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Posts posted by 93statechamp

  1. Who did I insult? You on the other hand have accused the administration of being dis-loyal and the entire school (and its 500+ boys) of losing its "Spirit That Will not die."


    I like the Saddle Club, and while not a drinker, have been there on numerous occasions. Wasn't insulting them at all.


    There very well could be a reason that Mike continues not to get the jobs he pursues (Campbell Co., Ryle, CovCath twice)...that is all I was saying. Mike is a nice guy, and by all accounts, a very good h.s. coach. I'm simply saying before you start painting everyone with your labels, understand that there could be more to the story.



    H.S. I would like you to find a post where I have said anything about the students, gradutes or family of Cov. Cath. My first post on this subject was directed toward the administration not the 500+ boys. For you to try and make it look like I was degrading these young men is disgusting. If you would like to discuss this further PM me.

  2. May I politely suggest that before you go painting your alma mater (and mine) into the role of Benedict Arnold, you dig a little deeper than your cronies' opinion sitting around the Saddle Club? Let's assume that if Mike didn't get the job and Dave did that there are probably good reasons for it....how about giving them the benefit of the doubt.


    H.S. May I politely suggest you do the digging before you insult the people (not cronies!) of Saddle Club. FYI, I do not drink nor do I frequent this bar.

  3. 93 - the coaching resumes are NOT the same between Wolff and Brossart. Brossart has been a head coach and turned around a program that had not been in the playoffs since 1969. He's walked the walk of a head coach which , like it nor not, cannot be said for Coach Wolff. Had Coach Wolff had the words "head coach" on his resume, maybe it would have turned out differently.


    Lastly, I do not for one second believe that many of the CCH family are mad that a "CCH guy" did not get the job. That's a myth.


    The right guy got the job from both a professional standpoint and, by all accounts, a leader-of-young-men standpoint.

    81- You may be thinking of the fauclty as CCH family. I am not.

    No one person is bigger than Cov. Cath. The new coach will be supported just like the coach before. But, it's not a myth.

    Once a Colonel always Colonel! Are you a Colonel?

  4. Why all this distrust of the administration in picking Brossart as the coach? Yes they don't have a lot of experience at it (Lynn was there for 30 years (and to those who seem to think a CCH man was best for the job, lets not forget that Lynn is a Boone Co. grad, was an asst. at Lloyd, then an asst. at CCH before getting the top job)).


    The last time around, they made the right choice. Rodenberg took them to a state title, which is what they wanted. In a perfect world he would have been there longer than 2 years, but the world isn't perfect.


    They now have a good coach, with NKY roots (albeit at a rival school) who was associated with CCH prior to getting the head coaching job. Sound familiar(hint see paragraph 1)


    Big Colonel, Coach Rodenberg's resume was heads and above better than anyone that applied for that job two years ago. I also believe alot of other coaches could have lead that team to the title. They had some very good players on that team. I just feel loyalty sould have come into their choice. I mean no offense to any old time colonels, but Cov. Cath. footbal is not the same as it was back then.

  5. 93 State..... They bring it people for the comittee like the Coach at Thomas More and other people from outside the program. I think part of the rest why Wolfe didnt get the job is because of the money. I dont think that we could afford him. I was thinking about it and If he would of came it would of been like a 15,000 dollar pay cut.

    Once a Colonel always a Colonel



    Coach Woolf was willing to take the pay cut.

  6. Let me first start out by saying congrats to Coach Brossart. I know very little about him, other than he played at Beechwood High. I am a Cov. Cath. grad and very disappointed that Coach Woolf did not get this job ( 2nd time ).

    I have a question for the committe or fauclty at Cov. Cath. who's job it was to pick the next coach. Does being a Colonel mean nothing anymore? I am tring to firgure this out. You have three finalist for the job, all with about the same experince. One of the applicants played for and attended this great school, and was part of the very first state championship. He also coached on one your state championship teams. He now coaches at Ryle who just came off a state championship game apperance. I along with a lot of other shocked Colonels are disspointed at the way this all was handled. This is not the first time a fellow Colonel has been slapped in the face. If I recall the now principal of New.Cath. was a long time teacher/coach and graduate at Cov. Cath. he and the present princpial were among the finalist for the princpial poistion. I truely hope poltics are not getting in the way of a great high school. Has the spirit died? I hope not. Once a Colonel always a Colonel.

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