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Posts posted by girlbballplayerdad

  1. It is with great pleasure to announce that KiKi Brown of Scott High School has signed a letter of intent with Cincinnati Christian University. Her coach at CCU (Jamey Batten) is extremely excited about her joining his team and expects her to make an immediate impact. KiKi started for Scott the last three years (the last two with Coach Rhonda Klette). She ended her career with 863 points (14th. all time at Scott) and 582 rebounds (9th. all time). She missed 7 games this year with a severe ankle sprain but came back in time to enjoy her Senior Night by scoring 28 pts. 7 rebounds, and 6 assist. We look forward to following her career in college.

  2. After one week KiKi is now walking with a slight limp without crutches for 3 days. She is not going to come back until she is comfortable doing everything she normally does and is doing it without fear of reinjury. She thinks that she might be back for the Notre Dame game but that is speculation as that is one week away.

  3. I am sorry for coming into this thread late however, I have experience with my daughter coming up to varsity in the 8th. grade. The team did it the right way after talking with me and my wife. We were concerned about the maturity factor and how other girls on the team would feel about an 8th. grader on their team. Until we were satisfied that some things were covered we did not agree to let her play. Eventually the coach offered two mentors to help her adjust and to help her integrate with the team. To this very day one of her mentors is one of her best friends. My daughter is now a senior and the team she is on is loaded with underclass girls. As you can tell I am not against the moving of girls up the ladder if they can play. But, with that being said, just because you can play doesn't mean that you are mature enough to handle the situation. I have watched over the last 4 years, several talented teams not even come close to their potential because of the internal problems going on in the locker room. Coaches need to be more aware of the potential problems associated with bringing the younger girls up especially not showing favoritism to the younger girls. You can not punish a senior for a bad pass if you are not going to punish a freshman for the same offense. This will cause more problems than anything else. The captains on the team need to have the backing of the coach and when it is explained that the younger girls do not follow instruction, on the court, of the upperclass girls, it needs to be addressed. Someone needs to help keep the younger girls grounded initially, they will get their chance later as leaders. I know I am a little long winded but this is one of the teams that I talked about earlier. I have watched this team disintegrate before my eyes. Their is very little team play, some of the girls will not even pass the ball to the others, they argue on and off the court and it is a shame because they have a lot of talent but are going nowhere fast.

  4. My daughter is in her senior year and has been playing HS varsity ball for 5 years. Over the 5 years I had hoped that the quality of the ref's would improve but I believe they have been more inconsistent as of late. They will call a touch foul on one team and not call a shove on the other. Sometime I take a look up to make sure the lights are on on both ends of the court.


    What has surprised me the most over this period of time is that I have not seen any of the girls get seriously hurt. There are times that I believe the fouls are more than intentional, where a girls comes in to foul and it doesn't really matter how she does it. I have seen take downs that any wrestler would be proud to call his own that haven't been called.


    I know the refs have a tough job, one that I would not like to have, but they are being "paid" and in this vein they should be doing what is necessary to have control of the game on the floor. They key word is control. When they let a push, turn into 2 pushes, etc...by the time the second and third quarter come around it is not just pushes. They must control the game. I have seen refs in college and pros call some of those ticky tacky fouls just to let the players know that they will not get away with going to the next level.


    I think at times, the time of the game is important. I have seen a game get away from the refs because they did not call any fouls. In that case it looked as if the refs had previous engagements and couldn't wait to get out of the gym. There is the flip side where too many fouls are being called and the next thing you know the evening news is coming on and you are at the gym. There is a happy medium but it seems the bad refs don't get any better and they come in 2's. I am not familiar with how the assignments are handed out but mix up the refs so that they get a chance to learn from those that might have more experience. You can not dictate what to do in certain situations because all situations are different and a lot of times the ref need to get a feel of the crowd and the players to make what is hoped to be the right decision. There needs to be a way to review the performance of the refs and look for opportunities to improve the training where needed, it won't help my daughter but might help those who will be coming up in the years to come.

  5. Brown and Tibbs both had 3 fouls by the end of the first half. The team played more like a team than they have in the last 6 games. I don't know what it is but the 3rd. quarter seems to be their achilles heel. Ryle out scored them by 20 - 5 recently, Bishop out scored them in the 3rd. quarter and Boone out scored them by 9 in the 3rd. quarter. If we could only cancel the half time break............................lol.

  6. I think this will be a close game for sure. Alot will ride on if Benzinger and Tibbs are playing. I think that Tibbs hurt her ankle. I am not sure of the severity. Tibbs has been playing real well as of late. She is really starting to come into her own, and I believe she will only get better. I am not sure what is going on with Benzinger. I look for it to be a very close and exciting game from both teams.


    both Benzinger and Tibbs will be bask to action vs. Bracken. Benzinger had a soccer match on saturday and Tibbs is coming back to play on tuesday.

  7. It was truly a joint effort by the front line of Scott. Tibbs had 20 and 10 Brown had 16 and 10 and a half dozen assist to Tibbs. They both played excellent defense in shared duty on all of Ludlows big girls. This year Scott is going to surprise quite a few teams as they are still beginning to play as a team instead of individuals.

