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Posts posted by CountryBoy7

  1. Their has to be more to this story then the fact Mrs.Schultz wouldn't kiss up to the administration. We are hearing this from a select few on here, so that tells me their has to be a whole different side to this story.


    There are always Two sides isn't there????( When there are Two parties involved )The fact is that the Administration didn't want to renew Coach Schultz's contract for coaching. If you would like more information I'm sure if you would ask the AD that maybe you could gain some more insight on the situation. :thumb:

  2. Can you elaborate on the unqualified comment ? I thought that certain credentials were required for administrtive positions as well as coaching, teaching, etc.


    Well to start with i would say having NO expierence being an Athletic director or even a Asst. AD before being hired would classify as unqualified and being an Asst. Principal for 1 year prior to being a Principal and running the school is another one, just because you have your Administration dosent make you qualified for the position. I would think being hired as a Principal to run a School that you would have at least a few years as an Asst. Principal first, or at least some years under your belt in Administration.Two full time positions run by 1 person seems like an aful lot for someone with NO expierence. I wonder how many other schools in the state of Kentucky have the AD and the principal in the same person. Being hired Principal and Athletic director, are a little different then hiring a New teacher or New coach with No varsity expierence. And being Athletic Director is more then just being at home games, and going to meetings. IMO that is what i mean by UNqualified hope i elaborated enough for you Big daddy Bear.....

  3. I don't think it has anything to do w/kissing someone's rear as why Molly was let go!


    Come on people you need to wake up here and realize it was a bad hire for BC when they hired Coach Schultz and the marriage of BC and Molly Linville-Schultz did not work out!


    Bracken County has a rich tradition in girls basketball throughout the 10th region!


    I wouldn't consider 3 years a Marrige but maybe Dating, It is kind of hard to make an impact if you never get the chance to see things through, Things don't happen over night, you as a Coach yourself should be able to recognize that. Atleast I would hope so.Things could have worked out if they were truly given a chance, But the fact is the only reason things didn't work out is because not everyone in the administration liked the way she did things not because she couldn't coach but because they had Personal problems with how she did things ( just look at her evaluation ) More of a personal problem then anything else. One person problem. Oh and a THOUGHT. a little communication goes along way. When there is communication on both ends, Having people in certain positions that have NO buisness being in them, is part of the problem and untill they actually get people in there that are respected and can do the job the way the job is supposed to be done then things will never be any different, athleticly or academicly.



    Maybe you are correct maybe it was a marrige, and since her spouse (BCHS) Didn't give her what it takes to make a marrige work, Trust, Support, Faith, Communication, and respect, the marrige fell short but not on anybodys end but there's.

  4. I am not from anywhere close and don't know any of the people personally, but I find it very a entertaining read. Only in Kentucky, could a small town girls coaching job on a team w/ not much history of success draw this much attention. Good luck to Mr. Kelsch, with all his celebrity contacts, he should have a good list of references.


    Winning the District 10-12 years in a row seems pretty sucsessful to me. Bracken County just needs to get someone in to Coach that will be around longer then 3-4 years and continue to build the program back to what it use to be . Coach Schultz would have done her best to do that . But the Administration thought otherwise, guess they like to keep things on the move, untill they find someone that will answer YES to whatever THEY want. Take that for what it is worth with an Unqualified Administration making the decisions at the High School.

  5. Camps are good but most of them are very over rated. If a girl wants to really improve her game then all she really needs to do is go to her own gym about 3 evenings a week and work alone on her game . Take one person to rebound and you can work on not only shooting but you can also work hard on your Ballhandling as well. This is also Free so you can't go wrong.


    Well said. Everything starts with a good work ethic.

