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Posts posted by DougyP4Ever

  1. I find it weird that you talk about unity and the offensive linemen going to their buddies house to eat. What is the little corner doing? Sitting at home? If your a football team and your trying to build unity, and trying to brag about how unified your team is, wouldn't you include everyone? I thought football is a team sport and I would imagine that had to come accross someones mind over there in the Ft.


  2. I don't think it's been coaching the last 30 years. I question all the Athletes walking around the hall not playing(was there a little bit ago and didn't see any;)I was expecting to see the Monsters of the midway the way people talk about the halls of Scott High School:eek:)


    They're needs to be total dedication from the players and the coaches.



    How many "Monsters of the Midway do you see in high school football? Scott has just as many big boys as any other schools, but when people talk about the kids at Scott they talk about the ATHLETES not big kids.

  3. Cov Cath by a bunch. Scott doesn't have much of a line on either side of the ball, and that is where it matters most. If they can't open up holes for the running game/ protect the quarterback, and apply pressure on the other side of the ball, it doesn't make it easier for anyone else on the field.


    Sadly i pick Covington Catholic by 28+ easy. (and it won't get any better next week)

  4. 6 personal fouls in last 5 min. when you're leading by 5 TD's?


    Kicking a field goal from the opponents 12 up 5TD's with under 4 min. to play?




    Wouldn't you want your team to still be playing hard up 5 td's? Personal fouls happen, these just happened at the end of a game. A little more than i think a team should have at the end of a game, but atleast their playing hard. And for Ryle I think they should have scored as much as they could have. First time to go to the championship game and your not going to play up to the final whistle? They need the confidence, no one from their school has ever made it this far so why not?

  5. :confused: :laugh:


    The SK team last year was flat out better than Scott and outplayed them, with good coaching on the SK side it would have been a larger margin of victory, however this isn't about last year. SK's offense is far too powerful for Scott. Scott as a whole is not as good as they were last year, nor are they anywhere near as good as SK is this year. The only way Scott has a chance at even keeping this one close is if the SK coaching screws it up so bad that the superior talent level of SK's offense can't recover.


    But then again you could've said that Holmes was no where near as good as SK and the Pioneers BARELY beat them. :confused: :laugh:

  6. Oh well thanks for shedding some light on the issue for me. I really didn't know any of what you just told me, despite having been to most of the games which SK and Scott faced off in the past 8-10 years in b-ball and football. Really insightful stuff.


    Why pay to go to the games if your not watching?


    :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

  7. So let me get this straight, among teams both have played so far this year, Scott's scored a combined 68 points


    SK against the same opponents has scored 217.


    SK against the same teams is 3-3, while Scott is 0-6.


    So Scotts going to outscore SK(interesting proposal), and they're going to play better D. Hmmm interesting.


    I guess anythings possible...



    SK scored an average of 36.2 pts a game against the same opponents as Scott, all 6 of them, yet Scott's going to hold them to 24...


    Throw every game out the window when it comes to Scott vs Sk IN ANYTHING these teams do. And you don't have to play wire to wire with someone. If Scott's coaches gave them a chance with play calling that game would've been won by the Eagles. This is a new year and I HOPE Casey and his coaching staff have learned their lesson. Look for Zak Hayes who has been playing under the radar this season since Joe Forrester has been injured to have another big game. Hopefully the coaches put him in at wide reciever for his last game ever where he was the Eagles best possesion reviever last year. It's just this game means more to the players than any other game they play. And it will just make them hungrier when they start the rivalry up again win or lose.

  8. Sk's offense IS high powered, but their defense isn't. Simon Kenton was a playoff team last year, and Scott played them down to the wire. I see the same thing happening this year. Simon Kenton is falling apart, Scott never showed up. Scott usually finishes 2-8 or 0-10 and they already have one win this year so that means they have one more win to get with one more game to play.

