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Posts posted by happytrails

  1. Last time I checked in Kentucky you answer to your site base council and the principal. I do not think the AD has any power what so ever except to pay bills and schedule games. Especiall at Campbell County!!!! Wait maybe that leader is gone now I think......

    How do you know he wasn't told the reason? Do you have an inside track?

    Anyway, your opinion, and I just don't agree with it - There is a difference between High school and NKJV - You answer to the AD - and he didn't have the answers - I"m sure he is aware of the reasons - and no need for anyone else to know.

  2. If someone would have worked with him in the off season and during the summer, then maybe he would have been a better player! I guess the Camels can set a course for Montgomery County and the 10th Region Final against Mason County....

    Not sure what your talking about Camel 1, Petey has pretty good hands for a big man. I agree he's not a ballhandler but what big man doesn't want to try to go with the ball on the break when he makes a steal? He knows his role and the Camels are doing just fine at 10-3.
  3. Isn't the new principal an old principal from the area? Why don't the parents use the concession stand during the JV games and any other event? I would not think something like this would be a selling point to move on, good things are happening, let's keep them going.


    The concession stand isn't open by the band parents for the JV games now. The parents bring stuff and sell it outside the concession stand if at all. As for that being a reason for Joe's leaving nothing can be further from the truth. He left for a number of reasons but that wasn't one of them. Hopefully the new principal will be more athletically inclined and this will help the entire athletic program at the high school.
  4. If this event had any impact on Joe Roberts leaving Campbell County, then I am glad he left. In fact, I would encourage anyone that knew him to contact him and find out. Does anyone know how to reach him still? With everything that was going on in this district at the time, I think he would have had more concerns. If anyone remebers and it was a long, long time ago now, he was pubicly critized for recommending the installation of the crumb rubber to Bob Miller. When it was recommended that the school install Bermuda grass, again more critizem. End result as proven from other posts, the field is looking great, there is more activity on it then there has been in a long time. He worked with the former varsity football coach and the current coach to start a youth football program that delt with only elementary students that attended Campbell County Schools, that is still under fire today, but what do we have, over 100 students out there learning the game of football and having fun.

    What we all need to remember is that groups can request to use the facility. If Brossart did that, then they should at least know if they are permitted to use the site before submitting a complete schedule and allow this to even be talked about that they may play games at Bob Miller. The point is true, would it not be a great testimony if every organization that has any connection to that stadium sit down and put a plan together to restructure and remodel Bob Miller Stadium. Why move something that is perfect for the community? Yes, it would be nice to have a field at Campbell County High School, but right in the heart of Alexandria, a perfect gathering place. The real question is this, would everyone be willing to drop the ego level some and realize that it takes more than one person to put a project like this together, but it can be done.


    I think that this all started two years ago when Brossart used the CC Middle School to host the 10th Region All "A" Classic Boys Basketball Tournament during the week and displaced several CCMS teams who had practices in progress and scheduled and were not informed by the CCMS administration that BB had contracted for use of the facility starting at 5:30pm and that the CCMS teams would have to give up the floor early.


    This really brought an outcry from the Campbell County faithful that Brossart was receiving preferential treatment and that the CC admin was selling out their own programs to Brossart, even though that agreement had been reached months prior to the playing of the games.


    This could have been easily avoided had the CC admin communicated properly with their in-house teams and not waited until the day of the event to notify the practicing team/s that Brossart had the floor and they would have to get off.


    It was just after this episode that Brossart announced that we were starting a football program and a clamor went up that we would not be permitted to use Bob Miller Stadium. The admin had to support the groundswell of opinion against Brossart and it would have been very unpopular at the time for School Board members, up for re-election, to come out in favor of Brossart further using their facilities.


    I also believe, rightly or wrongly, that this had an impact on Joe Roberts' leaving CCHS.

  5. If it all about money, just a side note. Campbell County Band Parents Association controls the concessions to Bob Miller Stadium. Before we open the doors about extra events, may want to see if they are willing to open the concession to the extra games or if they are willing to share in the potential monies that could be generated.

