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Posts posted by hawgball

  1. This should be a very good tournament this year.


    While arguably the two best teams in the tourney are in the top half of the bracket, the top half also consists of 6 of the top 9 teams according to the Cantrell Rankings. I think several teams could give LCA and NCC a run for their money before the championship.


    As most have said, the bottom half is wide open with a lot of very good matchups. The Elliott Co. versus Green Co. game should be as good a first round game as there is.


    While LCA comes in the favorite, they are a beatable team. I can't wait to watch some good basketball and good luck to all those participating and safe travels to all those who make the trip.

  2. I agree that to us geography isn't much of an issue since most teams play each other anyway. If you were going to split it up, then I would say put two All "A" schools in each district and then try to even it up without overloading any one disrict. I know every district has its ups and downs, but some are harder on a yearly basis overall. The 40th is brutal as it stands, but the above mentioned idea with Mason, Montgomery, Clark and Harrison would be worse.


    This is where I wish the KHSAA would do away with district tournaments and implent a larger regional competition with district seeding so tougher districts don't always beat each other up until later in the tournament.

  3. St Pat was originally supposed to play in the Ky Bank shootout but because they couldnt get a JV game, they backed out.


    Originally the KHSAA website showed that St Pat was to play in the Holiday Tournament, but now its not on there. I wonder if Paris and Bourbon really did leave them off the schedule?????


    Butterfly, I apologize. I misunderstood what the original poster was talking about. I was refering to the KY Bank Shootout which St. Pat had discussions in playing.


    I'm pretty sure however that Bourbon nor Paris would've left them off the schedule if they had a contract to attend the tournament after Christmas. I know Coach Sosby and Coach Brooks work hard to secure the other 14 teams to play with about half from the 10th region and half from other regions. I can't imagine that either coach would've left St. Pat out if they really were interested in playing.


    Also, to Thomasmooredad, all schools are responsible for posting their own schedules with riherd. The schedule listed above is different from evey other team involved in the tournament, so not sure what happened there. Could've been a misunderstanding as well.

  4. Did they have a contract for the tournament?


    This is not a tournament and St. Pat was not dropped. This game was to be one of the two girls games played on friday night of what is generally a boys showcase.


    From my understanding it was discussed with St. Pat and never confirmed, therefore no contract was sent by Bourbon Co. or by St. Pat.


    Nobody is afraid and I'm sure most teams will come to respect St. Pat this year if they don't already, but there are certain administrative tasks to pull something like this showcase off. Unfortunately it didn't work out.

  5. Once again for the third time lets not forget the outcome of the first meeting. Same talent and same teams. If u cant win at home even more difficult to win away.:ylsuper::banana::thumb:


    So with this logic, why did the 10th even decide to play the region this year?


    Montgomery should've been handed the region birth since the only region team they lost to isn't @ region.


    This is why they play the games. It's still high school girls and sometimes they surprise you.

  6. ezdogg, I guess you and I view things differently.


    When a gameplan is not going the way the coach would like, it is his responsibility to try to make adjustments through personnel or strategy, which is what I think you were refering to. If that's getting outcoached, then we just view that term differently.


    Ultimately, it was just not Paris' night. The kids didn't try to miss shots or make mistakes, but that was their undoing.

  7. It seems as though GRC had a game plan and accomplished it by mixing man to man defense and a 1-3-1 zone. The Ladyhounds were just flat outcoached.


    I was going to ask ezdogg to expand on this as well.


    I don't know if I've ever seen a coach coach a perfect game and contrary to many parents beliefs, I rarely see coaches make flat out boneheaded decisions like some on BGP suggest, but I would offer that I've also never seen a single coach in the state miss a layup or a freethrow.


    Congrats to GRC and good luck tonight and next week.

  8. Does everyone favor the current format of having a district tournament to decide the region participants?


    It seems like if the KHSAA wanted to actually reward the KIDS and teams that were working to be successful, they would first make every district play a home and away game and force them to seed.


    If they did this, they could then have a regional tournament with the first place team from district A playing the fourth place team from district B and so on and so forth.


    We see some dominate districts where two of the top region teams will stay home and then we see some districts draw where they pit the top two teams, which makes absolutely no sense.


    It just seems like there is a better way. What do you guys think?

  9. If they believe that, then they watched a different game than i did.


    GPFAN, I believe that was Crunch's point.


    It's not very often that both teams fans agree on officiating after a game, especially a close one.


    As someone who has been involved in basketball as a coach, layer, official and fan, I've never seen an official win a game for a team. I haven't always agreed with the officials, but it is the players and coaches responsibility to adjust to the way officials call games.

  10. Thursday was not an option at GRC because of the play.


    I'm sure the start time was a consideration of those fans who will try to make more than one game per night.


    Plato, you're right on.


    I think the point the blues was trying to make is why school administrators felt it was important to have certain start times during the season for double headers, but when it went against what they felt was best for their respective teams, they made up new standards.


    This is where the problem lies within the 40th district this year. Yes GRC did not help matters, but they do not have to shoulder the entire blame. There are too many powers that be that don't really care about all the kids in the 40th, just the ones they represent.

  11. I think the play is on the 28th thru the 2nd of March. So if you look at my post on #13 it would work out perfect. Correct me if I am wrong though...


    Cardinal Fan, I agreed with your schedule earlier and it still makes the most sense.


    The only problem is that to possibly get higher rated officials, each site in the 10th and 11th region are only guaranteed one set of officials per night. So the problem there lies is do you want to the second game with tired officials who are ready to go home?

  12. Does GRC do the scheduling or does the District as a whole do it? Just asking...


    I believe the coaches and administrators do it together and vote what they think works best for everyone. That's why I don't think all the blame lies on the shoulders of GRC. While the conflict at the school doesn't help it also doesn't help that the coaches and administrators have to work around the referee scheduling so they can try to get quality officials for their games. Alot goes into it all and I think we will probably continue to see this in the future years.

  13. Why is having the girls on M, T, W a issue? I agree with another poster, that the boys schedule is the problem.


    The only real issue are the 2 teams playing the second night and then turning around and playing the next night for the championship. Although not a huge issue, the champion at least avoids Mason Co. for one round while the runner up will have to play probably either Mason, Brossart or Harrison (I'm hoping my crystal ball is working alright).

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