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Posts posted by HoggWild

  1. There are a couple of 8th graders that could make some noise when they start playing varsity after next year, providing that like a lot of times kids put alot of expectations on themselves as well as parents sometimes will too. But that is just all in wanting to see their children succeed.


    Deming's got three young men that will be 8th graders this coming season. Mark my word they will make an impact on varsity their 8th grade year. I would not be suprised that a couple of them will be starting varsity their freshman year.

  2. If this went into place then the All "A" would not be needed. In my opinion the All "A" does more harm than good. Look at the 4 semi-finalists from this years All "A". They really slumped after the tournament. I always respected Russellville for what they did about 5 years ago. They held out of the All "A" and had some good showings in the Sweet 16. I'm not in favor of classes but my post above is just a sample of what could be done if the state went to classification. Les, I'll take the ice cream but I don't like cake!

  3. How about 4 class champions and 1 overall champion.


    For example:

    Wednesday morning of Sweet 16

    Class A Region 1 vs. Region 2

    Class A Region 3 vs. REgion 4


    Wednesday night

    Class AA REgion 1 vs. Region 2

    Class AA Region 3 vs. Region 4


    Thursday morning

    Class AAA Region 1 vs. Region 2

    Class AAA Region 3 vs. Region 4


    Thursday night

    Class AAAA Region 1 vs. Region 2

    Class AAAA Region 3 vs. Region 4


    Friday morning

    Class A Finals

    Class AA Finals


    Friday night

    Class AAA Finals

    Class AAAA Finals


    Saturday morning

    Class A Champion vs. AA Champion

    Class AAA vs. AAAA Champion


    Saturday night

    Winners from morning session play for overall State Champion


    Now drawing can be held to determine which class plays which on Saturday morning as well as to decide which sessions each class plays in for the first round.


    Some will argue that it would take away from a class championship by getting beat in a semifinal or in the Saturday Championship. Does it take away from winning a region title then going to the state and getting beat? Four teams would be able to call themselves state champs and these kids would have championship rings. Just like in football. But, then for all the traditionalist, we would still crown an overall state champ on Saturday night. I actually think this would work. Look at all the positives there are. We would still have the Sweet 16, there would be 4 state champs, 1 overall state champ, the crowd would still be the same or maybe better (the 4 A schools would most likely turn out more fans than the 4AAAA schools would.), and the KHSAA still gets there money. Which is their main concern.


    What do you think?

  4. "If Scott HIgh is any indicitation of how the 9th region schools support their teams, then I understand why you need a small gym with 4500 seats for your region. Because, their turnout for their first trip to the 10th was an absloute joke!!"


    Did you ever consider the fact that a 5:30 start of a basketball game over an hour away from you school, when parents work usually until 5 or later could have anything to do with this??? I am not making any excuses for them but, it is much easier for the Mason Co fans every year to work a normal work day, not take a vacation day and drive within a few miles to cheer for their team. I think its time for them to see what it takes to plan for a last minute game with a start time of 5:30 in the afternoon in the middle of a work week!


    Well I guess GRC fans and parents don't work. They had to travel farther than Scott did. From observing I would say that GRC fans outnumbered Scott fans 5 to 1. When did I ever say anything about the Mason fans. Common sense should tell you they are going to have a large fan base.

  5. Brossart get revenge from the All "A" finals. COngrats!!


    Let me ask this. Would you rather when the All "A" finals and get beat in the semi-finals or lose the All "A" finals and beat that very team in the semi-finals of the region? Lets just say for the sake of arguement that you already know you would lose the region finals. What would you choose.NOTE:(I'm not assuming that Brossart will lose the finals. I think they very well could when the finals. I just posing this question to peak some interest.)


    I would chose the revenage scenerio. Again congrats to the Lady Stangs!

  6. Notice I said if!! I do agree CovCath has great fan support. Matter of fact I can't wait to watch their student section at Rupp. Their the best I have ever seen.


    I am just observing the crowds from the 9th that have moved to the 10th. Scott's was horrible, Campbell only shows up if they play on Saturday. Brossart has a respectable crowd but not one that is overwhelming. I know they will say they are an "A" school so their numbers are low. But, there are other "A" schools in the 10th that come out in droves when they get to go to the 10th.

    Just my observations.