  6. Not sure that a coaching change will make allot of difference at this time. The problem with the program goes much deeper and higher, IMO. I think the AD has too many ties to the county to make good decisions for the sports department. What is needed is a AD without ties to the county and that has a passion for sports. JMO



  7. Just some insight on the Bracken County program I believe when Wolfzorn was there his records were as follows 6-20 first year 12-13 second year 13-17 third year and 14-13 fourth year that is if he was there 4 years before resining. Coach Schultz's numbers pretty close 6-19 first year 10-15 second year 13-13 third year, with an increase in wins each year and a all A 10th runner-up and a trip to the region this year just dosen't match up as to why she would not be asked back.Things don't happen overnight when a new coach takes over . It looked to me like things were going in the right direction. I know that Coach Schultz will be missed by all the Players and Students I wish her the best of luck in the future she has a passion for the game of basketball and loves to pass that on to her players. I only hope that the next coach that they hire gets the upmost support from All the administration and All the Parents because Coach Schultz sure did not get this.

  8. Depends on their development. There are some holes in their game that an opposing coach can exploit.


    Success on the freshmen level does not necessarily equate to similar success on the varsity level.


    It's nice but there is a lot of work to do before the varsity level.


    Agree 100% lbball I am just saying they have alot of talent and experience coming back something they haven't had i a while. Some of the Bigger teams next year will be in a slight rebuilding phase and Bracken only looses 2 to graduation after a 13-13 year. Definetly some positives for next year but yes you are correct they have to work on there game and get better on there own as well as at practice.

  9. Still have not heard a reason for why she would not be renewed if anyone could fill me on this I would like to know. Just seems awfully strange to me to not be renewed wehn on the floor and in the classroom you are doing nothing but good things. Something is not right! The worst part is is that the next guy will look like a genious, be it PK or whomever, because they are gonna win some games in the next couple of years. So those clueless people out there will think that it had to do with who the HC was. Raw deal all the way around for Coach Schultz, best of luck to her in the future.


    All I know is that it is up to the Principal and the AD to do the Coaches evaluation and to decide if the coaches are to be recomended for hire the following year so since at Bracken County that is the same person Mrs Ray it was up to her to recomend Coach Schultz to continue. She must have a reason for not recomending her back not sure.

  10. I wouldn't say that is a guarantee.


    If they don't work hard and improve their game in certain areas, they are going to be about a .500 team.


    I think they will be better then .500 I look for them to make a run in the All 'A' as well as a chance of winning the District, They return a core of very talented Juniors and 3 seniors the most expierence a Bracken County team has had in a while and alot of these girls saw quality varsity time. Over the past 3 years Bracken has only lost 5 girls to graduation this year they will have 3 seniors and 6 juniors alot of good talent and expierence coming back. I really think they will surprise alot of people next year. Wish them all nothing but the best a great group of young ladies.

  11. It sounds to me like some are saying they got rid of Mrs.Schultz because she was a women. I'm trying to understand the reasoning behind that, because if anything Bracken County gave her a great opportunity considering she had no previous coaching experience that I'm aware of.


    Coach Schultz Coached Middle school, Freshman at Toledo Whitmer High School, and Jv at Hilliard Davidson in Columbus Oh Before coming to Bracken County.

  12. Couldn't the same thing have been said about Coach Schultz?


    Coach Schultz would have been at Bracken County for as long as they would have kept her she has very strong ties to the school and Community I really could not see her using them as a stepping stone. Coach Schultz is very passionate about Bracken. So i would say no you probably could not say the same thing about her.

  13. That's what I was getting at, earlier, when I was replying to the post by "jackman46." Is there any confirmation out there?!


    Yes that is correct Coach Schultz did not have her contract renewed for next season. Principle and AD Mrs. Ray did not recomend her to continue Coaching. Coach Schultz has done nothing but give her heart and soul to the program in hopes of restoring it to a once very good girls program. It is a shame that she won't get that chance. All of the girls were notified this week of her departure. Alot of unhappy players about the whole situation. Regardless of what has been said Coach Schultz was very well Liked by her players and students in the School. It is a shame that she never got alot of support, over the last Three years, almost as if they expected her and wanted her to Fail JMO. Best of luck to whoever is the next head coach they will come in with a group that is very talented. Coach Kelsch should be the front runner for the job IMO.

