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Posts posted by dalen5

  1. No more to the story.


    My point is that this is just another example of the C-J not doing Trinity any favors. Folks already accuse the paper of playing favorites and focusing more on the "Big 3" locally and not focusing on the other schools.


    On a not related note, there must be something up with his coaching style. It appears that hoosiers are the only people he can work with.



    They do focus on the Big 3 more. Anyway, what is up with this guy? He has not had any proven stability in the past 10 years. Did he leave for a better job?

  2. Those who aren`t in the system, stay out of the system.


    Why the hostility? Just trying to show the expectation of excellence that comes with being associated with Trinity, X and Male. I'm sure you don't mean that those outside of the parochial system should stay out. If that were the case then Tayshawn McBroom, Blaine Donnell,Steve Orndorff,Donald Barnett and countless others would not have benefited from the Trinity experience.

  3. He made a point in the article about the fans and students. That being a part of Trinity is a way of life. I believe that. I have always said that is one of the reasons for the success of the parochial schools and Male. These kids in those programs come out of the womb knowing who and what they love. They start kindergarten knowing they are destined for that particular school if they stay on track. Then those that haven't been in the system are brought in and are held to the same standard of excellence.

  4. I have a question. I heard on talk radio, that Victor Anderson was a guest recruit at the U of L game vs West Virginia game. It was the black out game and I heard he wore all white. Is this true?



    I don't know if he was a guest of UL or not but I did walk past him coming down FLoyd St that day and he was dressed in ALL WHITE. I would hope if he was a guest of UL, he wouldn't do that but then again who would have thought he would wear neon yellow shoes the first game of the playoffs while his teammates were in black.

  5. I have a question. I heard on talk radio, that Victor Anderson was a guest recruit at the U of L game vs West Virginia game. It was the black out game and I heard he wore all white. Is this true?



    I don't know if he was a guest of UL or not but I did walk past him coming down FLoyd St that day and he was dressed in ALL WHITE. I would hope if he was a guest of UL, he wouldn't do that but then again who would have thought he would wear neon yellow shoes the first game of the playoffs while his teammates were in black.

  6. For Manual's luck to have sucked, they had an AWESOME year with a young roster and a tough schedule.:thumb:



    Not disputing a great year with what was coming back. Just wondering what could have been had it not rained those two weekend and the broken bone barrage the last game.

  7. 5...didn't know that about his injury. Really a shame about losing both QBs. The future looks good for the Rams at that position.



    I've never been invloved in game that involved injuries to the top two guys at one position. First we had the rain the first X game, then the rain in the Male game and then the injuries in the second X game. Our luck sucked this year. I guess the staff needs to go to more mass/church over the off season.

  8. Didn't realize that the Rams lost their two QBs. I can't imagine any program going thru that and doing well.



    THose two QB's is enough to destroy the psyche of any team. That freshman QB that played was just coming off an injury himself. He hadn't played in almost 5 weeks before playing in the Male Freshman game the week before. He had broken fingers and his hand was actually still somewhat swollen in the X game. I must say for this youngster to be thrust into this situation, he played about as well as could be expected.

  9. :irked:


    And I thought the gap was closing.



    I didn't see the Freshman game but I did see the JV game. The Manual JV team has been playing with A LOT of freshmen this year. The QB's that were being used were the 2nd and 3rd string QB's. Also starting two freshmen linebackers. A lot of kids (Sophmores and Juniors) that would normally play on Mondays didn't play this year due to the fact that they play MOST of the game on Friday. This includes a Soph starting at QB and Freshman starting at FS neither of which played Monday or Tuesday.

  10. There doesn't appear to be much missing. Players said their equipment was removed after he saw them donating blood. Coach apologizes. Players back on team. School board addresses the situation.


    What's missing?



    They don't say if the coach told them not to donate blood on that day. There was practice on that day. It might not have been a good idea to doante a pint and then try to go out and pratice that afternoon. Kind of sounds like the matter of donating may have already been addressed.

  11. dalen, just having some fun. Read all the support going to the Rams on here. We are outnumbered...But its only Wednesday. We won a huge game last Friday and usually after a big win there could be a let-down, but this is Male-Manual and our kids will be ready.



    That is cool. I wouldn't expect Male to let down much. Big Rivalry game, big doings around the school with this being the 150th anniversary of the school and a lot of activities going on. If anything they may get distracted by all that but it is doubtful.

  12. Thanks guys for the insight. This city needs to recognize the contributions of all the players, coaches, administrators etc. over the years for the role that these games played in the history of the local community. Just think how many Thanksgiving dinners were planned around these games. Maybe the CJ will do a special section on the history of the game.



    Having been involved with both sides of this Rivalry. It is indeed one of the most intense in this areas. It is a shame that those in the media have chosen to focus their attention on the T-X rivalry when the Male-Manual game is the grandaddy of them all in Louisville. Male and Manual both came upon hard times in athletics and this caused the game to lessen in intensity. It took Manual a little longer to get back on track but I would say that in the past six years they have more than held their own with Male. It would be nice for the media to jump back on the bandwagon where this game is concerned . I think Louisville could handle TWO mega-games a year. This is also the 150th year anniversary for Male High. There is a big celebration planned with alumni from across the country being invited for school tours,dinners,Hall of Fame Banquets and reunions.

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