  7. GRC holds 4500 folks. That seems to be plenty to me. Are we saying that they can't host it because they're too far?


    Would you not go if it was at GRC?


    First of all why do you care? Maybe in the 9th region 4500 seats would be enough. But not here in the 10th the biggest gym holds officially around 5500 people. But, I can assure you that their is usually more than 6000 on during the semi's and final.


    It's all about supply and demand. There is a huge demand for people to wacth the greatest regional tournament in the state. The fieldhouse has the supply. If Montgomery Co. had built a gym larger than the fieldhouse then I would say they should hold it every year.


    Harrison Co. held the region for years. They were the largest gym in the region at the time. So that is where it was at. Once the fieldhouse was built that's where it was held except for the one year in the late 60's when it was at Clark Co. I remember what a mess that was. The 4500 seats you talked about were full. People who got there 2 hours early had the option of going home or they could watch on closed circuit t.v. in the cafeteria.


    I'm afraid that Montgomery Co. is going to set themselves up to fall on their face when they get the region. Thousands not hundreds of people will be turned away. Plus, the parking will be a mess.


    If Scott HIgh is any indicitation of how the 9th region schools support their teams, then I understand why you need a small gym with 4500 seats for your region. Because, their turnout for their first trip to the 10th was an absloute joke!!

  8. He may be a good official but to do this to the kids involved is very selfish. We teach kids team work and that no one individual is bigger than the game of basketball. Now we have an official that is making himself bigger than the game. To me a good official is the one you don't even know is on the floor. This guy is definitely not doing that. I just think he is showing poor taste and professionalism.

  9. I would like to commend the Deming seniors. Jordan Massey, Lyle Hendrix, and Erik Burns. You have represented Deming with pride and class. Good Luck in your future endevors. To the underclassmen work hard this offseason and get back to the Region next year. You all are to be commended for fighting through all the hardships you had to get through this season.

  10. Their reaction will probably be to wonder where all of the people were that they heard attended the 10th Region Tournament. The entire crowd could have fit in the lower arena seating - no lie!


    Secondly they'd find out that they hadn't earned the respect of the 10th Region yet when they turned to the Scott page of the program and saw Billy Hick's (of Scott COUNTY) picture above the caption of Scott Head Coach Brad Carr.


    They made a great showing in their first appearance and almost knocked out one of the tourney favorites. With time they will become more recognized citizens of the 10th Region.


    GRC had a very respectable crowd for the first round. If Scott fans are wondering where the crowd was they better ask themselves. The fan base was poor to say the least. Cheerleaders just made the national anthem and they had a better drive than Clark. Plus, their "large" student section was great. :laugh: I am being generous when I say they had 15 in the cheering section.

  11. To all the Scott fans who were not at the game and by looking at the attendance you weren't. You missed a very scrappy Scott team that did not give up when they were down. I left the game very impressed with their team. But, I was not impressed with your crowd. Folks I know your new to the region, but you have got to get out and SUPPORT YOUR TEAM much better than you did tonight. To the student body of Scott. Your team laid it all on the line and represented your school with PRIDE. Where were you at? There was only about 15 students in the cheering section. Very sad for a school your size. Augusta played in the evening game and they pretty well knew they would not win and they had an amazing cheering section for a school with about 115 enrolled in high school. Your in the 10th Region and we have pride in our tournament. This was a slap in the face to all the schools that would do anything to get in the 10th region Big Dance.

  12. Deming wins their second close game of the week. This one was in overtime over a very determined and scrappy Paris team. Deming was led by Travis Massey with 16 points. Sr. Jordan Massey had 13 points and 12 rebounds in his final home game. Deming improves to 8-15 on the season. This win and the Bracken win helps Deming gain some momentum for next week.


    Good Luck to both teams as they head into the District next week.

  13. How would you all feel about having the first round games at Montgomery and the Semi-Fianls and Championship at the Fieldhouse. Something in the the Class "A" Games were played at different sites.


    I don't like the different site idea at all. I think it takes away from the whole spirit of why we have the tournaments. All teams coming together and playing in one place for one common goal. As a fan I like watching every game. With the 1st rounds at different sites you have to choose which one to goto. For the CLass "A" I decided to go to the Deming/Bracken game. I made a good choice because it went to overtime. But, I would have liked to have seen the other 3 first round games also.

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