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black 10

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Posts posted by black 10

  1. South Laurel's, PG Blake Sanders, played very well. Handled Harlan's pressure created plays off the dribble setting up his team with a lot of good looks and easy baskets. While himself making some big baskets. Blake Sanders, had tough Jr. and Sr. years with multiple unfortnate injuries but played well in his last few games. Good luck B, in the future!

  2. It's was nice to see Blake Sanders, back playing healthy. He, has endured a lot in his high school career. Blake, was out all of last year except 4 games due to a level 4 concussion. For 6 weeks Blake set in a dem lit room with no TV, Video games or cell phone to text. He travel to UK Sports Med for 5 months during the time of his concussion. In October 2012 he under went gallbladder surgery right before basketball practice started. Two games in to the season he breaks his right hand while playing against Taste Creek. He had to have hand surgery putting 2 screws in his right hand out (8 weeks). Fought 2 weeks with tendonitis in his right wrist after getting cast off but still trying to play. Battle the flu for 3 games after returning. Blake never droped his head kept fighting through all his injuries all the while saying God's got it all under controll with a smile. Blake leads both teams in a emotional heart felt prayer after ever game win or loss. "He's truly been a blessing to those like me who know him well" :ylsuper:


    Blake, had a huge 50th district tournament Avg 18 points 8 Assist 4.5 steals .... good luck the rest of the way.:thumb:

  3. I was standing in my kitchen this morning thinking about this game weighing all the pro's and con's and after giving much thought with my best antithetical thinking I couldn't come up with a clear winner. I'm thinking Corbin wins by one in their first meeting at Corbin. South Laurel, wins in double OT to win at South Laurel, and with both teams playing their best basketball now too. Needless to say I was in quontum over who I thought would would win the 50th district championship tonight.



    Then I thought why not use a fool safe way to make my perdiction and something to blame if I was wrong. " besides using fear Les's perdiction in the Corbin Times Tri bune" :thumb: Finally, I was ready to make a perdiction so I reach in to my pocket and pull out a quater to filp for my decision. First I had to decide which team would be heads or tails" geez" nothings easy about picking a winner. So I picked South Laurel heads; because their North of Corbin a long I 75. South Laurel is heads and Corbin, tails so with that decision made. I flip the quater in the air I let it hit the kitchen floor it rolled around the floor which seem forever already. I was getting excited about the results of the way I decided to pick the winner. The Quater rolled and rolled right under my refrigerator good golly, I was so frustrated and confussed:idunno: I've decided it wasn't worth picking a winner . Heck it's already cost me a quater until my wife makes me help spring clean the kitchen:D "Make" is the key word ...


    I guess you could say it's to close to call, it may need a photo finish.


    Who do you have to winning the 50th district championship? Corbin or South Laurel?????


    Just funning with Les, he does a great job for local sports in our area...Thanks for all you do Les, for our kids in all our sports program. One request please quit wearing those ugly hoodies with UNC on them.:lol:

  4. Les you know the real truth is you don't want to drive no more than 2 miles from home to cover the region games.:lol: You have the host room to get you're food and drinks. So you don't have to pay $4.5 for a drink, $3.50 for a hotdog and $3 candy bar $3 for popcorn. :popcorn: You can't enjoy watching the game because of being so far from the floor. Yes the chairs are comfortable but watching a game their is a eye strain, it's like watching 20 inch flat screen 30 ft away:confused:


    Call me old school give me the crowded hot gym with sound des mole high levels. Where you can hear the school band playing their school song and where the students sections and fans close to the floor cheering their team or badgering the opposing team. :ylsuper:


    Les, I do agree with the Whistle blowers during last nights game but it is the 13 region. But both team played with a lot of emotions and desire to win.

  5. Also, the past two region title games at The arena were great games and atmosphere. Bell and Corbin went into overtime I believe and so did North and Clay last year and the atmosphere in those games were great, too

    They were good games but to comparing the Corbin Arena, to a high school gym:confused: The Arena seating is 30 feet from the floor and not a good basketball venue to watch games. The fan base has not been showing up over the last few year. The crowd the atmosphere is nothing like playing in a high school gym where fans are on the floor.:D

  6. They may of been some better games in the past but you can't take away from this game last night. The 13 region has been needing these type games to pull fans back in the seats. I think moving the region to the arena in Corbin has hurt the region having these type games. The game had a regional type atmosphere you could feel the fans passion for their team to win. Each student section having over 250 students showing their team spirit and desire for their team to win was classic.


    Both coachs were in to the game jumping up and down shouting out instructions to their team. Watching Coach P, for Corbin who's usally common and cool on the bench showed his desire to win by jumping up and down even turning red faced at times was classic. I loved watching coach P, show his passion for his kids to win. Coach Davis, did a great job as well, one time it looked like he jumped 3 feet off the ground and some how landed stomping his foot so hard on the floor you could hear it over the crowd if you where close to the bench. Big win for for coach Davis and South Laurel after 11 straight losses to Corbin.


    Leading scores for the game Robbie Igo, for Corbin, had good game on the inside scoring 17 points Robie is really develped in to a nice big man. South Laurels PG Blake Sanders, steped up big in the final OT, scoring 7 straight points and a huge assist for the game winning basket. (20 points)


    They where so many other players on each team that played very well:ylsuper:

  7. Hats off to the Cards and Red Hound for one of the most exciting High School basketball games I've ever witness. South Laurel, wins in double over time but it was anyones game until the final shot. The crowd of over 2500 fans was in the game from start to finish and both student section where rocking with good sportsmanship and team spirit. :D Great game...

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