    Scott 28- Sk 24

  9. So what if Scott doesn't want to schedule their rivals for a few years? It's in the programs best intrest to schedule winnable games. For a program with only one winning season and only one playoff win in it's history ( and that's one more playoff win than Sk has) an easier schedule is needed to get the students out. As far as 300$ goes Scott has always had a goal for the players to reach in fund raising (if you can't play top notch ball you can atleast look top notch). The only thing i disagree with is what the poster said they were going to use it on, and that is new helmets and jerseys. Didn't they just get those things? I would use it on updating the workout equipment or get what coach Reigler wanted a tunnel leading from the back of the locker room to the field. But I have no hurt feelings losing Simon Kenton for a few years. I'll be excited when the Eagles are .500 or better and Simon Kenton is in the cellar of 6a and the tables have turned.

  10. Is it true that this same school system mandates that Dixie, Scott, and Simon Kenton all play each other home and away in basketball each year?


    If that is true, then why would a SK/Scott football game not fall under the same edict? Both should have plenty of room on the schedule now that there are less district games.


    Basketball is easier to compete in compared to football. That's why there is one champion in basketball and four in football.

  11. :fight: Totally disagree (respectfully)... Please tell us who is the right choice for the job and what they would do to fix things.

    I've talked to coaches who've coached with Casey at Scott and they laugh at the situation. If you go to a practice you see that it's not Casey running the show it's his assistant coaches doing all the work.

    Scott needs a coach who can weed out all the players that really don't want to be there and keep the ones who are dedicated and bring in players that want to be dedicated. I wasn't the biggest fan of coach Riegler but he WAS headed in the right direction for the most part. Scott needs a coach who has been around a winner. Riegler played in a State Championship, Casey never did. Casey went to college for cheerleading he knows cheerleading. Scott needs someone who knows football and nothing but football. [No knock on Casey about cheering. Cheerleading is a very respectable "sport" (another debate) in Kentucky]

  12. Playing for Scott and being around Casey he knows D line and that's about it. It's about time to right the ship in Taylor Mill, and I don't think Casey is the man for the job. It's just going to be hard for the Eagles to even find someone to want to try to fix things in Taylor Mill. From what I had heard it was either the guy from Ludlow or Casey to choose from. The Ludlow guy left after a week and they were stuck with the second choice.

  13. No one has ever really known what it is like to win at football at Scott. I've been in a locker room before games and people were talking about how bad we were going to get beat by. It is sad that Scott can't put together a few good years. The Eagles don't have a feeder team. The youth league kids have never really come to Scott, and the good players at woodland opt somewhere else. The playoff year I'd say atleast 10-15 sophomores started atleast 2 games and the next year comes around and they quit because of two coachs (who then quit and went to Campbell County the same year). I think not having a team would not work at all, because people will still remember all the losses Scott has suffered and the same thing will happen when the program starts back up. Scott's only hope is Dougy P. Doug... Where are you? :cry:

  14. Not too happy about the loss for Holmes but this was an amazing game.


    Sounds like one fan was right on about the prediction of a high scoring game, and I was almost right on, had Gibson not made that last second catch. Congrats to both teams an a game well played.


    This is what high school football is all about. I hope this sent a message to everyone that both of these teams are VERY dangerous offensively.


    Or bad defensivly.

  15. If Holmes could put up 42 on sk, please inlighten me on how you think Scott will slow down Holmes offense. They don't have a player on there team that can contain this Holmes team. This isn't last year my friend, trust me. If that is what their thinking, I have some crow boiling on the stove.





    Scott is faster than Simon Kenton. Just not as big, but like other people have said in this thread and all year it's just up to which Holmes team comes to play. IMO from what Holmes has done over the past they lose a close game and fail to show up the week/weeks afterwards. Holmes will might win, but i'll take the Eagles.

    Scott-28 Holmes-14

  16. If Coach Reigler (Scott's former head coach) is still there there is no way that they wont be disiplined. It's just a matter of if he can get his defense to not back down when SK's running game hits them in the mouth (which they will). Simon will have a tough time passing and defending the pass against Holmes. I know some of the skill guys from both teams and speed does kill. Holmes every year has some up-sets and they have let-downs. I feel this one will be right in the middle. A point or two will seperate them. Which team wins I don't know.

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