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Posts posted by FORMERPRO

  1. Just my two cents for what it is worth. Most officials call what they see. I dont really think there are many out there that have the instincts or time on the floor during a game to decide if for whatever reason they are going to call for one team and not the other. You seem to forget one important thing. most fans sit away from the game, and at an angle where they can get a really good overveiw of the entire floor. The officials are eye level with the players. This puts people in their field of vision at times and blocks their veiw of some actions. Also they all have thier own primary area to officiate. if they are covering on ball, and alot of action, will they miss something a few feet away off ball? I think its possible. His partner may see this situation and try to help cover his zone. so is this a bad thing, (its not his call to make)? I think most officials call the game to the best of their ability. No two games are alike, they are officiated based on players, speed, ability, effect of actions and many numbers of situations that must be called in a fraction of a second. If they walk away and nobody gets hurt, and they feel they called a fair game they did their job. Sometimes when they are under the basket or watching a scramble on the floor, you in the stands feel there has to be something to call. The official is standing a foot away, looking specifically for something, when alot of times nothing is there. Do you really think these guys are doing it for the money? Most are paying their bills with a real job and doing this for the love of the game. These guys read the rules, discuss interpetations, take clinics, and ref their hearts out because they love basketball. only to show up on a friday night to be yelled at, called names, and take heat everytime they blow their whistle. Fans would have a much better time if they sit back and enjoy a game, let the coaches coach, players play, and the refs officiate. These are actual people calling these games, so please keep in mind there is a human factor involved in what they do. I can also say, at times things are missed, at times it does affect the outcome (you can only hope it dont), and these officials take it home with them. Usually they carry these mistakes on their shoulders far longer than the coaches or players. Hopefully they learn from them for the next game. So the next time you see something you disagree with by an official, take a deep breath before you yell at him. Besides, when was the last time you saw an official hear you yell, point at you and say thanks, then overturn his call? If you are one of those people that lives their life mistake free, has speed and ability far beyond high school basketball players, has eyes like a hawk, a forgiving job that lets you make all the games, and can watch a players time in the lane, while you are watching another player who might travel with the ball, at the same time you have a five second count going and trying to watch for a player to foul, then you need to contact the KHSAA and apply to be an official. Critisizing these guys is part of the game, but name calling and degrading are not. "Your terrible, go back to grade school" or worse is uncalled for. You dont say this stuff to players on missed shots, or coaches for running bad plays, or subbing players you disagree with, so why beat up the refs for being human? Sports is really about the last competative activity we have left that involves human beings. Lets at least enjoy it as long as it lasts.

  2. It seems you all always have to bring up officials and the impact they had. I just wish it were a rule that if you sign up your child to play basketball, you have to ref 3 games on that youth level. By the time they get in high school it would be a much better game to sit and watch without having to listen to simple minds blurt out things they know nothing about. "I paid my five bucks, now I get a license to yell at the refs". Why dont you yell at the players when they miss an important shot? Why dont you yell at the coach when he subs in someone you disagree with or runs a play you think is stupid?

  3. You all need to try and officiate a high school game and decide after that ho w easy this high paid job really is. Its really easy now, with all the bleacher wanna be's helping you out by screaming at you. Us fans know the rules so well and we see the play from 80 feet away, I'm sure we are right and they are wrong. I'm sure the officials say,thanks for all your help guys.

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