  8. I just wanted to make a short statement about the 4 teams in the 10th. that seem to be the forgotten step child. When they talk about top players in the 10th. they forget about Kitchen and Bowling at Campbell, they forget about Brown, Tibbs, and Benzinger at Scott. Brossart gets mentioned occasionally and it was nice to see that someone saw that Calvery won their first game. Nobody even noticed that Scott beat Nicholas Cty. 65 to 38 with the three mentioned all in double figures. I realized this is the beginning of the season and all of the teams mentioned like Mason, Montgomery, Clark, Paris are good teams but they are not the only teams with some talent. If the talent at Scott jells this year this could be very interesting.

  9. Each year all players go through tryouts. If the exposure camp is prior to the "season" of that particular sport, you are not officially a member of that team until the coach says you are, after tryouts. This is just conjecture but each year is a new year. Even if you played the year before the team may have had transfers, etc.. that would effect the player being on the team or playing time which would cause some to play AAU rather that HS team ball.

  10. Last I heard S. Miller was headed for Lexington or Louisville. That will make Dixie from what I know, which is not much, a pretty short team. They were scrappy and young last year but have lost Shaneese, Carmen, and the senior Forward. I don't know who they have coming up but, they may have a pretty tough year 2007/2008.

  11. Anna Noll was dressed for some scrimmages this summer with Holy Cross. She did not play due to discipline issues. Minor infractions/new coach/setting rules now not later. Anna is a fine talent and I look forward to seeing her play this year. She could play for my team any time.

  12. Walton has not scheduled to play in any of the local camps. Someone said there seems to be little interest. They are going to play in a tournament at Sports of All Sorts this weekend. I watched Hargett plaly at the N. Ky. Junior All-star game at Thomas More. At times she played very well. She doesn't seem to play strong D. From what I understand Walton will live or die on how well she plays.


    Scott Sr. Post (KiKi) took a well deserved night game off and she will be back at it tonight. The Scott team has moments of brillance and then make you wonder who that is on the floor. There were shades of them jelling at the end of last year and it looks like they are continuing the process. However, they still have some room to go. I like their chances this year, the important part is that they stay focused as a TEAM and keep their eyes on the prize.

  13. Ballermom, I agree and also know who you are talking about. Each year when we meet prior to the season, parent behavior is discussed. Rather than ignore the problem I think as parents of one of the other girls we have a duty to speak up to the coach and maybe have a refresher course during the season. I can honestly say that I have not done my part as a parent but after reading this thread it is apparent that it reflects poorly on the team. I too, have had my moments when I questioned a call but 99% my comments are good job girls. It is rather embarrassing to see our High Schools name in lights due to this kind of activity. In the long run it will only hurt our girls.

  14. What I have been seeing over the last couple of years is that there is no emphasis on fundamentals. Passing especially. There are very few schools who have players that can pass the ball inside to open themselves out on the outside. The game is not played inside out like it should. If you have a big girl use her to open up the offense. I see too many shots being taken before all of the team is down and set to run an offense or any body there to grab a rebound. Shots being taken on only one or two passes. Instead of running only a couple of offensive sets the girls are being loaded up with many and don't have any time to practice to become proficient on few. Time is spent running offense after offense and most of the girls are watching rather than practicing. How about foul shots.....most teams will loss because they only shot 50%. This is the easiest shot to practice...take 100 before you go home after practice. Et


    The good teams understand fundamentals and practice those daily if for only 1/2 hours. Those that don't will be beat because they don't know what to do in certain situations.

  15. At Scott HS, Shelby Benzinger is starting to come into her own, I believe she will be a Junior next season, Lauren Tibbs will be a Freshman who will be a very good player in the future, and KiKi Brown is a Senior this year she has a very solid chance to finish her career at Scott with over 1000 pts and 600+ rebounds. Scott lost one Senior last year and have 5 or 6 returning Juniors/Seniors to be for their last year.

  16. Kiki Brown from Scott is a pretty good post player as is there 8th grader not sure on her name. I think there are alot of solid post players in the 10th regiom though.


    Scott HS has had their ups and downs this year but the two big girls are playing well together now. They recently played St. Pat and Deming. The two scored 38 pts. and pulled 18 rebounds against St. Pat. Against Deming they scored 20 pts. not sure on the rebounds but yanked down quite a few. Kiki played the 5'9" center for Deming for most of the game and held her to 5 pts. She really didn't try to go inside all evening.


    The good news for Scott is that KiKi Brown is a Junior and Lauren Tibbs is an 8th. grader. They will be playing together at least for one more year hopefully.

  17. My daughter plays for Scott also and to watch this season unfold is really disappointing. I get a general feeling that the girls are afraid to do anything because they will be taken out of the game. They seem to have lost that enthusiasm for the game. The looks on their face when taken out of the game is "what did I do this time?" They play good one day and then seem to be lost for the next two. The offense is predictable and the shooting is terrible. They seldom run the offense and their big player is the one who inbounds the ball under the basket at the other end of the court, she is seldom in position when the guards throw up a three and miss( shooting 21%). After awhile of this, the girls get tired and don't get back on defense. They lack in fundamentals. The good news is the team is a young team and only has one senior. They could work on what is causeing the divide in the lockerroom and fundamentals for the rest of the year and then come out strong next year. Or, they can ignore it and have the same problem next year. If they problem is not corrected they could be missing a few players.

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