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Posts posted by dirk80

  1. Absolutely loved Coney. From the ride on the ferry from KY to riding all the rides, it was always a good time. At that time in my life, it was just the right size too. I have never really like Kings Island and the older I get and bigger it gets just makes it worse!

  2. "He used poor judgement in what he did, but the kid involved is a jerk."


    I want to start by saying that I am not a teacher, but I have an issue with the above statement. Even if this "kid" is not the student he/she should be, threatening them with bodily harm with a weapon is not the solution. If this child is such a nuissance, why hadn't something been done before this about their behavior. It should of never come to this I agree, but what was done was wrong and IMO punishment was light. I have seen other teachers lose their job and their license for their actions or "mental mistake".

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