC, but maybe we don't give them the respect you think they deserve. It's all subjective, but there is no ill will...just nothing to get to excited about compared to football in NKY.

  16. From reading the game recap this game wasn't the blowout that the score would seem to indicate. Didn't I read that Holmes scored 2 TD off of turnovers? If so, then the HC D was not terrible , right? Played without 2 of their LBs?


    You can look at it anyway you want to, but if the opposing teams D scores more than your O. That is not good. Losing by over 3 TD's is bad anyway you look at it. I watched that happen to many times with CovCath last year. You can what if all you want, but the result is the same...No playoffs! Hopefully, things will turn around by the NCC game. Hold on to your hat if it doesn't, because it will be a blowout.

  17. He did not play. I think he will be back in time for the NCC game. Same with MLB Brad Herald.


    Hopefully, the boys are ready for NCC. The NCC O & D Lines are top notch and can control a game. If HC is not ready, it will be a long day. Key on Kues, he is as dangerous on the ground as he can be thru the air, he is their big play guy.

  18. I disagree that this group will be better. I dont think one of them has had varsity time at wide receiver. Isler will be a solid QB, but I just don't see them having any real threats to throw to besides Van Sant.


    Just looking back on some post. Have you seen them lately. You may want to re-think your opinion. Robinson and Vansant will be one of the best tandums in NKY. Robinson is fast and smooth with very good feet. His hands have improved a lot since last year. The other receivers are very athletic. Hold on to your hat. If Isler can keep from throwing the ball into the ground like he did early in the season last year (to much over the top motion from all the baseball), CovCath will put up big numbers by the end of the year.

  19. Would love to see them prove me wrong. I am just speaking from returning talent. That 06' team had something like 7 3-yr starters. They were untouchable as freshman, and just better each year. Plus they had maybe the best kicker the state of KY has ever seen, and were literally in scoring range when they made it to the 40.


    Like I said, I hope they prove me wrong. I do like what Coach Brossart is doing however.


    You make some good points. I like Coach Brossart too and so do the boys. I just hope he mixes things up a little more this year.

  20. As a CCH fan, I'm not sure how any comparison could be made from the 06' team with this team. In fact in terms of returning talent, this team returns less than the 05', and 04' teams which both lost to Highlands.


    That being said, they still have a chance to be very good. They do have strong line play, and maybe by year's end they will have a chance to make a run in the playoffs.


    I am not sure what team you have been watching but they most certainly have the talent of the 06 team. This group just needs to learn how to win and Coach Brossart needs to just let them play. The OL is bigger, stronger and maybe as quick as the 06 team and the DL will be one of the best this year. Isler, Deters and Vansant will be as tough to stop as the HHS trio and don't forget Robinson, he has good hands and can fly. This team has the talent, what they need to prove is if they have the heart of the 06 team. Think back to the 06 Johnson Central game. JC had more size, speed and quickness, but CCH never gave up, played as a team and finally broke JC's spirt. That is what took the 06 team over the top...heart.

  21. From what I hear out of Newcath their D is looking shaky, I mean there basically relying on a whole new D. From what I remember their Jv defense wasn't anything special so I don't see them doing much on that side of the ball. But watch out for the tandem of Kues and Kelly their Offense is going to be explosive. Also, I know I have said it a 100 times and I know I'm biased toward HC. But their Defense is looking strong as ever with NKY's leading tackler back in Brad Herald, and watch out for Walker and Roenker in the backfield, they have just as much talent as Newcath's backfield and with solid protection, this Offense might get into a groove and be one of the tougher teams to mess with in 2A. If not all of NKY.:thumb:


    I was with you right up till the "If not all of NKY..". HC has talent and Walker, Roenker and Herald are good players but move them up to 4, 5 and 6 A, then things would change. When you get to that level. There are a number of kids on each squad at Highlands, Holmes, BC, NCC, CovCath, Dixie, Beechwood and Ryle that are as good as, if not better. HHS, CCH and NCC each have the top players at all three skill positions and Vansant from CCH may be one the top 10 players in the state.


    As far as the defense, HHS has the best set of LB's in NKY with CCH very close behind. CCH will field the toughest D-Line. Hearld is good but, until he goes up against HHS, CCH, LaSalle, Elder, St. X -Louisville, Cardinal Mooney, Johnson Central, Bowling Greene, Trinity, Trotwood and the likes...well, I will leave it at that.


    I know HC was undefeted as freshman and did well in JV, but the Jr. and Sr years are the years when things even out. Especially when you include the off season training. The freshman and soph years are good for bragging rites in their respective class, but until HC begins to play the elite programs, it is hard to compare them to all of NKY. I am not running them down the road, just putting things in perspective. I hope they have a great season. I know most of them and they are great kids, but let's compare apples to apples.

  22. I believe the most important thing CCH needs to establish and develop is the o-line and d-line. Games are won in the trenches and truly for any team to be success they have to be decent up front, especially in the district they play in. Just my opinion...


    I agree you need to be strong on both lines, but CovCath normaly is. With the exception of last year, the O-line is very solid year in and year out, and it will be this year. As I said in another post, the D-line, over the past 3 years, has been the most consistant part of the team. I don't see how they could improve much more. Where they need to improve this year is leadership both players and coaches and in the passing game. Last year was a struggle because of the new offense and the quarterback controversy. The starting QB was not solidified until the 2nd or 3rd game. The offense team didn't click until midway thru the season, a was inconsistant all the way thru. That won't be the case this year. Isler is the starter and with Vansant, Robinson, Vogt, Deglow, Deters, and Keene at the skilled postions, (I am not sure where Furnish fits in, but I am sure he will contribute) and the current O-line, consiting of 3 jrs and 2 seniors, the team should get off to a good start and not look back. The D-line will be solid again this year. The LB's may take a little while to come together, but should be very good. The big question will be the D-backs. Vansant will most likely play both ways (will he play LB or FS?) which will help a lot, but I think there are some questions at the CB spots. I think it will all work out by Aug 30. It should be a good year for CovCath.

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