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Posts posted by SportsNut44

  1. Breathitt's schedule is so weak they could beat most of the teams without a coach. Besides being the worst coaches in the state they are also the most immature. All they do is talk bad about other coaches and say stuff to kids that they should not be saying.

    Sounds like you have a personel problem with the coaches, I know coach Banks and his staff and know they would never make fun of a kid from what i've heard the kids really like the coaching staff. By the way you sound like a parent and if you r then i would take my kid and take him out of the program and back to perry co or somewhere. You don't get on here and make commits like this, that is Dumb. I've talk to the Haye's Kid's parent's and they said that coach bank's alway's after a ball game win or lose take's the kid's out to eat and will buy the food out of his own pocket if he has to, so this don't sound like someone that would make fun of kids. That's just Dumb on your part. I was hoping that maybe buckhorn would win their dist. and go on to the region and maybe win it, but after a remark like this I hope breathitt goe's all the way. And again that was a really Dumb remark on your part. GO BOBCAT'S!:thumb: :banana: :D :jump: :laugh: :dancingpa :flame: :eek: :lol: :p :jump:

  2. I don't think so, Fugate, Haddix is really the only standout football players

    and from what i've heard they really enjoy bball and seems like Coach Bank's has the program going in the right direction to where it once was, Coach Holcomb is the AD and you know that his heart is for the football but thing's is changing in bobcat land know where basketball is coming back to be the top sport, you can tell this by all the fan's that is coming to the game.

  3. I think after the pcc lost to leslie they will come out really for the jbs game and JBS could lose 2 games in the next week. Because Breathitt comes in on the 13th and they do have some very good defense player's. And JBS is talked about all the time of how young they are but Breathitt is real young. This year they lose the Haye's kid and then the following year they lose smith,hollon,combs, but then all these freshmen will be in the 11 grade and they will still have 2 years left. You here about Noble,Fugate,Ritchie but they have the Haddix (defense) Salyers's 6'3" , Moore 6'4", Taulbee (defense) Huff, Epperson, Terry can shoot the light's out, and then you have Coach Bank's that seem's to be pulling all the right string's and I believe that you have the making of one of the top team's in the State. JMO does anyone disagree.

  4. I also went and watch this game and thought it was a very poor call game. At the end of the game when the Haye's kid got the rebound he was call over the back after he shot the ball. Coach Bank's seem like he got very upset but from what i could see handle his self well. The Smith kid from what i could see, from where i was sitting had red mark's all over his arms. Seems like a couple of knott co. player's was cheap shoting him and trying to get him to lose his cool which he just about did, but Bank's took him out for a few moment's to cool him off and it work, and that was a good move by his coach. Overall anytime you go to knott co. and come out with a victory you have done something. Knott Co. has a pretty good team with aot of hustle which you have to have when you don't have aot of size.


  5. I don't know if a lost is good but I think this may be a good lost for the bobcat's, it will the team focus right before tourn. time because they know now that on any given night they can be beat. I thank from what i've heard that their shooting was off, and they didn't play good defense. But i thank they will regroup, it's just about impossible to win everytime out. And Bank's done everything possible to get the kid's going, but it was just one of those nights, and i thank it is silly when a coach try's everything possible and then someone say's they were outcoach.

  6. I was at the game last night and i do know that menifee had just 1 starter out. It was their center. Now i do know that the hayes, smith, and hollon was took out midway thur the 3rd quarter and noble, and fugate was taken out after the qt. was over. It's ok for JBS to beat riverside 100pts but you let breathitt score a 100 and all you here is how bad that is. You don't go 18-1 and not be a good team. I can't wait to see the game between JBS and breathitt, it was the same thing against hazard after the first game. It was suppose to be a fluke. But after they beat hazard at hazard then something else started. It make's me sick to see how everyone is really to say something about a kid or kid's. This bunch went 4-23 last year and i do know that breathitt is playing i think 18 of the same teams that they played last year. So give these kids a chance and let them enjoy this and quit bad mouthing them. They didn't even make it out of the dist. last year and know there is talk that they r one of the favorite's to win the region so take a look at what you are saying.

  7. Everyone talks about Breathitt playing a soft sch. well i'm here to tell you that all teams do play some of the weaker teams. Breathitt is playing all the teams in the region with the exception of PCC and Leslie Co. and i do know that Leslie call and cancel their games with Breathitt their self. Look at S. Valley they are rated at the #2 team in the mountain's and Hazard beat them i think by 6. Breathitt has played Hazard twice this season with a 1-1 record against them after losing to them 2 times last year by 38 and 35 with about the same teams, so i think this is a big change in this team. Coach Bank's has the players beleiveing in his system and that is hard work and being in shape, from what i've seen is Breathitt is going as strong at the end of the game as they are at the start. And the Hayes kid didn't get to play at all last year and look what he is doing this year, i think by talking to his parent's that he is avg. close to a double-double this year that is points and rebounds. JMO.

  8. This team has a few of the top freshman that i think is as good if not better than the Cox kid. Nick Noble, D. Ritchie, C. Fugate. Last year SMS played JBS 3 times and won all of them. The Cox kid played each game and was held to 10 or less each time. But that is just my opinion. And also Breathitt has 3 true freshman in Josh Salyers, Justin Taublee, Zach Epperson, who is just 14 years old. So Breathitt will be one of the top teams in the region for the next few years.

  9. I'm gonna have to agree with JCS in the other reply about you always picking Breathitt to lose. You must be in with Jackson someway maybe closer than we thank. And by the way I have no money in the breathitt co school system. Beside paying taxes! I'm just a basketball fan. See you later o buddy,until next time when you pick the bobcats to lose.:D

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