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Posts posted by bredsmom

  1. While I realize their schedule last year turned out unusually tough due to several opponents having big years, it's not that much different than their typical schedule the last 5 or 6 years?


    2008--they played Cardinal Mooney, Elder and Lou. St. X along with their normal NCC, B-Wood, Dixie, Scott, Holmes and of course Highlands.

    2007--Elder, LaSalle, and Columbus St. Charles plus their normal local schools.

    2006--Elder, Cincy St. X, Bishop Watterson plus locals.

    2005--Cincy St. X, B. Watterson, Moeller plus locals.

    2004--LaSalle, Elder, etc.


    My point is everybody is blaming the tough schedule for Brossart's lack of results, but Rodenburg seemed to compete as did those before him; and I never heard anyone mention kids "quitting" in games before this staff took over??


    I agree it takes more than 2 years to "rebuild a program" but this is not a down in the dumps program he took over; this is Covington Catholic, who by the way, won a state championship the year before he took over??



    Ya I understand where your coming from but I agree with the report that was in the Enquirer earlier in the season that said he didn't have too much talent to work with.

  2. Yes he is going to finish out the year teaching at Covcath. Brossart has been taking grief from the parents since he first got Covcath. When he first got the job a lot of people weren't happy because he wasn't an alumni. He was just in an awful position from the beginning. Prior to Covcath he did wonders at Finnytown and was named Ohio Coach of the Year. Hmmm makes me think.

  3. It's all about timing. Brossart came into the position in a tough time with the old tough schedule that was left for him. He is a good coach just didn't come in a good position. It takes longer then 2 years to rebuild a program. Whoever the new coach turns out to be comes in with the new schedule Brossart made which won't be nearly as hard as the one Brossart came in playing.

  4. First of all, if you were sitting on one side or the other of PJS, you were not watching objectively. Secondly, I was at the game and sitting in the FIRST ROW. There is no way I could hear anything that was said by any of the players on the field, so I have a hard time believing you heard much of anything discernable. Finally, the Championship game is a battlefield. Those boys, all of them, NCC and Ft Campbell, left it all on the field Saturday. None of them, from either team would have it any other way. And if you think that nasty things are not said throughout the season by all teams somewhere along the line, you are living in a dream world. I don't like it any more than you do, but watch a professional game or two and tell me they don't trash talk.

    Over and over again, the FC parents are praised for our players respectfulness: by officials, by coaches, by opposing fans. These boys are in my home every week and are good young men, not perfect, but they are nothing if not respectful and they are a first class group of young men led by a first class group of coaches.


    The NCC 'Breds played their hearts out and had an awesome season. I was thrilled with the idea of a rematch this year and it was a nail-biter all the way through! The boys that played through their injuries are a testimony to how much this meant to them and how badly they wanted to win.


    Congrats FC Falcons, you did it! BACK TO BACK!!:dancingpa


    This isn't Pro ball and these are minors. BTW, you didn't have to "hear" what was being said by the player that I will not mention when he repeatedly taunted the bench. He was FACING them and the COACHES and using arm gestures as well. I'm not saying that they didn't both lay it all on the field. But just as you say that I am biased.....pot/kettle.


    I am not trying to give NCC a bad name OR Fort Campbell. They both played their hearts out but don't question NCC's sportsmanship first and not expect a response. I'm not referring to you, Falconmom. There was an initial post that did just that and it set me off. Just as those boys have been in your home, NCC players have been in my home often as well. I am sure that as young men they are all wonderful and well mannered. I'm just disappointed with some actions that were "left" on the field.


    But........I thought we laid this aside to rest. That's all from me now.

  5. Which is what I have been saying. NCC was not innocent either. I guess I'm just disappointed in BOTH teams. I would have liked to have seen NCC not fall into that type of retaliation. They have been raised to be good Christians and should not be using obscenities on the field. That's just my opinion. However, I'm not stupid and I know it goes on. (probably even by my own son!) So, basically........they are both in the wrong IMO.

  6. I haven't seen the replay of the game yet to see if any of the bench taunting, punch throwing, etc was shown. However, I was there......not only did I see it happen but everyone around me was amazed as well.


    To clarify....I shouldn't overgeneralize about Ft. Campbell as a whole. There were a handful of players (maybe 3 or 4) that I am referring to. I can't say that the team as a whole was like that. But there were those few that made the team look bad. I'm not saying NCC was without blame. We had a few scrappers in our midst as well.

  7. Funny how it started out as a question of NCC's sportsmanship by having a delay in the congratulatory handshakes at the end of the game. Let's face it....BOTH teams were being too "scrappy" in my opinion. It's a sport..........get out there and get the job done without resorting to shoving and name calling. Trust me, if I observed an NCC player goading Ft. Campbell's bench I would be equally disgusted. I was disgusted with the face mask grabbing that NCC got called on. I am not being a sore loser. I just expect a bit more respect on the field towards each other.


    That's all I'm going to say on the subject. JMO and sorry if offended anyone on either team.

  8. I was watching objectively. Were you at the game? Could you hear the player screaming obscenities and insults? I won't call him out by number because he is just a high school player. But yes, there was A LOT of shoving and disrespect on that field yesterday. Not saying the refs "let" them get away with it. Actually, a lot of what they were doing was probably "legal". However, in my opinion (and it is just that), Ft. Campbell did not play with a lot of class. And in fairness, I wasn't happy that NCC responded to their antagonizing.

  9. I spoke with my son when he arrived back at Fort Cambell. He told me that the NCC players didn't want to come to mid-field and shake hands. He told me that NCC coaching staff had to tell them to get out there.


    Now, I'm not saying that my son is a liar, but sometimes things at that level get a bit exaggerated. It could have been one thing, and by the time it got to him.....that's what it ended up being.


    Can anyone shed some light on this?



    I got your 'hello' message from Tim while I was talking with him. I was so happy for Casey. I'm so proud of those boys. Pass my congrats on to him. It seems like yesterday when the two of them were on the same baseball team together (I gotta have Kim dig out that old team photo of the team.)





    Not really sure about it....but after witnessing some pretty dirty plays from the Ft. Campbell side, I can't really blame them. I know that NCC started fighting back after they were provoked but I honestly do not feel that Ft. Campbell is a very sportmanship like team. Great football players....don't get me wrong. And congrats on their great season....but I watched quite a few incidents that left me shaking my head. For instance, not very classy to go to the opponents bench and talk smack. Not very classy to start throwing punches at an O-lineman while he was down. Of course no penalties were called. I can totally accept a loss but the whole demeanor of the game left a bad taste in my mouth. I do realize that NCC had one personal foul and I totally agree that it was ridiculous and should not have happened. I think he was just reacting to the many dirty plays that had been going on. No excuse. He should have kept his head together. There is a reason why NCC received recognition by the KHSAA for Excellence in Sportsmanship. BTW, I didn't notice much of a delay.

  10. IF our defense did call hut (which I very seriously doubt) you probably weren't there to hear it. We have not been called or warned of any thing close to that on the season. either way, it wouldn't have had an affect to the outcome of the game, if you know when it happened. Nor would the issues with the clock.

    No, I didn't hear it....however.....

    My "adopted" son...which means he is not flesh and blood but is at my house all the time anyway (and eats all my food!) heard it. He was right on the line and I knew as soon as I saw him pointing and getting upset that it had happened. My son (his best friend), also heard it and he was lined up right next to him.

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