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Posts posted by jwiechart

  1. Well I do not have my KHSSA rule book handy. But the noise makers "Horn" are allow as long as it does not interfere with the scoreboard "Horn" We have had them removed for us during a playoff game a few years ago. Then we called and wrote KHSSA they said basically we have every right to have the horns. We now carry a copy with us in case we are told again it agaisnt the rules. We just havin fun and cheering for our teams.

  2. Wow! After reading the entire thread it makes me re think everything. But wait! Please remember one thing. The last game at Lex cath was not good for Boyle Fans, but even worse for those who played. The current Junoir and Senoir boys from Boyle still have that chip on thier shoulders. Of all the games they have lost the last 2 years could have gone one way or the other if a few plays had worked or a few stops were made. But Lex cath beat them from the first play to the last and at every position. If the stay calm, and excute I think "Rebel Pride" will pull out a close one. 21-10 14 of those points coming in the forth quater. But this is not the season maker game. It is a pride game.

  3. Look HC maybe down alittle no doubt. But look at the past games and scores. Boyle is that good and the kids are having fun and enjoy playing for French. He and his staff play and package calls make all the difference. These boys know football and they believe in what French is doing. Way to go rebels!

  4. DragoFire's summary of the game was spot on! From a politicial point of view I am the furtherest from the French. But as the sign stated leaving town I really thinking about learning how to speak French. Does anyone know how to say "Hit'em in the Mouth" in French? (I really like how coach French is saying it!) Way to Go!!!! to all the players and the coaching staff!!!!

  5. In no way was the parents "watching" to much. One of Boyle's strongest weapons has always been its fan support. There are very strong unwritten rules of behavoir for watching parents and fans. I would be more concerned about the "Visiting" cars from Lincoln, Mercer and Fayette counties that seem to drive by.

  6. I noticed this also. Mason came over the the sidelines and it looked as if his arm was limp and it looked like another kid was planning on going in for him, but Mason waved him off. This showed me that this kid, Mason, really wants to play. I was very impressed with Mason's play. I think he will be big plus in Boyle county's future. What I love about this kid is that he isn't afraid to take a hit.

    I did hear that Phillip Mason may not play Friday. His shoulder did get hurt.

  7. I agree sadly. This team has loads of talent and the coaches i believe are to blame for the most of it. Yes, they havent stepped up and made plays, but they have to be put into the right position to make plays. This team has as much talent in the upper classes as any state champ team. The 99 team had 3 seniors that played and full of sophmores, but they had Coach Smith. This is not the same staff that Smith had. Coach Smith kept the coaches egos in check and now this staff is the most arrogant bunch out there. The play calling was once again horrible with the same plays being ran over and over again, the offensive coordinator will be the one to take the blame for this season. I sat in the Henry Clay game stands and listened to Lexington area coaches laugh at our play calls and mock our team. With no vertical passing game against Southwestern, they sat on the short routes. I.E. if you run all curls and get almost picked the first time dont run it the next play. The funniest thing is when they scored the JV head coach was calling the plays. If the coaches son (at QB) cant make the throws then dont put him in there. This is not going to get any better, i feel sorry for the upper classmen because when i played at my alma mater my junior and senior years were the best. These kids feel abandoned, alienated, and humiliated by their own coaching staff day in and day out, just so the coaches can throw in sophmores who make mistake after mistake. To give up in a winnable district rivalry, with 1st place at stake, is the most atrocious act ever. The worst thing is that the seniors have one state title and one runners up, with the juniors having one runner up as well, and the sophmores have done nothing for the program, except help to an 1-5 record. These kids work so hard to live up to the tradition and pride and these kids care so much about the game of football that they break into tears on the sideline. Their is NO EXCUSE FOR WHAT HAPPENED.


    Im sorry and i hate bashing any team, but these thoughts have been boiling inside of me and i just have to get them out.

    I do feel bad for the upperclass players; but don't go and say the Sophomores have done nothing for this program. I see Sophomores working just as hard at practices and some times harder. I see them come off the field with the same look of disappointment. I see the tears and the mood when I pick my son up (Yes he is a Sophomore). So please at the next game watch some of those Sophomore that you are saying hasn't gave to the program.

  8. Boyle Co. Rebels?? Are young talent learning, looking for leadership, and looking for the pride from the parents, fans, friends, & coaching staff. They do play hard, but some times I see that they loose heart and this really hurts me. I've seen the tears, disappointment, & redicules from other players, staff and reporters; when someone mess up on a play, BUT when the play was great the only "good job" is from team mate to team mate. I agree when someone said theses young men are 14-18 years old, and if not for the love of the game then why be there? During football season they basicly give up everything but football. We have a GREAT group of young men out there on Friday nights, and if we are winning I'm cheering and supporting them, if we are not winning I'm there cheering and supporting them. To all the players who do read this all I have to say to you is " Hold your heads high, never loose the love for the game and ALWAYS play with HEART, BOYLE CO. HEART!! I love and pray for each of you nightly. so with that GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU WELL AND SAFE FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE SEASON.

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