    I really think that if Campbell County were smart, they would embrace Brossart's need for a home field and join forces between the two schools and the community in general to fund the installation of artificial turf at Bob Miller Stadium. That way the band, Red Devils, underclass programs, Brossart, and the Camels would all benefit. Campbell County could charge rent as does Newport Stadium to NCC, and they would get 100% of the concessions from all tenants.


    Using the newly installed Bermuda Grass/injected rubber as an excuse seems shortsighted. Let's face it, five or ten years from now Bob Miller Stadium is going to have turf. Why not sooner than later???


    I won't address the St. Joe/St. Mary comments. Brossart has a fine working relationship with both schools (as well as Campbell County) and BB has sunk countless thousands of dollars in improviing and maintaining the St. Mary Baseball field.


    Only recently has NCC developed their own baseball facility. Like us they rent a football facility, play their soccer games at Pendery, and have their own gym. Holy Cross is in the same boat.


    I do know that we were seriously looking at some property in the county with the thoughts of developing a sports complex there. Don't know how that came out.


    I guess that if I were on the side of the issue that has all of their facilities provided by tax dollars, it might be easier for me to look at the private school next door and tell them that in addition to paying tuitions (by choice) to send their kids there, they also need to ante up and build a place for all of their athletic teams to perform as well.

  6. CCMS is not a home court for the Camels? And CAMEL1 is far from a player.....


    I love those Camels, I just wished we would not be satisified with improving.....

    Happytrails once again your comments are extremely negative. I believe Camel1 is a player and your words are alittle rough. I think that the players are trying and while they are struggling right now I feel that is it unfair for you to suggest that they do not care. Yes a coach with Reitz's experience deserves a team to produce for him year end and year out but let's be realistic in the real world as a manager you may have a group of excellent employees that make your job easy and then other times you earn your title of manager as you struggle to get the maximum production out of what you have. And a team's success is due to the coaches and the players and to single out either is unfair...it is a team not individuals.

    Your comment about the fans being content is also in my opinion off base..to date we have not even had a home game with most games over an hour away from school so the fans have predominately been family and friends of the players so I would expect more sympathy. They know what their sons have sacrificed to be a student athletes something you need to stop and reflect on before you decide to bash their effort and character. I can only wonder if next year and the year after when Brossart may take some licks will you jump on the bashing wagon and accuse them of lack of effort? As for the Camel players.....you know that you are better than you have shown to date, only you and your coaches can fix that, never give up and do not allow ANYONE to talk about you like this. Stay focused as a team and believe. For Brossart's players...you have a good team, enjoy this year because we will be back.


    P.S. Seeing you at the game last night I knew this rhetoric would begin.

  7. So that is what we are looking for now. The team is improving. Looks like another year of typical Camel Basketball. No one works, no one cares. Let's all run up and down 27 tonight because CAMEL1 says we are improving! How many years do you have until you have stopped improving and go out there and produce for a coach that deserves some production? I guess that is the way the fans in the stands want it though, let's not get better, let's just go have fun.


    Always sad to lose, but a better game than the first meeting. We are improving!!
  8. No war about it. The Camels are satisfied and this is as far as it goes. 7-3, might be the best record the team has seen in some time, we can just leave it at that. Good season for the team and I know Coach Styer has to be pleased, he got them there, have a great winter, wrestling season is here.



    This should be a war, and hopefully it will be. I look for Boone to double Griffin all night and limit the Campbell aerial attack. I also look for Campbell to play a run defense the majority of the night in an attempt to limit Farris and the Boone ground game. I look for a trick play late, maybe a half back pass, to give the Rebel's the victory.

    Boone 20

    Campbell 17

  9. They have never had visiting stands, why would you want something like that? It has never been an issue before? Why would you want to change? How dare you think of doing something to Bob Miller Stadium, it was great in the 70's and 80's no need for improvement now!


