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Posts posted by luvbasketball

  1. Yes, I know injuries happen during basketball and I don't want to get into a debate about which sport causes more serious injuries (twisted ankle versus back injury). That was not my point. My point was that playing football does not help basketball. I mentioned exposure to injury as just one reason why. People keep arguing that football will make the kids more physical and that having success will only give them confidence. It is apples and oranges. Playing football does not make a kid more physical or confident on the basketball court. Except for Taylor, who has never lacked in confidence, several of the kids (Petit, Brock, Rains, etc. ) played football last year and I don't recall them being more physical or confident because of it. Thomas Frazier and Root were very good football players and had much success on the football field, but both struggled on the court last year. If Williamsburg is going to be a more physical team, it has to start with Coach Robinson in basketball practice. I heard Skip Prosser say that "It's not what you teach, but what you emphasize". If Coach Robinson wants the team to be more physical, he has to stress it at ever practice and build that mindset from there. It can't be built from the football field. If people are complaining about your kid playing football, tell them to get over it and be happy the football team is doing so well, but don't try and rationalize it by saying that it will make them better at basketball.


    Sorry to say, but sounds like you are the one that has a problem with Football players coming to play basketball. As I recall Frazier had good success at basketball last year. Don't recall Pettit and Frazier getting knocked around as much as some of our other big men. Wonder why????


  2. I agree with scatterbrain. Them playing football will not help them in basketball when all is said and done. The being physical or toughness was never to my knowledge a question with either of those boys. They are both good size, strong kids. Plus, the basketball team has been lifting weights. They expose themselves to the risk of injury (Think Lebanion from Whitley last year), their skills will be rusty, and they will not have the time to be in sinc with their teammates. To become better basketball players and build a better team, kids have to be in the gym practicing and playing together. The team was short during the summer games a few times due to football players being out and as things stand, the boys team will play their first game in about a week or so and they may not even have these kids back by then. Williamsburg is a much better team with both of these kids in the line up, but basketball is a different type of conditioning than football and it will take them some time to get their game back. I think we will see a lot of mistakes, busted plays, poor timing, etc for the first few weeks from all the players until all of the football players have had some time practicing with their teammates. Fans should be patient with the team. Don't get me wrong, I am proud of the football team for doing so well and I hope they continue to win and if these boys love playing football, then they have every right to play and should play. I'm not bad mouthing football or either of these boys. I know that this is part of being a small school and the different sports have to share the athletes. It's just my opinion that these boys playing football does not help basketball and hurts in many ways.


    I agree football can cause injury, however if I'm correct our injuries in basketball last year came from basketball....Teague-ankle and Conlin-ankle.

  3. As Coach Robinson says it best, "This team needs to come together and play as one!" There are more football players than Taylor and Pettit coming that should help the team out. I look for big things to come from Brock, Lowrie and Smith this year. Also Thomas Rains is standing about 6'6 now and should contribute down low. When you throw these kids in the mix I expect big things to happen for the Jackets. I do think football will help with the toughness, I watched last year as our kids got knocked and pushed around. It also helps to come into a sport with a taste of winning in your mouth. Good Luck Jackets!!

  4. Williamsburg is said to be a young team again this year but actually they are not all that young. From watching last year, the starting line-up should be made up of mostly juniors with a few sophomores that should be juniors. Plus, because of Williamsburg’s small school size, these juniors and sophomores have been playing varsity ball for awhile now. Technically they have more experience than most seniors who have only saw varsity time in limited quantities. I am a fan of the Williamsburg team and I wish them only the best this season. Good group of kids.


    Exactly who are the sophomores that should be juniors. I know for a fact that Taylor, Pettit, Terry and Fleenor are true sophomores. All four of these guys are still 15. I'm glad your a Williamsburg fan, but please get the facts right.:confused:

  5. I wrote this concerning the game this week between Newark Catholic and Licking Valley after so many of us who post on our local site had been talking crap all week.



    I think it could go for all of us who post on message boards especially when the game we are posting about involves two big rivals.


    Here it is-


    To the players on L-Valley and N-Cath



    It’s been great talking trash with the fans of these two great county teams but no matter what we(adults) say please keep in mind we(all of us I hope) have nothing but respect for you guys and, the way you play the game. Yes, we all want the team we root for too win but, more than that(I hope) all of us wants all of you to come out of this epic battle 100% healthy. WE(Yes, all of us) say stuff but let’s make one thing loud and clear(I hope on all of our part)that we do not hate/dislike any of you.


    Go out there and play the best game you can and NEVER let ANYTHING posted on a message board get under your skin. WE(ALL OF US) sometime forget that you guys are young men playing a game many of us have never played in school, or can’t play right now. Some of us did play and most of those who did never were able to play at the level that some of you guys are.


    So in closing play each play like it is your last and never give up on yourself, your teammate or you coaches.


    This is a great post and all of us, no matter what school we support, need to be more aware of how our post affect the young players on these teams. :thumb:

  6. Anybody have any info on the injurys for williamsburg???If they are healthy huge win for the Burg. 45-16

    If they arnt back i'd say 38-32

    I heard Jake Moses will be back for the Campbellsville game, but not for Madison Southern. As for Huglett and Pettit it's still up in the air. I heard they both have to see the doctor today to see what their status will be.

  7. :thumb:

    You cannot evaluate on the grid. When I coached and we played in Grids, jamborees or whatever you want to call it, we played JV kids and I never sent starters out for more than one series. Grids are a fine thing but why get starters hurt in a scrimmage that doesn't count?Heck, one year we only ran 2 different plays on offense in a grid, and on d we never stunted but stayed in base the whole time. Personally I don't like Grids,I'd rather have another scrimmage and see where I need work.Also, I hate showing much in a grid for others to prepare game plans on. As for home cooking, thats always a matter for interpretation. I'm sure every one feels they have suffered homecooking at some point, and I heard enough about home cooking in last year's playoff loss at Harlan. Not sure, in all the years I played and coached I ever really lost on "home cooking". There were times calls didn't go my way, but when I looked at film I could always see why we lost.


  8. The Lowery kid also played well at safety, and the o-line led by Rollins and Abner showed improvement. I heard the Burg actually had more yards rushing than passing...wonder when the last time that happened? What was Pettit's injury? Heard we were pretty healthy after the game.


    Chest injury. Deep bruised sternum. Coach Herron had mentioned he was playing with injury in the after game interview with Stan.


    And yes the Lowrie kid did look good.

  9. Williamsburg ends up with over 500 yards total Offense. Another good game from Ryan Moses at the QB slot. Aaron Brock is turning into a huge reciever for the Jackets, and Dusty Brown is as tough as they come. It was very nice to see Jordan "Sunshine" Huelett return from injury at the LB slot on D. The youthful Jacket defenders come up big tonight, Andrew Root causes a fumble and recovers, Cody Perkins makes a few plays behind the line, and Sunshine, Jake Moses, and Garret Phillips look much better at LB. The Jackets d is still very average at d-end, and must improve there for the d to continue to get better. Clinton's best plays were toss sweeps, so the Jackets have to get better on the edges! Overall though a very good Aluni Bowl for the Jackets.


    There were some other good plays made by some other Jackets as well. Steven Taylor done a fine job as back up quarterback for Ryan as well as Daniel Pettit played through injury to make some good catches.

  10. Now that we are in the dead period, can anyone tell me how the Colonels did in the passing leagues? I did heard that they beat Wiliamsburg and won the fight too. Other than that I have not been hearing anything..Where is Bubba when you need him??


    How quickly we forget whom tried to degrade whom.:D

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