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Posts posted by Zeus95

  1. :thumb:


    There are very few fans who are being negative after this win. The majority of us, including myself, are very pleased with this game & the outcome.


    Glad to hear it!!! Getting through the playoffs this year is going to be a monumental task-especially with how good Highlands and Johnson Central are both playing--but it can be done. Good luck Colonels the rest of the way.

  2. I guess the CCH coaching staff just can't catch a break this year. The team has struggled mightily, and the fans can't even be positive after a 42-0 win--Where's the support? I doubt that negativity will help this team win any playoff games, but some real fan support could.


    All of the CCH family needs to rally together. This team can possibly do something in the playoffs this year. The negativity hasn't seemed to work so far, so maybe some encouragement to the 13-17 year old kids might help them with the extrememly challenging task ahead in the next month.

  3. What ever happened to the idea that you must earn a spot on the team--and that means doing whatever is required of you, not matter how diificult. I cringe every time I see the word unfair, because I think a there is a real sense of entitlement today that I can't understand. If guys aren't willing to prove themselves, then can they really be counted on in the fourth quarter. It's not a question of skill--I think it has more to do with commitment and team play. The guys in the gym have already earned that chance, and if the guys on the track do what is asked of them, then they should earn that chance as well.

  4. As usual, this game could very well be the 5A state championship. Aside from a few Boyle County years, and one Lexington Catholic year, the winner of this playoff game has gone on to at least play in the finals every year from the late 1980's. I know that the Johnson Central faithful and many in western KY have high expectations, but recent history cannot be ignored. I agree that CCH has vastly improved from earlier in the year, but I think that HHS has the weapons to make the run this year, just as CCH did last season. I think we will see a pretty good game, but I think the birds big play ability makes them awefully tough to beat at home.

  5. I think Coach Mueller during the late 90's and early 00's was an energetic young coach trying to put his team on the map. Now-everyone knows that Highlands was on the map with multiple state titles and tradition, but there is no way that HHS would be playing in events like the Herbstriet, or the Prep Classic if it wasn't for the success that Dale has had. He had quite a few years of unbelievable talent (Lorenzen, Guidugli, D Smith etc...) and used that talent to take the program to an elite level. I think he has matured as a coach, and the talent pool is on a consistantly high level. Whether you like him or not, Dale has brought a lot of positive attention to NKY football.

  6. The countless coaches who work for their programs on a volunteer basis. The people who work for free and often buy things for their team with monry from their own pocket. Every program has those people who are their for love of the school and the kids on the team. Hats off to them.

  7. I do not post on here often, but I follow the discussions everyday. As a Cov Cath football alum, it sometimes troubles me that there is so much second guessing. I do not know Dave Brossart, but I look forward to meeting him. I do know Woolf and Wirth, and if Coach Brossart was selected over those two quality gentlemen, then he must bring a ton to the table. Get behind him Colonel fans, and most importantly, get behind the kids to make sure their 4 years of CCH football were as awesome and fulfilling as many of ours were.

  8. I think that CCH has the more experienced team this year and the offense has flashed what it can potentially do (Boone County) but has also been unable to finish what it started (Elder). I like Cov Cath's chances, but always look out for a team that has nothing to lose and a lot to prove.

  9. The Mud Bowl was CovCath's most famous victory, but I'd say it trails the 5 State Championship Games in a poll of "biggest wins" in the program's history.


    I had the good fortune of playing on two of those state championship teams in 1993 and 94. While I enjoyed the "mud bowl" win in 1997 as most CCH alumni did, my two favorite games were oddly enough, not state championships. In 1993 Bell Co. came up to play CCH in Park Hills in the AAA state semi-final game. Bell was 13-0 and had been ranked #1 all year. CCH dominated the game from the opening whistle and led 36-0 at halftime, finally winning the game 48-6. Lynn Ray even faked and extra point towards the end of the game, because I don't think he got along with Dudley Hilton very well.


    In 1994 CCH took a 9-4 record to Hyden, KY to play Leslie County led by All World QB Tim Couch in the state semis. Couch was a junior and had thrown for ridiculous yards and over 50 TD's. We had no business being in this game, as Leslie was 13-0 and all of the media predictions were that our miracle season was over. The town was like something out of a movie. It had literally shut down for this game. Final score CCH 33 LC 6. The only game in his high school career that Tim Couch did not score a TD in. I remember towards the end of the game their stands were empty and there was a steady stream of cars heading out of the stadium. We went on to beat Bowling Green in the big game that year, but I will always remember the 48 minutes I spent on the field, stealing Tim Couch's championship.

  10. As a big Cov Cath supporter it is hard to say this, but the Highlands freshman program has really been in a league by itself the past few years. Success breeds success, so I have to tip my cap to the Birds and hope that incoming Colonels can look at the past few years of big losses and figure out how to bring the rivalry back and not just go out and lay down.:confused:

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