    Thats asking for trouble. Any reason why they don't have visitor stands?
  10. I wish I would have gone to the game. Why in the world would the Dixie Coaching Staff come over to address the students? Where was the administration and security for the event? Sounds to me if the Dixie Coaches had time to address the students, then it was not as intense on the field as it was off.


    Some pop bottles were thrown on the field by the Dixie student section, nearly hitting some of the Camel players and coaches. Dixie's coach came over and told them it was classless and they should be thrown out of the game if they found out who did it. I thought it was a good gesture by the Dixie coach. It was one heck of a high school football game, intense all the way.
  11. In order to be able to follow the rules, you have to know them and do you think anyone involved in the athletic program would actually sit down with Mr. PA and go over what they say in the handbook. Do they even know there is a handbook? Mr. Rose cares about the program there is no question about that. Keep up the great job!




    Actually I take back my comment. I began thinking about it and he effects the play on the field much more than I remembered. To point out an example one play last year immediately after the quarterback faked it to the running back he proclaimed "here's a pass..." and no one was fooled by the run fake. Its kind of hard to bite on anything when the PA announcer tells the players whats happening.


    I thought it was against the rules to announce anything during game play. I was at a game tonight and as the announcer was saying something he stopped talking until the play was over, summed up the play, then continued talking. I guess the Campbell guy is above the law though...

  12. Is it so difficult that we can not even find out the name of the home team football stadium?


    What exactly does that mean 92BIRD? That sounds like you might be slamming the principal at CCHS. In fact, numerous times you sound like you don't care for the principal too much. A principal has a very difficult job so maybe you should cut her a break.
  13. I know it is funny to think that way, but as I stated today in the football thread. I spoke with Joe last night at the CC/Lebanon football game and I do not think I have ever seen anyone look as happy as he did last night. To be somewhere that personalities and jealous acts are not in the picture and people have the ability to make decisions when it comes to the job they have. I think I might apply for the CC job, maybe I could get some experience from there and land a job in athletics where people appreciate you. Anyone know how I would go about it?:dancingpa


    :D :D :D:D That is hilarious.
  14. Had a chance to talk to Joe at the game, I know he was busy running around, but he had a smile on his face that would not stop. He told me how excited he was to be there and how great everyone in the community has been to him and his family, he even has people lined up to help him move in. I miss that kind of enthusiasm down here, but I wish him the best. One a side note, this game seems like a great match-up. Maybe they could keep it going? I know it seems like a stretch in travel, but it could be worth it to see good football.




    The Camels travel north of the Ohio River to take on Lebanon. Former Camel district AD Joe Roberts is now AD at Lebanon. Will the Camels make it 3-0 on the season?:flame:
  15. I missed this yesterday BIRD, was this game suppose to be at CC or at Paul Brown? I am a bit lost, becasue like many fans, I traveled to Lebanon and saw a great football game! :eek:


    I just hope the principal can make it to the game at Paul Brown Stadium...I mean Bob Miller stadium. As long as she does not have to say the pledge of allegiance she will be alright. On a side note, Lebanon has some injuries, it will be a very close game.
  16. I think the CC people are qualified to know what they are doing, I am just curious as to why we have to wait to hear about this role in November? We have youth football, district volleyball, district soccer and regional soccer all in the wings plus the fact that this football team has the ability to get us back in the playoffs and that could mean hosting, and yet we are happy with half-time people for full-time work. Just wanting to know what I need to do to apply for the job.:walk:


    Maybe someone should ask people at CC.
  17. So, the Camels have gone through the first football game. What have they done with Joe Roberts position?


    If you think working with people who go out of their way to make you fail is an easy job, you do not have much work experience. PVC posted an excellent review of the situation at Campbell in another thread. To call it easy is posting without knowing the facts. You may want to check your info on this. The high school ad position is the easy one. Work for 100 days with full index to pad retirement and I just learned that job was suppose to include a teaching position at the school?! Talk about easy street.
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