  14. I have spoke to Mr. Kelsch in the past and the only time he has mentioned leaving after this group of young girls is if he was still an assistant. If he gets the HC job I feel certain he would be their for as long as they wanted him.


    That sounds more like Coach Kelsch, I wish him nothing but the best in what ever he chooses. I hope Coach Kelsch has a bright future as a head Coach no matter were he coaches. He is very well known around the basketball scene and alot of people like and support him. I hope for the sake of the program that they atleast give him a honest look.

  15. I don't think they will over look Coach Kelsch, My only concern with him would be he has stated in the past that after this bunch of young girls leaves he was getting out he coached them when they started and wanted to finish with them. He has a family know and said he would like to spend more time at home with them as they get involved with activites of there own. And i see nothing wrong with that, just don't know if that is what the program needs that is my only concern.

    You can look back at some of the other coaches in Bracken County Boys and Girls, there tenure wasn't very long seemed like they coached when there was talent then got out after a couple of years or coached on and off just seems like they coached when there was some talent. Coach Kelsch would not do this and would hate to have anybody think he would. Coach Kelsch im sure will be in the Mix, I believe that is where he would like to be.

  16. To the part about coach Schultz returning, As of yesterday on March 17,2008,Miss Schultz was fired and the job is open and I hope they find a good and deserving coah that can teach the girls something and gain there respect and maybe a state birth this next year...


    Coach Schultz did a fine job of teaching the girls, and as for respect check out her classroom on any given day after school her room usually full of her team. If they didn't respect her why would they want to be around her everyday. Maybe there is an underlining reason you have a hardship twards her????????????????

  17. According to my findings * First coach was Millie Reule , 2nd coah was FAY COX. actually Molly's sister played on that team for miss Cox in 1988 . 3rd Girls coach was Molly. The other lady that was mentioned was a assisitant coach I believe


    I thought Fay Cox had a shared head coach job, it was my understanding that the other women was in the shared position with her. Thank you for the corection, I knew coach Schultz was not the firstfemale head coachat Bracken County as stated earlier in this thread.

  18. I would probable disagree with some of these statements about Coach Schultz! Great player in HAS and college, done a decent job as a HC, but she has help along the way w/all she has been doing w/these girls that is for sure.Yes, Coach Kelsch interviewed for the Bracken job, but that was never going to any other coach once Coach Schultz applied for the job, it was open and shut at that point. She was getting the job and would become the first female HC at Bracken Co.


    He was a finalist for the NCHS job as far as I knew.


    This is no slight towards Molly Schultz, I just think Patrick Kelsch would do a better job being the HC at Bracken Co. I hope Molly nothing but the very best!


    What kind of help are you refering to here just wondering, if maybe you could tell us has someone else been running her Practices, or setting up the game plan, just curious. I know Coach Kelsch steped in the end of this season due to personal and family illness but that is all i know of . What other help help has she got you make it sound like somone else was doing her job and her taking credit for her. Just curious.

  19. I would probable disagree with some of these statements about Coach Schultz! Great player in HAS and college, done a decent job as a HC, but she has help along the way w/all she has been doing w/these girls that is for sure.


    Yes, Coach Kelsch interviewed for the Bracken job, but that was never going to any other coach once Coach Schultz applied for the job, it was open and shut at that point. She was getting the job and would become the first female HC at Bracken Co.He was a finalist for the NCHS job as far as I knew.


    This is no slight towards Molly Schultz, I just think Patrick Kelsch would do a better job being the HC at Bracken Co. I hope Molly nothing but the very best!


    Are you sure about that What about Coach Millie Rule ?? And also Janet Macintire and her Assistant who had a shared head coaching job with her in the 80's If this is correct she would be the Third Female head coach. Just wondering if this is correct.At any cost dosen't look like Bracken County has had very many Female coaches. Wonder why..........?

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