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Posts posted by jessb66

  1. Bye Bye Mr. Patterson.


    Theoretically though, he would positively impact UK because he would give them a legit offensive threat at the 4 which is something we've been lacking. It can do nothing but help the offense when all 5 positions have to be guarded.


    He won't be at UK though. We can watch him in the future and wonder what kind of impact he would have had. It should make for some good debates in the future...:thumb:


    I'm beginning to feel the same way...The vultures are starting to circle...

  2. Please define. Is that mean a side is NEVER right and the answer has to be a compromise that meets in the middle EVEN if one side is right on the issue? That is my impression of moderation.


    We don't want to offend anyone so let's just find a common ground in which we ask both sides to compromise on their values.


    As Frances said, there's a reason most candidates on both sides try to cast themselves as moderates...


    That's because the majority of Americans consider themselves to be that way...


    I have little interest in the extreme right or extreme left wings of our political parties...

  3. I'm telling you - moderation is the key to our future. This age of "win at all costs" and "sell to the highest paying PAC" is out of control, and it is costing us more than we will ever know (or probably want to know).





    I believe most of us feel that way, Frances...


    But how can it be implemented given the power (and money) that the current two-party structure possesses?...


    I would love to see it happen, though...It never ceases to amaze me how the majority of people are so poorly represented in the highest levels of government...

  4. Just out of curiousity, since most of you are a little more politically inclined than me...


    When clumping all of the Republican and Democratic presidential hopefuls together (I know that is difficult for some of you lol), who are the candidates who offer the most moderate viewpoints?...


    If there is such a thing in this era of partisanship and special interest...


    Thanks in advance for the opinions...

  5. scooterbob: I tried -- I really did -- but I can't find a single factual statement in your last post. The fact is, there is proof that this research holds promise. But all new discoveries that have benefited mankind have begun somewhere, and without precedent.


    Secondly, this research will have absolutely NO effect on abortion whatsoever! The stem cells would be taken from fetuses that would have simply ended up in a garbage can -- with or without stem-cell research. Is that your idea of respect for life? To do so would most certainly dehumanize the conception, pregnancy, and birth processes. This lack of respect for human life (both born and unborn) is anti-Christian and barbaric.


    To deny those that are suffering and who long for a better life, simply to serve one's own sense of piety is, in my opinion, selfish and sinful. There are stem-cell lines available now; but they are not good enough. There needs to be more. It's the only way we can know what miracles await us.


    Life is a God's miracle, and God performs miracles every day. He does so, not only by his own hand, but through the hands and minds of doctors and scientists.


    I was a big fan of Rush Limbaugh. I used to watch his show religiously. But I think we know that Rush isn't perfect, and he often let's his agenda get in the way of total honesty. I heard his comments with my own ears. He said that Michael was either, intentionally skipping his medication, or faking. Listen to it again -- those were his words. If that isn't an attack, I'm not sure what qualifies as such.


    Now what bothers me the most about your post is the odd suggestion that this is all somehow just a political move.


    Can you possibly be serious?!


    Do you seriously think that everyone who is rightfully appalled by this is simply some bleeding heart liberal with an anti-Bush agenda? If so, you must not have met me. You must not have seen the Bush signs in my yard in 2000 AND 2004. I assure you, I hardy lean to the left. But neither am I a right-wing extremist. Common sense is my approach to politics. And common sense is rarely (if ever) found at either end of the spectrum.


    Michael J. Fox is a man fighting for his life...and he's not alone! There are countless fathers, mothers, children and helpless little babies (born and unborn) whose lives and livelihoods depend on the miracles this research could bring -- and at the cost of not one unborn child.


    To cheapen this debate by lowering it to the level of a mere political game is a travesty, and an affront to any real respect for human life. This is not about politics. It's about health...happiness...quality of life...and life itself. It has nothing to do with politics -- and everything to do with fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, and children. Perhaps, one day, even your own.


    Can we turn our back on the promise of stem-cell research in the name of politics? The answer in a country founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs must be a firm "no".


    Fantastic post, BF...I can feel the passion in your words...

  6. Big advantage to have the tournament on your home court. 3 points is a big deal when one team has to travel for nearly 2 hours while the other can rest and run over to the gym 20 minutes before the game.


    This needs to be changed. Too many arguments about parking, seating, and money. Someone needs to consider the kids after a while.




  7. Those kids would lose their first year of eligibility under Proposal 1, since their residence was outside of Manual's "territory" (aka Jefferson County). Since no one bellyaching on here has apparently bothered to consult a map, I would like to point out that all of Jefferson County is within a 20 mile radius of Manual (and Male) High School. Ergo (that means therefore in Latin), no built-in "advantage" for either school with this rule over X and T.


    In fact, since all of Jefferson County falls within a 20 mile radius of H and M, St X and Trinity will still enjoy a larger area to draw from even if Proposal 1 is passed. That includes Crestwood, Lagrange, Simpsonville, and Shepherdsville for Trinity.


    Would a 20-mile rule really have that profound of an impact?...All of the major metro areas in Kentucky (Lexington, Louisville and Northern Ky.) easily fall within this limitation...It seems like the rural areas would be most affected, where the distances between counties and schools is much greater...

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